Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Chosen answer: No one is mean to Clopin in the movie. But he is a gypsy and the people in Paris don't like the gypsies.

Question: At the end of supremacy, Landy tells Bourne his name is David Webb and birthday is 4/15/71. In the Ultimatum, that same date is used as a code. Was this a mistake or am I missing something?

Answer: They don't have that conversation twice; it's intended to be the same scene both times. For the purpose of giving Supremacy a better ending, the sequence was used there despite actually taking place during Ultimatum. This is also why Ultimatum starts with him escaping the police in Moscow: it's a continuation of the chase just preceding the scene with Landy.

Show generally

Question: Is there any reference to other witches, besides the sisters, that have vanquished a source? Or are they the only witches ever to be powerful enough? The source does have the ability to be reconstituted with a spell in the grimoire.

Answer: The sisters are the only witches that have been powerful enough to vanquish the source, gaining their strength from the power of 3.


Answer: The Charmed One (The Power of 3) are the only witches strong enough to do it but other demon have done it the source that the sister's and Cole killed got it in a demon war.

Chosen answer: Possibly. Smith mentions that Exley's father was a straight cop, much to Exley's wish. Smith, being as corrupt as he is, may have killed Exley's father.

Answer: No he did not. Rollo Tomasi was a term only Vincennes knew, so that would lead Exley to conclude that Smith was with Vincennes when he was killed. Rollo Tomasi was also an idea, someone who got away with crime, and that was what Smith was.

Question: When the game is loading, sometimes there is a picture of a Pontiac Firebird but it is not a most wanted event, or a car you can use to beat races. Can you get the Firebird? And if so, how do you get it?


Chosen answer: It's available only as downloadable content by buying the "Movie Legends Pack". It's the 1977 Firebird from Smokey and the Bandit film.


Chosen answer: Several possibilities: she could have been married, or divorced and had not changed back her last name; they could have been half-siblings with each of them having different fathers; they could have been step-siblings or one of them may have been adopted.


Question: As Brad drives off with Julia and George at the end and the twins start following them, what is the name of the music playing?

Answer: It's "69 Police" by David Holmes, track 3 on the soundtrack album.


Chosen answer: He says "That's a pretty suit, chérie", chérie being French for dear. The film is set in Louisiana where French and Creole are spoken.


Question: Outside of the castle, when you walk around the castle, to the waterfall there is an underwater hole. Can someone tell me where this hole leads to?


Chosen answer: It doesn't lead anywhere - it is an exit from a bonus star level if you end up dying.

Question: SPOILER: When Scott invades the helicopter to stop Cross, Cross appears in the Yellowjacket armour. The Yellowjacket armour before this was placed inside glass casing and was miniaturised. My question here is, how exactly did Cross get the Yellowjacket armour to human size before putting it on?

Chosen answer: The suit was built human-size and then shrunk using Pym particles. The same technology can also be used to grow objects. Cross was shown to have a hand-held device earlier in the film capable of shrinking, so he either used this device, or activated the suit's built-in growing/shrinking technology.

Question: A glass casket with a key inside it is shown in John's warehouse. What does that mean?

Answer: It plays an important role in the next few movies.

Answer: This was revealed by director Darren Bousman to have originally been used in a now-deleted (and not released as of Oct. 2020) scene in the movie. The glass box is used for what is (most likely) a different purpose in Saw V.

Question: In the last scene with the park ranger he is siting in his SUV completely motionless as if he is dead. The ranger does not even blink. The door is open, door alarm sounding and a ladder is leaning against the SUV instead of leaning against the fence or being on top of the SUV. What is wrong with the ranger?

Answer: He is completely stunned to have learned that there are many people, particularly ones like Ivy Walker who are ignorant of the 21st century, living inside the wildlife reserve. The reserve is completely fenced off and his job as a ranger is only to guard the perimeter of the area.


Answer: He's in shock.

