Question: What exactly is the crowd chanting at the fighting match? It's sounds like "Go Rumba" or something but I can't make it out.
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: How did they remove the dead worker's body from the juggernaut's cube when they finally trapped him?
Answer: Perhaps they used one of the anti-ghost flares to subdue him while they removed it.
Question: I still don't understand the situation with Lori's mum. So Freddy killed her, and her dad covered it up with the story of her dying in a car accident. So, I don't understand the scene where he is walking towards her in a threatening manner and Will is seeing it. What did Lori's dad exactly do at the moment Freddy killed his wife?
Answer: As the mum was being killed, Will saw her dad standing over her with a knife. He thought her dad was trying to kill her mum when he was actually attempting to fight Freddy. To continue with the coverup and attempt to bury Freddy, her dad had Will committed.
Question: What year do you think it is when Andrew returns to the Martin family home and meets Portia, as well as the older Little Miss?
Answer: According to various wikis, the year is 2068.
Question: Why are there two completely different endings to American Gangster?
Answer: Presumably you're referring to the additional 18 minutes added to the DVD ending. This is not unusual. Theatrical releases usually maintain a certain runtime to allow the movie to be shown so many times per day, maximizing number of tickets sold. Most movies are around 90-120 minutes, so a film's scenes are often trimmed or cut entirely, often against the director's preference. The DVD "extended cut" allows the director to re-add deleted footage and show a more complete and cohesive story.
Question: With the fire in the house, they opened up the walls and the ceiling. Why would they do that? Wouldn't that give the fire more oxygen?
Question: Near the start, RDN is narrating the casino and says of the count room, "Even I couldn't get in there." Why wouldn't the guy who is in charge of the casino be able to access the count room? Surely he would have unlimited access to everywhere, especially since he was put there by mob bosses and trusted 100%? Who would tell him no in any case?
Answer: It's doubtful that anyone in the Mafia sphere is ever trusted 100%, regardless how capable they are. There would be legitimate concerns that someone might start skimming off the top or collude with others to cheat the bosses. Also, by restricting access and dividing responsibilities, it lessens the suspects if any irregularities occur. The counters likely directly worked for and reported to the mob bosses, not Rothstein, who handled the casino's daily operations, not the the money.
Question: When the not-so-dead Russian gets away from his pursuers, what happened to him? It seems to be implied that he doubled back and drove away in their car, but it was never really explained. Incidentally, there is no way that scene was filmed in the real Jersey Pine Barrens.
Answer: The show creators intentionally left it ambiguous as to what happened to Valery.
Question: Who was the man in the office that was on the phone when Grey barged in, and why did she bring up lingerie?
Answer: He's the husband of the woman Grey was representing in her introductory scene. She brought up lingerie because she had incriminating photos of him unclothed whilst having an affair.
Question: Why is Gerry in high school at 11?
Answer: Could be he was smart and was advanced several grades. Could be a combined middle school/high school that's just called a high school.
Answer: It's a 1975 Dodge Ramcharger.
Question: Why did the cable jam when Jim was being pulled into the rescue helicopter?
Answer: Simple malfunction to get the movie going. Also, the cable could have been old and in dire need of replacement.
Moreover, after jamming and before breaking loose, this cable started smoking.
Question: Unless Dylan or a stewardess closed the plane's door, wouldn't passengers get sucked out as she and the would-be bomber parachuted out of it?
Answer: A plane's altitude is a factor. If flying low enough so that the cabin's internal air pressure is equal to the external air pressure, there would not be a huge suction; the danger would be passengers falling out the open door. At a higher altitude, the door being blown open or a hole in the fuselage would suck people out until the pressure equalized within a few minutes. (Those left inside would suffocate without oxygen masks.) It's impossible to open the door if the inner and outer air pressures are unequal. Think of skydivers jumping from planes. The altitude must be under 10,000 feet for divers not to pass out from low oxygen during the descent and be below the sub-freezing air temperatures. The whole scene is ridiculous; the bomb's shockwave would likely kill or seriously injure all three. Jumping from the plane that way could have sucked them into the jet's engine or hit the wing or tail resulting in death.
Answer: Yes, you're correct, they would. But once the door was opened, there was no reclosing it. The way I look at it is that this was just a pre-credit action set piece which had zero to do with the rest of the movie. Similar to the Bond movies, only excruciatingly dumb.
Question: Would Bruce, standing in front of the Gamma Sphere, have really saved Harper's life?
Answer: It's fictional sci-fi movie technology, so it's honestly up to the writers. In the case of the movie as depicted, it seems to have worked. (While there is a real Gammasphere that was used as the very loose basis for the one seen in the movie, its function is entirely different, so it can't really be used as a valid comparison.)
Question: Why didn't Julie Newmar or Eartha Kitt reprise the role of Catwoman?
Answer: The timeline of the movie is important to consider. The 1966 film began production while season 1 of the TV series was being aired. Eartha Kitt didn't play Catwoman until season 3. According to the TV show "Biography", Newmar was suffering from a back injury and unable to reprise her role for the movie. But she was able to recover by the time they started shooting the 2nd season. So, for the movie they hired Meriweather.
Answer: Of the three actresses that portrayed Catwoman, Julie Newmar was the first in the TV series and Eartha Kitt assumed the role after Newmar became unavailable. Lee Meriwether played the character in the movie. All were "guest stars," not regular cast members, so their availability would constantly change as they did other TV shows, movies, plays, etc. Show creator William Dozier originally wanted to first film and release a feature-length Batman movie, using it like a pilot, to introduce the Batman character, then launch the TV show based on it. However, the studio, 20th Century Fox, wanted the TV series first, so the movie was delayed until after the successful first season. During the movie's filming timeframe, Newmar was unavailable (various reasons have been reported about why she did not reprise the role) and Meriwether was cast.
But his surname sounds German. It might suggest that he is an American Neo-Nazi of German descent.
Yes, of German origin. "American" is not a race or ethnicity, is made up of many cultures, and is only a nationality. Klaber is an American citizen likely with German ancestry. American Neo-Nazis are of many different racial backgrounds. They adopt Nazi ideologies.
German is also a nationality, not a race. To be clear.
German is a nationality, referring to citizens of the country of Germany, and also an ethnicity, traditionally characterized by certain genetic traits, certain facial features, light-coloured eyes, blond hair, etc. "American" is only a designation of citizenship, not any particular racial or ethnic makeup.
That's not true. People with those genetic traits (like me) are not "German" or "Germanic." Maybe Aryan or Caucasian. Those are ethnicities. Not German. Germans are only distinguished by their use of the Germanic language, not their appearance. Also, certain Germanic tribes were very far from blond and light-colored eyes.
Question: Why didn't Jon Favreau direct this movie?
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Answer: They are saying "Kapow".