Question: What do the terms Attending and Resident mean? They mention them on the show e.g.'ER attending'.
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
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Question: How did they film the Coat Room shoot-out scene?
Answer: It was a real shot, with ropes and wires that held the actors upside down. There was a large amount of people in the back holding them upright, it's in the special feature.
Something Borrowed, Someone Blue (1) - S7-E23
Question: Niles says about the garter Roz brings that he "especially likes the little adometre", or something similar. What does that mean?
Answer: Odometer. It's the thing in the car that measures how far you've gone. It's a joke on how many guys she's been with.
Question: Most tsunami are caused by earthquakes underwater that trigger a huge wave. However, there are no earthquake-causing fault lines anywhere near New York City. So what caused the tsunami?
Answer: That's not a tsunami - it's a catastrophic rise in sea level caused by the disruption in the ocean's balance. Same basic effect, different cause.
I say it's a storm surge.
Question: In the title sequence (series 1 and 2, anyway), at one point the theme music has a squeal over the top of it and there's a shot of Buffy (or possibly Willow) holding her hand up against a blast of light. What episode is this from?
Chosen answer: If this is the bit I think it is, it's from the episode "Witch" - the person in the shot is actually Catherine Madison, the villain of the episode. The shot used in the title sequence is different from what's seen in the episode - possibly an alternate take.
Question: Neo knew the Oracle wanted to contact him because Bane and the other guy got that disk out of the Matrix. Well, how did that guy get a fake object from the Matrix into the real world? I know there is a corrected mistake for it, but the answer doesn't make sense.
Answer: The disk is not really a disk, just as nothing in the Matrix really exists. The people don't wear real clothes; they don't have real weapons; each of these items exists only virtually; they're created by the Matrix, and they look and feel and seem real, but they are not, they're computer code. Therefore, the 'disk' doesn't need to come out of the Matrix into the real world; only the computer code needs to be downloaded, just as always happens when people move from the Matrix back to the real world. There have been other examples of this; if you've seen the Animatrix short, The Final Flight of the Osiris, a large part of the story involves someone trying to drop off a 'tape' at a certain point, within the Matrix, to be picked up by another ship. Obviously, they won't pick up something physical; they'll download the information, which is represented in the Matrix by the tape.
Question: Who is Arwen's mother and where is she? Is she alive?
Answer: Arwen's mother is Celebrian, daughter of Galadriel and Celeborn. Around III 2510, about five hundred years prior to the events of the film, she was captured by orcs in the Redhorn Pass (the pass of Caradhras that the Fellowship fail to cross) and tortured. Rescued by her sons, Elladan and Elrohir, and healed by her husband, she chose to sail into the West.
Question: How does Gollum get into Moria after the gates were destroyed? If there is another way in, why didn't the Fellowship use that after Gandalf couldn't open the doors?
Answer: Gollum was already in Moria, hiding out after escaping from elven captivity. Note that Gandalf tells the Fellowship that Moria will take four days to pass through, then, later, tells Frodo that Gollum's been following them for three days. At that point, they're very close to the exit, so Gollum must have picked up their trail after they entered Moria - ergo, he was already there.
Question: When the Terminator is repairing himself his right eye is damaged yet when they show him in the mirror cutting it out it looks like it's his left eye that's damaged (judging from what the reflection we see would entail). Is this a legitimate mistake or am I mixing things up here?
Answer: No, his left eye is damaged the entire time. Watch carefully; it never switches to his right.
Question: What was Melissa Joan Hart's significance in the slow clap scene?
Answer: I dont think there was, it was just another guest star appearance.
Question: Why was only the Northern Hemisphere covered in ice? We see in the first scene of the film that Antarctica was affected too, so why didn't the Southern Hemisphere enter a new ice age too?
Answer: Unlike the Northern Hemisphere, the Southern Hemisphere is mostly covered by ocean. Large water masses have a moderating influence on temperature, and are less prone to freezing.
Question: When Hollister enquires about what a female of Cat's species is like he responds that she's good in bed and then adds 'especially if you play the piano'. How does the piano reference figure into the joke?
Answer: A cat has six nipples. The joke is that rubbing/feeling them all would be similar to playing a piano.
Question: During the visit to the Oracle, she says "It looks like you're waiting for something" ... "Your next life, maybe". It is pointed out that if you die in the Matrix, your real body dies also, and that the machines "liquify the dead to feed the living". How does reincarnation become possible with these facts?
Answer: The Oracle knows that Neo has the potential to become the One, but has not yet fulfilled that potential. Whatever makes the rebirth of the One possible is not linked to the One's physical form, because there is no physical remnant of the original or other Ones, yet Neo is still born. Disconnect yourself from this idea that the physical body of an individual is key to its mind's reincarnation.
Answer: Maybe she was foreshadowing that Neo is actually going to be killed by Smith, then brought back to - his next - life by Trinity. When Smith unloads his gun into Neo, his heart stops for a while, which can be taken as he is dead. Then he immediately wakes up in his "next life" from Trinity's love. Note that as Neo gets up from the floor, his "chosen one" powers also fire up. Perhaps this resurrection (next life) was the thing he was supposedly "waiting for."
Question: I was just wondering why Aragorn didn't claim his throne in Gondor earlier? we know he went of to be a ranger but why didn't he become king? is it because he was afraid he would turn evil?
Answer: It's not so much becoming evil that he fears, but that Isildur's weakness may run in his bloodline, leading him to fail at a critical moment. He questions his worthiness to lead the world of men.
Question: Can someone who knows a bit about airplanes and such tell me if it's really possible to rescue people from a plane the way they do it in the end of the movie. To me it seems nearly impossible, is it?
Answer: Mid-air transfers between planes have been done - insane stuntmen have crossed between planes simply by walking from wing to wing in the past. While it takes considerable skill and more guts than your average slaughterhouse, this sort of thing is possible, yes.
Question: In the book Tim is older than Lex and is into computers. In the movie, Lex is older than Tim and is into computers. Why was this change made?
Answer: It was thought that in the book Tim got too much of the focus being the dinosaur and computer expert. So, they reversed the ages and gave Lex the computer skills and Tim kept his dinosaur knowledge so that they each played more equal parts in the movie.
Answer: Steven Spielberg explained that he met Joseph Mazzello (Tim) when he screen-tested for a role in Hook, but felt he was too young. Spielberg promised him they would work together on a future film so it was decided to swap Lex and Tim's ages so he could appear in the movie.
Question: How is it that when the kids are on the train with Lupin, Lupin is able to preform the Patronus spell without saying the incantation?
Answer: There is something that witches and wizards can learn, and it's called nonverbal spells.
Answer: There are numerous examples in the series of adult wizards and witches casting spells without any incantation. Presumably, as they age and gain experience, they no longer need to say the incantation out loud - they may choose to, or possibly speaking the words aloud increases the potential power of the spell. The pupils at the school need to know the incantations, so are told to speak them out loud - this would allow the teachers to correct flaws in pronounciation and so forth.
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Answer: A resident is a person in the second year of their internship. Kind of low on the totem pole. An attending is someone who has gone through med school and their internship and has the right to practice medicine in that facility. In charge of the residents and med students. Go to for more info.
Kaitlin Schwartzel