Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: In the scene where the three boy have climbed through the vent system and are approaching the actual vent, Ox says "Hey! I found a Buffalo nickel!" Does this reference a specific movie or was this just a random line they threw in?


Chosen answer: It is a random line. referencing the rarity of buffalo nickles.


Question: What in the world was 8 doing when he had the magnet over his head and he became all relaxed?

Answer: The magnet was acting as a drug on him. He was in a way getting high off a magnet.

Answer: You know the Futurama scene where bender gets high off electricity? Same thing. Magnets make electrical things not work (I'm pretty sure I heard it from some where). It's like how drinking alcohol and taking drugs makes us not totally there. It's what story writers believe happens. Pretty cool story element really.


Chosen answer: Toph had Katara use it to send a letter to her parents. It never returned.

Answer: Yes, the boy was an intentional reference to the film.

Question: I hope someone can help me with this: In one of the movie's /teaser/promotional posters, we see Katie and Micah tightly huddled together on the extreme far right of their bed while they look at a shadow of something that is outlined on their bedroom door. I've seen the movie more than once but don't remember that scene. When (or if) does this occur in the movie?

Answer: It's just a movie poster, not showing any part of a scene. Some movie posters may take different parts of the movie and combine them to make a more suspenseful image for the movie poster/teaser. There is a part in the movie with a shadow on the door, and there is a time where they are together on the bed in a similar position. Combine the two to make the poster interesting.

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Question: I know nothing about how actors are paid or the amounts but I've always wondered about this: if a character is featured in a "Previously on Lost" segment (but isn't in the following episode), does he/she get the same amount of money that an actor/actress who is in the entire episode earns?

Answer: An actor/actress typically signs a contract that gives the series usage rights for the entire season. This allows them to edit any of their performance into any of the episodes for the entire season (though it will typically state how many they intend to use it for). This includes the "Previously on..." as well as any flashbacks. Should the series wish to use any of that season's performance on another season then an additional fee will need to be paid. The actor/actress can refuse this fee (for any reason) and the series will be unable to use the recorded performance in any way. An actor that appears in a "previously on..." will not be credited, but if they appear in the episode proper (flashbacks, etc) then they will be credited.


Question: Where is Esme in the garage scene where the Cullens are getting Bella out of tow? Edward speaks to Esme but she does not answer nor is she shown.

Answer: She's off screen and didn't answer.


Question: Anyone who's read the seventh book will know that Harry misses something very important in the room of requirement (I'm being vague here to avoid spoilers.) Is said item ever shown in this film?


Chosen answer: I have watched the film several times and specifically looked for the item you are mentioning (The bust of a warlock with an ugly wig, and the object you're referring to). I have not seen it. There ARE several Easter Eggs from previous movies, however, such as the harp and chess pieces from HP1.

Question: Why don't EMPs affect the Transformers? Heck, Starscream even used one as a weapon. It had no adverse effect on himself or any of the other Transformers in the area. I know their life force is mostly Energon, but aren't they also powered by electricity to some extent?

Answer: The transformers are far too advanced to try and guess if the run on normal electricity, and EMPs can be assumed to have no effect on them at all. It's possible to protect human electronics to varying degrees, so there's no reason to assume the Transformers wouldn't have mastered the technique.


Question: At the end of the movie, it is stated that the Drakensberg mountain range in South Africa now has the highest altitude in the world, since the "entire plate of Africa has lifted". Isn't this highly unlikely, seeing as the Drakensberg is incredibly far away from any tectonic plate lines? Wouldn't it rather be Mount Kilimanjaro, which is not only already the highest point in Africa (the continental plate of which is implied to have been raised as a whole), but is also a volcano (thereby being more likely to be raised should there be lifting within the plate itself)? I am South African myself, and though I am incredibly proud of our mention, I wonder if it really is plausible.

Answer: It's really impossible to say, given all of the massive land shifting seen in the film. We see the entire coast of California fall into the ocean. It's reasonable (in the film) to assume some cataclysm struck Kilimanjaro to lower or destroy it, or that the continent has been tilted.

In the movie, it was implied that the continent of Africa as a whole remained unflooded. So it stands to reason that the millions of inhabitants of the various countries may have survived intact. And so, the animals and plant life as well. So the question of saving the human species may be moot in this scenario. It's ironic, since most of the scientific community believes that modern humans evolved there first anyway.

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Question: I finally saw the 2-part episode from the show JAG. Does anyone know what happened to Viv Blackadder? I don't recall hearing anyone ever mention the name on NCIS.

Answer: I hadn't seen the backdoor pilots yet but while it wasn't explicitly stated, at least onscreen, I heard somewhere Vivian got either fired from NCIS due to jeopardizing a case, got resigned from the agency, or transferred to the FBI.


Answer: I dont believe it is ever mentioned, but like most pilot episodes the characters are often changed, replaced or even removed in this case.

