Question: Could someone tell me everything that is written on the map that Cindy looks at to get to the haunted house?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
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Question: Has the original snowball (Lisa's cat that got run over) appeared in any episode?
Answer: She also appears in the episode 'Bart Gets Hit By a Car.' Bart sees her in Heaven, complete with tire tracks on her body.
Question: When Max approaches the house for his second date with Lucy, being a vampire he asks Michael to invite him in so people in the house would be, in his words, "rendered powerless." As a result, Sam and the Frog brothers can't prove he is a vampire. But how did Max know that his vampirism would be tested in the first place?
Chosen answer: A vampire probably wouldn't survive for very long without playing it safe - he's probably in the habit of insisting on being invited in (if possible) whereever he goes, just in case.
Answer: He didn't, any vampire cannot enter a home unless they're invited.
Question: So what happen to the two guys at the end of the movie? Are there any stories about them in the PC game or an alternate ending or something like that?
Answer: The Game shows Child's frozen body where we last saw him in the movie (Whether he is a thing lying dormant or not, we never find out) There is a comic book series that continues where the movie left off, where MacCready and child's are rescued by another research team on a ship. And it is discovered that Childs was in fact a Thing, spawning a whole new generation of things among the team.
Can you tell me what comic book series that is? I'd like to read it.
The comic series is called The Thing From Another World, just like the original movie from the 50's. It was published by Dark Horse comics. Besides some decent artwork, especially on the covers, the series isn't very good and actually contradicts the movie in a few areas.
Thanks! I read it, it's not bad.
Answer: No one knows what happened. They had no transport and couldn't make radio contact, so very likely they froze to death. If one or both are Things, then they just went dormant until rescue shows up. There is nothing in the game or on the DVD that answers this for sure. BTW It's very hotly debated amongst Thing fans, that Childs is a thing because you cannot see his breath in the cold. (It's very difficult to tell if you can or not because of the scene's lighting).
Answer: Just to add to the other answers, I actually saw an interview with Keith David recently where he explained that it was purposely shot to be ambiguous. They shot two different versions of the scene - one where they played the scene as though neither was the thing... and another where they acted more suspicious of one another. And they built the scene out of the footage they had. He also debunked the popular fan theory about how you couldn't see Childs' breath being a hint... he explained that the way the scene was blocked, the air around him was slightly warmer than it was around Kurt Russell due to the fire and the debris around them - hence you just couldn't see his breath while you could see Russell's, who was about 5 or so feet away. (Not to mention you can actually see a little bit of his breath once or twice.) It wasn't a conscious decision to try to hint that Childs might be the thing. The scene really is just meant to be super ambiguous and unexplained.
Question: Where can I find the scene where Gimli is telling Legolas the point of a drinking game? Also why does wood elves enjoy wine but Legolas doesn't?
Answer: The drinking game scene is in the extended version of the Return of the King. As for Legolas not enjoying wine despite other wood elves doing so, he just doesn't like it; not everyone has the same tastes.
Question: What are the themes of the film and the novel it was based on?
Chosen answer: Mainly the book is about the war against an alien enemy in a facist society. It goes into considerable detail about the facist society being fully functional, unlike those in the past.
Question: What's the significance, if any, of Miranda Frost being stabbed through "The Art Of War"?
Chosen answer: Frost is proud of her martial skills and Sun Tzu's Art of War is considered to be one of the classic texts on warfare, but that's about as far as it goes.
Question: Does the line uttered by one the soldiers at the start 'look at the size of that whammer.' come from the comic? It just seems a bit camp.
Answer: Just the type of lingo used in those days, that seen is supposed to be from the time when Hitler controlled Nazi Germany. Just like "oh boy", "hot dog", "jeepers" and so on.
Question: If the werewolf antidote could work at anytime, then why did Van Helsing order Carl to kill him if Dracula was not dead by the twelfth stroke of midnight?
Answer: The antidote can't work at anytime; it must be administered to the bitten person before the twelfth stroke of midnight of the first full moon after they were bitten. Because only a werewolf could battle Dracula, Van Helsing ordered Carl not to give him the antidote unless he had killed Dracula before the twelfth stroke (if by which time, he hadn't killed Dracula, Carl was to kill Van Helsing, as the antidote would be useless and Van Helsing would remain a werewolf).
Question: What is the word that Drew Barrymore says to her boss, which she claims means that he'll have it "right away"?
Answer: She says "tickety-boo" - later on he asks for her article and says he wants it "tickety-now" not "tickety-boo".
Question: In the final battle scene, the samurai army is shown as having several dozen footmen who were not casualties. Additionally, the archers did not appear to have taken more than light casualties. Yet the final charge was made by by a small group (30-50) samurai. Why would Watanabe have used only a small portion of his army with so many support troops left?