Question: When Joy and Bing-Bong fall into the pit of forgotten memories, why doesn't Joy start to fade like Bing-Bong does?

Answer: Because Joy is an emotion, not a memory.

Greg Dwyer

Question: *SPOILER* This question has been confusing me for ages and goes to the Saw series in general. First of all, If Jigsaw doesn't kill people himself, why does he slash Tapp's throat, and why does he also have an innocent victim in a drill chair? Second of all, he claims he despises murderers in Saw III, yet in Saw IV, he gives a man no chance of survival in the spike trap (could be explained that this was Hoffman's creation), and has his victims killing each other throughout the series, especially in Saw 6 where Jigsaw himself is personally present in a video to the main character, meaning that these traps were his idea, especially where the main character has to kill 4 out of 6 people to continue on with the game. Is this because Jigsaw is caught in some false belief that he is a something like a god or similar? After all, he believes the traps will change people, which has been done with varying results.

Answer: In the third movie he states that he hates murderers. The traps which had no chance of the victim surviving were created by his apprentice Amanda, not Jigsaw himself, which leads him to test Amanda to see if she's worthy of carrying on his work in HIS WAY (giving the victim the chance of salvation) which she wasn't, which resulted in her being killed by the doctor's husband.

Question: What is Jenna's ring tone that can be heard at the beginning?

Answer: It is La Cumparsita.

Question: I am trying to discover what Henry's boat actually is. Obviously a yacht, but the stern is unusual and I have yet to identify it.

Answer: It's a Formosa 51 ketch.

Question: When the swimmers are running out of the water, why does Brody shout: "No whistles?"

Answer: Brody didn't want to panic all the beach goers and cause a splashing commotion which would excite the shark.

Answer: When the shark attacks fist began, Brody began reading up on shark behavior. It is believed that vibrating sounds can attract sharks. Brody believes that multiple people blowing loud whistles could bring the shark closer into shore.


On the contrary, high frequency noises (such as those produced by whistles) barely penetrate into the water and seem to have no effect on sharks or any other fish. Low-frequency noises (such as concussive splashing) travel a great distance in water and are a definite attraction for marine predators. Ultra-low-frequency noises (such as the songs of whales) can travel hundreds of miles through water. The U.S. Navy even uses extremely-low-frequency (ELF) transmissions for communicating with submarines far out at sea. So, no, there is no documented scientific reason for Brody to think that high-frequency noise would attract sharks. Either the movie's screenwriters were badly mistaken in their assumption that whistles attract sharks, or the character of Chief Brody was deliberately written to be mistaken in that assumption.

Charles Austin Miller

In a study, sharks were attracted to low-frequency pulsed sounds resembling those of struggling fish. Sharks appearing in close to wounded or struggling fish has often been observed by fishermen and scuba divers. That type of shark behavior is probably what Brody read about, though his scientific knowledge or understanding about it was limited. He was just reacting in an excited manner.


Question: After passing the Bouncer, when Constantine first enters Papa's Lounge, what type of entity is inside the "sack", apparently being picked apart and eaten alive?

Answer: A pig, you can hear it squealing better in the deleted scenes without the background music of the club.

Question: After reading what really happened, I am still not understanding why they killed her husband. Did he know something that he should not have known? I do understand the need for his coffin to hide the why did they need to take her daughter as a 'hostage' for the sake of the $50 million dollars?

Answer: If there's no dead husband, there's no coffin to hide a bomb in. Without the daughter's disappearance, Kyle won't have reason to unlock the coffin (only she knew the code; the terrorists didn't). When the captain initially refuses to have the hold searched, the marshal suggests it would be a good idea for him to take Kyle down there and look. This would be for the purpose of having her open the coffin, and allowing him to access the bomb.

Question: What is the picture on Pink's wall (about 33 minutes in) that some people claim is an Obama Hope poster?

Answer: It's a portrait of Bob Dylan by Andy Warhol.

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