Question: 1. Is it or is it not Robin Williams who does the voices of Ramon and Lovelace? I am seeing conflicting information on that says that it was, in fact, Robin Williams. Then on the cast and crew page, it says that Dan Castellaneta did the voice of Ramon. What gives? 2. I heard something to the effect that the scene with the sea gull/albatross, who was voiced by Steve Irwin, was deleted because he had died before the movie was released. I also read/heard that he did the voice of one of the elephant seals, too. Which elephant seal was he? 3. And finally, in the "Boogie Wonderland" scene, the Hispanic penguins sing/rap something in Spanish. What are they saying?


Chosen answer: 1. Check the end credits in the movie, both Lovelace and Ramon are voiced by Robin Williams. Dan Castellaneta did the voice in the Happy Feet video game. 2. It is true that there was a scene with Steve Irwin as a seagull that was taken out, it's on the DVD. He is the elephant seal that says something along the lines of "One day you're swimming, next day, fun food."

Question: Anybody know what kind of gun Captain Love used in the movie? Just curious, because I have tried to find some information on that gun.


Chosen answer: Captain Love uses a Colt 1876 Buntline with a 16" barrel. This is an anachronism, though, as the movie is set in 1841. He should have been using a Colt Patterson, which came about in 1836.


Question: What's the use of those sharp poles the Trojans put on the beach before the Greeks land? They're too large to be of use against infantry, and the Greeks don't use cavalry, and wouldn't be likely to use cavalry to storm the beach even if they did.

Answer: They didn't know the Greeks weren't bringing cavalry. The Greeks did use them and sometimes brought them by sea. It was there to stop a cavalry charge and to break up fighting formations.


Question: Does Darth Maul have any unique, personal reasons for hating the Jedi, or does he only hate them because Sidious has raised him to?

Answer: Maul was raised by Sidious since he was a young child. He only knew the Dark Side of the Force and its properties - anger, hatred, fear. He would be the equivalent of someone raised by a devoted Nazi: not knowing anything else, he would hate Jews.


Question: What was Deebo in jail for? I know at the beginning of the movie it shows a flashback with the police showing up after the fight, but why would they arrest him?


Chosen answer: It's not stated, but most likely after everyone witnessed someone finally standing up to Deebo that people gained the courage to testify against him. Most likely breaking and entering charges (as he did at Stanley's house) and assault.

Carl Missouri

Answer: I believe that Deebo was arrested for assaulting Felicia. Debbie (her sister) would've been a witness. The previous answer is also plausible. Theft, assault, menacing.

Question: Just after Annie jumps into the lake it cuts to the next day and the girls are having a conversation with Hallie. What are they saying exactly? I can't seem to understand. Thanks for the help.


Chosen answer: Friend: I swear I heard your/her evil clone sneezing all the way across the mess hall this morning! Hallie: I am so tired. I'm going back into bed and sleeping till lunch. Friend (seeing beds on the roof): That does not seem like a possibility, babe. Hallie: Why not? Friend (pointing): That's why not.

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Question: When Mick is narrating at one point, he says that having to feed off Beth would make his life unbearable. But later he was able to drink her blood without killing her or turning her into a vampire. If he was able to do that, what was so unbearable about having to feed off her?

Answer: I don't think he actually meant his life would be unbearable. I just think he meant that he wouldn't be able to live with himself, figuratively speaking, if he was to feed off the woman he loved. Expecially after spending 22 years protecting her from danger, he would be the one to cause her pain.


Question: Hawaii (a chain of islands consisting entirely of volcanoes) and Yellowstone (biggest caldera on earth) both erupt, thus throwing phenomenal amounts of ash etc. into the atmosphere creating what used to be described as a 'nuclear winter' effect. Large areas of the Earth's crust subside and or tilt and flip over, and what is left is scoured by countless tsunamis spreading in all and every direction. So here is both my question and observation. How come 27 days later, when the ships opened their sides, there were virtually clear skies and what appeared to be quite balmly temperatures? Furthermore as the world wide fires and volcanic activity would have eaten a considerable amount of the oxygen and the monstrous tidal waves would have scoured the land and washed away the rainforests, what exactly was producing the oxygen in the 'fresh air' they were being encouraged to breathe?

Answer: Even with large amounts of ash, the sky wouldn't necessarily be very dark. In 1816, there were five large eruptions. It caused a severe temperature drop and people didn't know why. the sky was the same. Even large fires wouldn't necessarily burn off large enough amounts of oxygen to make the atmosphere not breathable. Besides, 80% of all oxygen producing plant life is oceanic.


Answer: 1 year and 27 days later, not 27 days later, at least, that's what I assumed when rewatching it.

Answer: I just rewatched the movie after 10 years. And I think the last part was a symbol. A symbol that it was Africa rising. Also, as far as what was producing the oxygen, scientists tell us the biggest chunk of oxygen comes from, guest what, the oceans. Algae. When waves tumble, they release trapped oxygen into the atmosphere.

Question: When Irina speaks to the Russians, is she really speaking in Russian? And could anybody translate anything for me, like in the warehouse scene?


Chosen answer: Ok i found out thread on the indy forum with the translations:


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