Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: At the end of the Roxanne number it looked to me as if the Argentinean snapped Nini's neck, killing her as payment for her betrayal. I thought I saw her on stage at the end in the finale. With which part am I mistaken?

Answer: The Roxanne number was the Argentinian telling a story - he didn't really snap her neck. Either he pretended to (showing the man in the story killed his love), or it was simply a dance move that resembled one.

Question: Why didn't Rocky simply tell Ginger at the start that he couldn't fly, instead of dragging everyone through that whole charade. I realise that it was crucial to the plot, but was there any other reason?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Because he wanted them all to have something to look forward to, he didn't want to let them down. Plus Rocky is very bigheaded, it would no doubt be embarrassing for him to admit that he couldn't fly.


Answer: The exchange was he would teach them to fly so he could hide out from the circus and he didn't have anything else to offer them.

Answer: Because Rocky is a coward.

He's a rooster on a farm full of female chickens. Think about it.

Question: Was there any reason given as to why many of the names (Aang, Sokka, Iroh, etc.) and the term "Agni-Kai" are pronounced differently than in the television series?

Answer: The TV show Americanized the pronunciations whereas the movie said them correctly.

The show is American, so with original characters you're allowed to say them how you want.

Question: When the girl is going into the car wash, the sign right before she enters on the left advises her to put the car into neutral, but to make sure her foot is on the brake. Neutral would allow the car to advance through the automatic wash. Having the brake engaged would prevent the car from moving forward. They cancel each other out so what is the point?


Chosen answer: Actualy it says she should put it in neutral and keep her foot OFF the brake.

Answer: It tells her to keep it in neutral and keep her foot off the brake and the carwash stops then starts moving again when her head is stuck; out of the sunroof.

Question: I'm looking for a movie from the late 80's or early 90's. It's a hilarious comedy, a family movie, about two guys who are on some kind of island and there is a dead dude named Barney with an arrow through his head and sunglasses on it. They discover that when they play music, he walks like a zombie. When the dead guy is walking with the music, he actually is walking to the sea to find a chest with money in it. In the movie there is also a voodoo magic; I remember them sacrificing a goat.


Chosen answer: You're thinking of "Weekend at Bernie's 2".

Question: One of the corrections says that a particular scene is one of several hints throughout the movie that Dicaprio's character is having delusions about the whole thing. What other scenes shows evidence of this?

Answer: In the beginning of the film when the 2 Marshalls were coming of the boat - Teddy's partner had a hard time removing his gun from his holster when asked, which isn't in keeping with an experienced Marshall.

If you go back and watch the film again the women that writes ‘run' in his notepad ask for a drink of water but when she takes a sip of the water her hand is empty. I take it as another sign of andrew's delusional mind.

Question: In the Vista Director's Cut version, inside the jacket where disc one goes, there is a picture of Josie and Wyatt at the creekside after their ride together, where Wyatt is on his knees hugging Josie's legs, while she is looking down on him and holding his shoulders. Where is this in the film? Or, what is the dialogue?


Chosen answer: It's not in the movie anywhere. Many times when a disc is released, there will be a photo shoot for the jacket and inserts. They will often dress in the clothes, however they are not stills from the movie itself.


Question: When Russell becomes infected, he tells the sheriff that he has saved him three times, yet I've seen the movie twice and saw Russell only save him two times (when he unplugs the razor machinery in the morgue and shoots a crazy through the window). Did I miss the third one?

Answer: The third time is by not shooting him right there.

Answer: When Judy was tied up in her baby room after the sheriff stabbed the other mom in the neck.

Question: Is it ever revealed why Candy has the abortion? She is in a relationship with the baby's father, they both have jobs, etc. Is it because she doesn't want to raise the baby herself while he's at war?

Answer: She was not married to the baby's father, which would have been an absolute stigma at the time.

Question: Someone else submitted a question about a falling cow being put in one scene, and they were told that someone was probably just joking with them. I've also heard that rumor, before ever finding this site, so I'm wondering if anyone else knows whether a cow was really put in the background of any scene.

Answer: No. It is not true. There is an urban myth surrounding a falling cow sinking a Japanese trawler, but is complete non-sense. I think you have been misinformed by someone getting the stories mixed up. Check out more info about the falling cow.


Answer: In one of the sinking scenes you see a person falling from the ship into the water in the foreground. It happens very quickly and right in front of the camera but it's definitely a person.

Question: Whatever happened to the 2 cops from the beginning that were in the March hare pursuit vehicle? We never see them again after the beginning. Did they die when their car overturned or what?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Yes, they died. One of the other MFP officers says after the crash that "they're wasted".

Question: What's the title and the author of the painting that is covered with the mirror when Ruth dies?

Answer: The title is "Cherry Ripe" by the 19th century pre-raphaelite author John Everett Millais.

Show generally

Question: Does anyone know which episode it was when Steven decided to grow a beard, or why he decided to grow one? I never watched the show in order and still can't figure out why he suddenly has one in the second half of the show's run.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Steven Keaton (Michael Gross) did not grow the beard for an episode. He grew it between season 1 and season 2 as a character he was playing in an Off-Broadway play. When the show began taping for season 2, it was decided to have him keep it. It never was a plot point on the show.


Question: Why, when he gets shot, does he put duct tape on his abdomen over his shirt? Shouldn't it be under?

Answer: Not really, imagine how painful the duct tape would be to remove from the bare skin around a wound. Putting it over the shirt still applies the pressure needed but with out the adhesive skin contact which would cause more problems later on.

Mad Ade

Question: Jessie is using a car design program from the Supra. Does anyone know either what the program is or where to get it?


Chosen answer: It's not a real program, just some CGI. As well as when the pictures of "what it could look like" show up. Those are existing pictures of the car.

Question: Can someone tell me why the Emperor's terracotta army become invincible when they cross the Great Wall? It is never explained.

Answer: It has something to do with the curse that was placed on him. similar to the consequences of the first film.


Answer: The sign said $30,000.

Chosen answer: $25,000. Given to the Griswalds by Sid Caesar's character just before he passed away.

Question: At the end of the forest battle, Megatron stabs Optimus right through the back and chest, then blasts a hole in the same spot. Later, Sam merges the Matrix of Leadership with Optimus's chest. Where exactly does he put it? The logical place would be to unite it with his spark, but his spark is gone. Furthermore, Optimus then gets up to reveal that the hole in his chest is gone. Does the Matrix harbor the same regenerative abilities as the All Spark?

Answer: There are 2 possible scenarios: First, is that Optimus wasn't really dead, he only went into status lock, in which the spark is active, but the body is inert. So the Matrix rebooted Prime back to normal. Or the second possibility is that the Matrix did in fact regenerate his spark. In the cartoons, the Matrix was a kind of gateway to the Transformers afterlife - so it is possible it brought Prime back from the dead.

Midnight - S4-E10

Question: Is there any information on the entity shown in "Midnight?" It seems interesting enough to have some depth to it. It seemed to be bad in nature. It also seems to have been exactly what the woman that was possessed was afraid of.


Chosen answer: No, no information is avalible for the identity of the entity.


Question: Why is Medusa able to turn the lady in the garden to stone and why is Annabeth afraid of her? Per Medusa's curse that Athena put on her she can't harm women.

Answer: Medusa is still pretty scary, and Annabeth may not know about Athena's curse.


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