Question: When freeing Sirius Black, then flying around the School, why did they whoop and holler and make so much noise if they were trying to be secretive?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Where was David Mann actually going? And where from? As in, which states? He seemed to be travelling for hours even before he met the truck and seemed to have a long way to go yet.
Chosen answer: The movie opens with him in downtown Los Angeles, California, so he's probably from there or somewhere in Southern California. He's heading to Bakersfield, California, which is north, about 2 hours away. In the short story, he's heading to a client in San Francisco. However, in the film he gets off the main freeway running from LA to Bakersfield (IH-5) and takes Highway 14 towards Canyon Country.
Question: How is Biff from the future able to use the time-machine? He has to: 1) Turn on the time circuits, 2) Set the time destination, 3) Accelerate to 88 MPH, 4) Know to add matter to Mr. Fusion.
Answer: It isn't overly complicated. Once the time circuits are switched on (something you can probably figure out by fiddling with buttons) there is a big section labelled "destination". Logically you would input the day you want to go to. He could then take off and just start driving fast - he wouldn't need to know it has to be 88mph, but the fact that it's built into a car definitely implies speed is necessary. He lives in the future where Mr Fusion exists, so adding stuff to it would just be logical to him.
Question: Why did MI6 shoot at Bond after he refused to give them his gun? Surely it's not worth killing one of their agents over. And why did M say there's too many people? There was nobody around.
Chosen answer: At that moment, he was not one of their agents; M had just stripped him of his licence to kill and suspended him. So he was, essentially, a rogue agent about to escape...of course they were going to try and stop him. M stopped them because 1) they were in an MI6 building in the middle of an American city and gunfire would have drawn unwanted attention (perhaps giving away the location to enemy agents), and 2) unlike the faceless security forces trying to shoot Bond, he had a personal relationship with Bond and didn't want to see him injured or killed.
Question: In the movie Danny McKnight is built up somewhat as being the guy who seems to almost ignore some of his surroundings. Many times he's shown just casually walking around exposed with bullets flying past him. Did he or would anyone in any sort of battle like this actually behave in that way?
Chosen answer: In the book it does say how Danny walked around the gunfire in that way.
Question: I was wondering why the man and woman in the last trap didn't use the woman from the bathtub to give the pints of blood? They could have carried her into the room because the door stayed open for about forty seconds.
Chosen answer: Assuming the woman in the bathtub was able to be moved safely the amount of blood gained from her, while still being helpful, would probably not be enough to save the final two survivors from self harm. Without the heart pumping blood you would only get the blood that was in her arm at the moment. You would have to lift her or raise her so gravity would get other blood moving to get enough. Which the final two possibly could have done, but stress of the situation clouded their judgement.
Question: How does Chris still have his powers when he travels to the past, but the witches did not when they went to the past?
Answer: With Chris being from the future (and being half-witch, half-whitelighter), he must know about the fact that his aunts can't use their powers in the past. Therefore, he would think to write an advanced spell so that his powers can be used.
Answer: Also it's stated only one in a time period can have the powers. The pasts' Chris isn't around at the beginning to have access to the powers and then when he's conceived he doesn't show signs of having powers yet.
Answer: It was a different spell, you can see that from episode Chris-Crossed, the charmed ones did not drew anything when travelled to their past. It's also explained from the conversation from Phoenix and Chris.
Question: When Dom and Bryan return to Dom's house after the police chase, Vince sees Bryan and asks Dom why he brought the "buster" there. What did Vince mean by calling Bryan a "buster?"
Answer: "Buster" is a slang term for someone who thinks they are cool but are not. It's kind of like saying "wannabe." It can also be generally used to simply describe someone uncool, without the pretense. In this context it is most similar to "dork." Either applies in Bryan's case, at least in Vince's eyes.
Answer: Because Brian busted his car in the race.
Chosen answer: Calling him "buster" implies that he was the one that got them all busted. Like being a "narc" or an informant.
Question: Why didn't Gretchen and Karen stay friends? (at the end of the movie it shows Gretchen sitting with a different group of friends) I thought Regina was the only one they didn't really like.
Answer: Gretchen had simply found a new group of friends with the Vietnamese girls; just because she and Karen no longer sat together in the cafeteria didn't mean they were no longer friends at all. As Cady said in her closing narration, the "Plastics" disbanded at the end of the school year because they had all found new things to belong to: Regina was now a star player on the school's lacrosse team, Cady stayed with the "Mathletes", Karen started giving the school weather report, and Gretchen, as mentioned before, hung out with the Vietnamese girls. The four remained on friendly terms, though.
Question: Who were all the skeletons that the Mother sees toward the end of the film? It's never explained. Also, what room was that?
Answer: It was The Gold Room. The skeletons are simply those of past guests: we never learn their identities.
Not the Gold Room. It's the lobby area you see earlier in the movie when they first get there and Jack is sitting in a chair reading a magazine.
Question: I know it was never really found out, but was Chris Mannix really the new sheriff of Red Rock?
Question: The end of the movie shows Scrat and his acorn frozen in and eventually thawed from a block of ice 20,000 years later. How did he come back for the sequels?
Answer: The sequels take place before he was frozen.
That's not true. If the movies made later were prequels, how would the characters all already know each other?
Good Lord, people are overthinking this, hahaha. It's a silly animated movie series primarily aimed at children. It's OK if the Scrat character doesn't have super-concise continuity. It'd be like getting upset over the Looney Tunes not having strict continuity.
That one scene is set much later than the other films. The sequels aren't prequels.
Question: If Tuco seriously thought that The Man with No Name would shoot him, why did Tuco voluntarily stick his head in the noose? Death is death. Why choose hanging over gunshot?
Question: When Travis first entered the porn theater, why was it blurred? Was that Martin Scorcese blurring the picture to avoid an NC-17 rating, or was the porn movie supposed to be blurry?
Chosen answer: It could be for several reasons. As you pointed out, it could be to avoid an NC-17 rating, though Scorcese could easily have used scenes that were not specifically pornographic. It may also be to keep the audience's attention focused on Travis and what was is going on in the scene and not be distracted by any pornographic material. Also, if you are referring to when the movie was being aired on TV, then any pornographic materials would have been blurred out to comply with FCC standards. Nudity and pornography cannot be shown on general TV stations.
Question: I'm just wondering from the way how Hermione says she has non magic parents, is she ashamed of her parents?
Chosen answer: She was not ashamed of her parents. Because she was raised a Muggle, she was never exposed to the magical world. She feels awkward and out-of-place and at a disadvantage compared to those who were born into magical families. Hermione does not like feeling inferior to others.
Question: What was the reason for adding the "bubble" on top of the Rover?
Chosen answer: No reason is given in the film. But the books make mention that he has to have room for the oxygenator, water reclaimer and atmospheric regulator. All of which only work in pressurized areas.
Question: Did Kate Winslet wear a wig in Titanic?
Answer: No she colored her hair.
Question: Who played Al Dutcher? He was the bank robber in the clown mask who was killed in the first few minutes.
Answer: The Internet Movie Database lists actor-stuntman Fred Scheiwiller as the cast member who played Al Dutcher. Scheiwiller had a fairly impressive filmography as a supporting actor before his death in 2001.
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Chosen answer: They were still high enough in the air where there was little chance of being heard or if they were, it would be muffled. Also, they're kids. They are not always capable of restraining their emotions or enthusiasm when they should. It is also a means to heighten the scene's mood (enthusiasm and success) and show the audience what emotions the characters are feeling at the time.
raywest ★