Question: If the government/military went through so much trouble keeping the aliens' visit at Devil's Tower a secret (the supposed nerve gas spill), then how would they expect all the "returnees" to stay quiet about their experience (some had been gone for decades)?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: When Alex went back in time why didn't we see his machine when 1899 Alex and Philby were talking in the lab?
Answer: He was only focused on saving his fiancée, he didn't think of anything else. If he did he would have thought about it.
Question: According to Captain Panaka and Qui-Gon, if the Hutts discover Queen Amidala on Tattooine, it will be just like landing on a planet controlled by the Federation. Why would they care about her? What would they do?
So the Federation was probably offering a bounty/reward for her capture?
Question: When Barbara and Adam change their faces and are ready to go scare everyone, Barbara confesses to Adam that she doesn't want to go through with it. She says that she wants to be with Lydia. Why does she suddenly become infatuated with wanting to be with this girl whom she hardly even knows? It would make more sense if they both grew to love the whole family instead of just Lydia alone. Thus, her sudden change of heart seems kind of strange.
Question: The first time Daniel goes to his brother Frank's place to get made up into Mrs. Doubtfire he asks "Can you make me a woman?" to which Frank excitedly says "Oh honey, I'm so happy!" What did he mean by that? I feel like there's a joke here I'm just not understanding.
Answer: Frank thinks his brother is coming out as transgender and is enthusiastically supportive.
Question: Would the rupturing of one underground cable be enough to cut all the power to the city that never sleeps?
Answer: Of course not. That was a little over the top, even for an over the top movie like this.
Question: How did Charles Nichols borrow Richard's car in the first place? Didn't Richard have his keys with him?
Answer: Near the start, the detectives escort Richard to the police car. Then it cuts to flashbacks of the fund-raiser at the Four Seasons Hotel (Charles Nichols had already borrowed Richard Kimble's car earlier, offscreen). At timecode 00:04:20, Charles thanks Richard for loaning him the car earlier, then he hands Richard the parking garage valet ticket, and Charles tells Richard that Richard's keys are downstairs (with valet parking attendants). So at this point within the flashback, Charles had already used Richard's keys to also unlock Richard's home, enabling Sykes to enter and wait for Kimble, who was the intended target. When Richard and Helen leave the fund-raiser, they retrieve Richard's keys from valet parking, then drive home.
Question: What time period is the dress Fatso is wearing from? (00:47:28)
Answer: 1995.
That's when the movie was released. I'm wondering what time the dress is from.
Question: Why did Evie betray Tracy?
Answer: Because she wanted to protect herself from trouble. She had no qualms about betraying Tracy in order to protect herself. I believe that Evie "uses" friends. She drifts from one current best friend to another. Eventually her best friends, and their families, stop tolerating her behavior. At this point, she knew that Tracy and Tracy's mother were "done" with her. She was prepared to betray Tracy, then move on to her next best friend.
Question: What song were Mitch, Phil and Glen humming before Duke to told them to stop?
Answer: "The Godfather Waltz", the main title theme to the Godfather film. It's a reference from early where Glen is a fan of the film.
Question: Why was Crispin Glover replaced by Jeffrey Weissman?
Answer: A contract dispute. Glover wanted more money, especially for two movies, but producers thought why pay more for what were essentially cameos.
Question: After faking his death, why would Adrian leave Cecilia with five million dollars?
Answer: Apart from having the money to do so and portraying himself as a loving and caring husband, it was another one of Adrian's mind games and way of "screwing with her" - if she committed a crime or became mentally impaired, she would lose the trust. Adrian already had a plan to make her "lose her mind" and commit violent acts with plenty of witnesses, such as slitting her sister's throat in a crowded restaurant.
Answer: So the police would believe she killed him for his money.
Question: At the end after Clark tells the Mayor the state can go to Hell, it seems like there was a cut scene. Clark tells the students that he was not going anywhere. They then show scattered cheering before Clark ask the students, "Are you ready, maestro?" without any lead-in. Was there a deleted scene to describe what appears to be this gap?
Answer: He actually said "are you ready my Ghosts (not Maestro)", but what I wondered is how he was able to just walk away after he was arrested.
Question: Why was Eric Stoltz replaced by Michael J. Fox?
Answer: Gale (the writer and producer) characterized Stoltz as "a good actor in the wrong role" with Stoltz displaying the character too seriously and heavy, also utilizing method acting that annoyed the crew. He was fired when they found a replacement. Stoltz himself later said he was not a comedian and did not know why he was cast.
Moreover, when making this movie, neither Thomas F. Wilson nor Crispin Glover got along very well with Eric Stoltz because Stoltz acted quite arrogantly throughout filming, not to mention that Stoltz was very rough when shooting the diner scuffle and almost broke Wilson's collarbone. Wilson even claimed that, for several years, he thought that Stoltz was fired due to his behaviour on set, not because the producers originally wanted Fox.
Answer: Michael J. Fox was the first choice to play Marty but due to his filming schedule with Family Ties, he was unable to take the role at first. When production on BTTF started, it was seen that Stoltz just wasn't working out, so they renegotiated with Family Ties to allow Fox's schedule to accommodate both and he was hired.
Question: Why does Bugs Bunny kiss Michael Jordan?
Answer: Because he is a Looney Tune and they like to do the unexpected and be overtly familiar and affectionate.
Question: This may have been explored in the movie but a bit unsure... how come Gucci had to sell out? Was it financial difficulty?
Answer: Yes. Basically, within the narrative of the film, Maurizio is weak-willed and easily manipulated by Patrizia; he didn't even want to be involved in running Gucci in the first place and has no real business acumen. So, he both overextends the firm and spends a huge amount of money on an extravagant lifestyle, which leaves him in financial trouble and at the mercy of a hostile takeover.
Question: Why exactly does the devil need to have a child to conquer the world? Why can't he do it himself? He can easily corrupt mankind and lead them to their destruction, which could allow him to take over the world.
Answer: According to the bible the devil has no power on earth, but like God, he wanted to send his son into the world to influence and corrupt them.
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Answer: First, the returnees would have been detained and interrogated about what happened to them. Second, the government would threaten to throw them into a C.I.A. black site if they talked. Third, most would realise if they did talk, it would cause worldwide panic.