Question: In the episodes where Harm flies F-14s, what does it mean when pilots are told to "call the ball"?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
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Question: One thing I don't understand about the movie is why kryptonite is so harmful (almost making him drown in a pool), yet he was born there and he didn't die. Kryptonite did come from his home planet, Krypton, right? How come he didn't die when he was born?
Answer: When Krypton exploded, the resulting debris was chemically altered through nuclear fusion, converting it into kryptonite. Bits traveled through space, some eventually ending up on Earth, where it is now lethal to anyone who was from that planet.
Pieces of Krypton that exploded in the Red Sun were made radioactive, and the Red Sun is one of the weaknesses of the Kryptonians.
I thought the Red Sun was poisonous to Kryptonians and caused the remnants of the planet Krypton to become radioactive and also absorb some of the solar energy from the Red Sun. I was under that impression, maybe I'm mistaken.
Question: As far as I know, there were no plans for another trilogy after the first one released over 30 years ago. My question is, did Episode V always appear during the opening credits or was that added later in the special addition? If it was always apart of the credits, didn't people wonder why it was called episode V when it was the second movie? Would seem confusing.
Chosen answer: "Episode V" was in place right from the beginning, and the "Episode IV" tag was added to Star Wars in a re-release the following year. By this point, Lucas was already talking about doing a prequel trilogy covering the rise of the Empire at some future point, with allusions to a possible sequel trilogy consisting of Episodes VII though IX to follow.
Question: In the scene where Quint and Hooper were drunk and comparing scars, at the end of the scene Chief Brody lifts his shirt to reveal a scar. The significance of the scar was not revealed in the movie. What was the scar from?
Chosen answer: It's an appendix scar, from when he had it removed. It's of no great significance other than a jokey moment where Brody realises that he doesn't have any stories to tell the others about any scars he has, other than one he received through a fairly common operation.
Answer: It is a scar from a gun shot wound he received whilst on service for NYPD. He doesn't want to talk about it. It could explain the whole reason he moved to Amity from NY.
Answer: The chief was going to show the scar from his gunshot wound that he got as a police officer while working in New York.
Question: When Harry finds the Sword of Godric Gryffindor in the frozen lake, why doesn't he just use the Wingardium Leviosa spell to levitate it out of the lake instead of diving in to get it himself? I assume that this is how J.K. Rowling wrote it in the book, but does this still count as a mistake?
Chosen answer: It is not a mistake. Harry does attempt to summon the sword with a spell, but like the locket horcrux in the sea cave in (in HP and the Half-blood Prince), all the horcruxes, as well as other particularly strong magical objects (like the three Deathly Hallows), are impervious to all types of summoning charms. They therefore must be retrieved by other means.
Question: I saw a great similarity with various parts of the movie Herbie: Fully Loaded. There was an exploitation of ideas between the two films?
Chosen answer: There's no particular reason to suggest that there was any plagiarism or idea-sharing going on. Both films simply take the idea of an underdog coming to the fore in a particular field, doing well and learning some truths about themselves in the process. Very much an archetypal story and one that many, many films share. While a few factors can be considered similar, none of them are unique to these two films and thus the suggestion that ideas were either shared or "stolen" cannot be realistically accepted.
Question: Cindy told Cody that she's taken care of him since his birth. Have ten years passed between the second and third movies (considering Cody's age)? Because she didn't take care of anyone in Scary Movie 2.
Question: The hair is spread around the crime scene to provide contradictory DNA evidence. I think there was a shot of the bag being emptied. Anyone else remember this?
Question: If Seibertron/Cybertron is an alien planet where the transformers originated from, why are some named after earth things, like Bumblebee? Are there earth insects there too? Bumblebee was called that even before he came to earth. Bonecrusher is another example, Transformers do not have what we call bones. Do they also listen to 'Jazz' music?
Chosen answer: No definitive answer has ever been given, but it seems reasonable to conjecture that their "Earth" names are simply the closest available English translations of their true Cybertronian names.
Question: It's stated in The Sarah Jane Adventures that Ian and Barbara haven't aged since the 60s. Why?
Chosen answer: No reason for this has yet been disclosed.
Question: The children in Teddy's hallucinations were bloody but they died by drowning. Is this just an inference to Andrew's guilt that his children's "blood is on his hands" because he didn't seek treatment for Dolores' mental illness? Or is it Scorsese being overly dramatic and adding a lot of blood where it doesn't belong? Also, how exactly did Andrew kill Dolores? Did he use his service revolver, even though we don't hear the shot?
