Question: When Pinocchio finds Geppetto inside Monstro's stomach, Geppetto has shoes and socks on. But when Pinocchio and Geppetto are escaping on the raft, he is barefoot. Where did his shoes and socks go?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: When the police pick Jennifer up and start driving her home, Doc says the Skyway is jammed and it's gonna take them forever to get there. 1) Wouldn't the police be sat in the same traffic? Taking Jennifer home isn't an emergency, so they wouldn't be using lights and sirens. 2) If the Skyway is jammed, why not just do it the old fashioned way and drive to Hilldale rather than fly?
Question: After Veruca goes down the chute, Wonka tells Mr. Salt that the chute leads to the furnace. Mr. Salt laughs and says that Veruca would be "sizzled like a sausage", but then gets scared when Wonka says that Veruca could be stuck inside the tube. Why would Mr. Salt laugh at the idea of Veruca being burned alive but terrified at the thought of her being stuck?
Answer: Because at first, he thought Wonka was being silly and making up the fact that she went down a garbage chute and then thought he was piling on the joking by saying it led to a furnace. So, he was playing along with the joke until he realized Wonka was being serious.
Question: In the restaurant scene with Mentalino, after the boys eat peppers, Mental goes out and calls in, then comes back and asks the boys why they travel so light - only saw a briefcase and some other stuff. So... Why didn't Mental just take the briefcase and leave? That's what he was along for - to find.
Answer: At this point, Mental still believes the boys are highly trained professionals. He wants to find out who hired them, and then eliminate them.
Question: Why is this show called "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys" and not "Heracles: The Legendary Journeys"? Heracles was of Greek mythology and Hercules was from Roman mythology.
Answer: Because most Americans are more familiar with the name Hercules. The show, as I recall, wasn't exactly true to the original Greek mythology anyway.
Question: Why does Forbes try to convince Robert to stop the flogging?
Answer: Forbes feels that a flogging was way too drastic of a punishment. At this point in the movie, Forbes doesn't think that the higher-ups are going to allow the 54th into battle, and as such, he feels Robert's methods are a bit excessive.
Question: Why didn't Loretta call 911 instead of just the Masonville Police station when she learned the two people her kids were staying with were not their Grandparents? In the event of two escaped psychopaths holed up in the house with two vulnerable kids, police would have connected the dots with a SWAT team, probably called in to rescue them. Tyler and Becca being in the house with the two unpredictable, deranged killers was basically the equivalent of a hostage situation.
Answer: 911 calls are usually automatically routed to the nearest local emergency dispatch center. From what I remember (haven't seen the movie in a while, so I could be wrong), the mother was still out of town, so dialing 911 wouldn't have been much help... she'd need to be rerouted, etc. Directly calling the police station was simply a faster way to contact the authorities closest to her children.
Question: Del was able to get a rental due to having Neil's card. Then, how was Neil able to get a rental card that eventually got him left in the parking lot if he didn't have a card?
Answer: He had multiple cards. He shows the burnt remains when he tries to rent a room.
Question: Regarding the subway bomb, if McClain and Zeus had actually made it to the payphone in time, then what would Simon have done to make sure the bomb went off?
Answer: The bomb was going to get off anyway, it didn't depend on them not making it in time. I don't think Simon cared much if they had made it or not. If they did, the bomb would have blown up anyway, and the game he was playing with him would simply be over. He'd probably have McClane killed right after that, before he might figure out the hows and whys.
Question: When Marty is walking through 2015 Hill Valley, he sees a billboard from Goldie Wilson III in which he is offering a hover conversion from $39,999,95. Where did Doc get the money from to have the DeLorean converted in the first place? This was also the starting price of a hover conversion, it may have even been more than $40,000 depending on how complex it was to fit it to the DeLorean.
Question: Why didn't Jason possess Steven?
Answer: Maybe because Steven wouldn't allow Jason to possess him so easily.
Question: Does this take place within the same continuity as the 2013 "Evil Dead"?
Answer: Yes. Evil Dead Rise initially confirms that it is in the same universe as its predecessors. And that there is room to build off. Https://, is%20room%20to%20build%20off.
Question: I have heard that certain levels within Sonic Adventure 2 have rings that are impossible for the player to normally reach. Whether it's out of bounds, within an instant death area, etc. I know Shadow's White Jungle level is infamous for this. What levels have these unobtainable rings, and where can I find more information about them?
Question: Is it just jealousy that drives Hugo to sabotage Oddin? The great basketball talent, the beautiful girlfriend?
Answer: Yes.
Question: What is the significance of the birds?
Answer: Peace.
Question: In one scene, there's a newspaper that says "Wednesday, August 26, 2015" at the top. Why would it say that when this film was released on June 26 of that year?
Answer: Films are basically never set exactly when they're released. Most likely they just picked a random date around the likely time of release, but scheduling changed. Alternatively they just picked an arbitrary date in the future for the newspaper, but a date in the recent past would have worked just as well.
Question: If Alex was being honest about being pregnant with his child and wanting Dan to take responsibility for it, then why didn't she just make an appointment with the authorities? If the child was proven to come from him, then surely he would be required to support it by law, at the very least financially.
Answer: Alex is completely mentally unstable. She doesn't just want child support or a legal acknowledgement of paternity. She wants Dan, and she wants him all to herself.
Is it possible that she was not even pregnant? (I have not re-watched the movie recently, so apologies if I forgot something.) There are a couple of online discussions about this.
There's a scene where Daniel is talking to his friend and he's explaining what the situation is and asks him about family law. He mentions speaking to Alex's gynecologist, and the doctor congratulates him (regarding the pregnancy). Alex gave Daniel the doctor's number and says he can call to confirm if he wants to - she likely gave the doc permission to discuss it with Daniel.
Of course, that was possible. I'd wondered about it too. She was either lying to trap him or allowed herself to get pregnant. The chances of her being pregnant were slim, however, since they basically had a one-night stand. She could also have gotten pregnant by somebody else. My own opinion is she was not pregnant, at least not with Dan's child.
That's true. However, they do say in behind the scenes though the her becoming pregnant was to be a motive to not move on from Dan. Though they probably decided to make it ambiguous. Though I'd say she's at least pregnant given the way she vomits unexpectedly when watching Dan and his family.
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Answer: It's not explained. This appears to be a plot hole or whatever happened somehow got edited out.
raywest ★