Answer: Because they were the only ones with horses. Foot soldiers running across the field would be easily picked off, but charging horses are more difficult.
Question: What happened to the family at the end of the TV series?
Answer: Presumably, they're still "Lost In Space." The series ended before a final episode was shot. In the 80's, series creator Irwin Allen considered doing a TV reunion movie with the original cast to bring the Robinson family home, but with the unfortunate passing of Guy Williams, the idea kind of fell to the wayside.
Question: What I don't understand is: Dumbledore has the brilliant idea of using the Mirror of Erised to hide the stone in. Yet the mirror is in some room in the castle, where Harry eventually finds it, and not inside the guarded area, where the stone is hidden, until very much later into the movie. Why is that? Even if it was there to teach Harry its secret, it would mean the stone was less efficiently guarded. Or did Dumbledure just get the idea of using the mirror later into the movie ?
Answer: Presumably, Dumbledore came up with his idea after catching Harry in front of the mirror, after he explained the mirror's "power" to Harry. It is safe to assume that the stone was stored in some other magical manner that was less secure before Dumbledore decided to use the mirror.
Question: How exactly does the father kill the wife? I noticed when she comes down the stairs she comes out of a bloody bag. So how is she killed?
Answer: Well, in the Japanese original (Ju-On: The Grudge), it shows that Takeo, the father, killed his wife by shoving a knife down her throat or something similar to that. When he was killing her, she tried to scream, except her scream came out all messed up (because the knife hit the vocal chords), which explains the horrible croaking noise. There's no doubt about it that it's the way she was killed in this version.
Answer: Another website states that after pushing her down, Kayako sprained her ankle and crawled down the stairs, only to realise Takeo was slowly following her from behind watching her suffer. He then snapped her neck, but she was still alive and could only make the croaking noise. It is also implied that he stabbed her multiple times afterwards, which could explain the bloody corpse.
Question: In the scene where Malfoy is sitting in the great Hall (after the Hippogriff attack when he's cradling his arm), a black-haired girl says something like, "Does it hurt terribly, Draco?" Who is she?
Question: In the Extended Edition of "The Two Towers," it obvious that Denethor has a liking of his now-deceased older son Boromir and a disliking of his younger son Faramir. This is more evident when Denethor boldly said to Faramir in the throne room that he wished that Faramir and Boromir had switched places so that the former dies and the latter live. Is there a reason in the original novel why Denethor has an unfavorable opinion towards Faramir, his younger son?
Chosen answer: No, no really. Denethor's wife, Finduilas died early, and the grief turned him into a grim and humourless man - one suggestion is that Faramir takes heavily after his mother, and Denethor dislikes him for that reminder; another suggestion is that it's actually Boromir who takes after the mother, and that Denethor favours him for that reason. Whatever the issue is, it seems likely that it started early on - Boromir translates to "Faithful Jewel", whereas Faramir seems to translate to something like "Adequate Jewel". As even their names appear to reflect the prejudice against Faramir, whatever the problem is, it goes back a long way. Maybe, once Boromir was born, giving Denethor an heir, he really wanted a daughter and was disappointed by the arrival of another son. Compounded by the death of his beloved wife (making a daughter impossible), that disappointment could easily grow into the dislike that he shows in the film. There's also the point that, although unseen in the film (unless the Extended Cut touches on it), Denethor has been using a palantir, which has allowed Sauron to affect his mind - it's not unreasonable to think that Sauron could have determined that Faramir was actually the stronger-willed of the brothers, and had deliberately influenced Denethor's mind against him to hamper the younger man's efforts against Mordor.
Question: When the teacher is pouring her Vodka, she freaks out all of a sudden when she looks inside her cup. Why does she do this?
Answer: The cup has the high school's crest on the side of it - she is freaked out because, as she explains in the previous scene, everything is reminding her of the school and thus of the crash in which she should have died.
Question: This may be a stupid question, but is it just me that thinks the Gondorian soldiers are poorly-trained to fight or in poorly defensive formation against the Orcs and trolls? Also, are the soldiers of Gondor conscripts, as it seems that there is no able-bodied male civilian in Minas Tirith, and those who are able-bodied are soldiers?
Chosen answer: That's because they were under the rule of Denethor who was very foolish and didn't care about the consequences.
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Answer: If you had any brains you would take your ass home. But since you don't, head North 2 miles on Hades divide. You will pass Elm Street on your left. Whatever you do, keep moving. 6 miles to Kane Manor. If you reach Compton, lock your door, bend over, and kiss your ass goodbye.
Hamster ★