Chosen answer: I think the recurring blood comes from the blood of his wife when he killed her. there was a lot of blood you see, in his psychosis that means a lot and has taken over a large part of his hallucinations, just like Dachau camp. Yes, he did shoot his wife Dolores, in the belly. You can see it in the end of the movie.
Question: What is up with all of the random clips in the intro to the show? Only a select few appear in the show, and they all look like they were recorded using a camcorder which has been held up to a TV screen. Most have nothing to do with the show whatsoever. One involves some Japanese cartoon, another involves some kind of suit closing around someone's head, another shows someone skiing down a ski slope while on fire. Why?
Chosen answer: Wikipedia has a list of all the references from the opening.Since children are more impressionable, they tend to remember certain aspects of different things. The bits you see may indicate the scattered thoughts of youth, and how things can go by in a quick flash, whilst only remembering significant parts (in this case, it seems to be violence-orientated).
Question: Were all Josie's class virgins? I get the impression that they were because in the sex education scene, where Anitie asks, "Are there any questions?" they all put their hands up.
Answer: Given that Anita isn't a real sex ed teacher the class was probably confused by her bizarre little 'sex talk' and had some questions to ask her regarding that.
Answer: It's quite likely that at least one or two people were not virgins. A non-virgin could still have questions that they want to ask an older adult, who has more sexual experience.
Utopia (1) - S3-E11
Question: When Professer Yana is beginning to realise who he really is, he hears the voices of previous Masters. Could someone tell me where these audio clips were taken from?
Chosen answer: "Destroy him! Then you will give your power to me! is Roger Delgado in "The Daemons" (1971). The other is Anthony Ainley laughing evilly, not sure where that was from.
Question: Why didn't Tracy's parents free her from school when they knew that she was going on audition? And why isn't Penny in detention? I don't think that her mother would free her from school.
Answer: Tracy's parents told Tracy not to audition. They were worried that she would be rejected, and not be able to cope with the heartbreak, as evidenced by her mothers' line, "They're gonna hurt her out there". Penny could have left school during her lunch period.
Answer: Yes, Tracy's parents should have signed her out for the audition. Penny has been getting away from her mother for awhile so her cutting school without trouble isn't new to her.
Question: This confuses me, so can someone please help? Kittridge thinks that Ethan is the mole because he was the only one left alive from the IM mission in Prague, but if Ethan really was the mole, he wouldn't have called Kittridge and told him that his team was dead; he would have done what the REAL mole did (go into hiding etc), so wouldn't Kittridge have realised early on that Ethan wasn't actually the mole, and that he had been set up?
Answer: You have to look at it from Kittridge's point of view, you know there's a mole, but you don't know who it is so you send them on a mission, where you can expose the mole - the team ends up dead apart from Ethan. The natural conclusion and all the evidence is that you've found the mole.
Plus Job put 120 grand in Ethan's parents account, according to Kittridge.
Answer: Think as a mole would think-you don't want to look like a mole, so you play innocent: that is the logic Kittridge uses to analyze Ethan.
Answer: Also if Ethan was the mole he wouldn't have known that Kittredge was mole hunting so he would have gone about it as any other mission if his team was killed.
Question: Can anyone clarify the limbo in the film please? At the almost fifth level of dream, the dreamers of limbo - Cobb and Saito, 1. Who has given a kick for them to come to reality as everyone has left the dreams long back? 2. All through the Movie, they used a link to enter other's dream, but what happened to that link when they went to Limbo, can they intersect each other without any link through their dreams?
Answer: Limbo appears to function somewhat differently from the upper dream levels. In the upper levels, the dreams are specifically constructed, the team uses a link system to tie themselves together in the dream and so forth. Limbo, the deepest level, doesn't appear to require this - it's simply a raw dreamstate automatically shared by those who venture into it. Cobb, Saito, Ariadne and Fischer are linked on all the prior dream levels, so they already exist in a shared dream state, thus they all cohabit the limbo level that lies beneath the constructed ones. As for Cobb and Saito, they provide the "kick" themselves, likely by using Cobb's pistol to commit suicide. As time travels so fast in the limbo state, almost no time has passed on the higher levels, despite the pair experiencing years in limbo. As such, they're able to ride the tail-end of the kicks used to extract the others, and eventually wake effectively simultaneously with the rest of the team in the plane.
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Chosen answer: When landing on an aircraft carrier, a pilot "calls the ball" by confirming to the landing signal officer (LSO) that they have the carrier, and more specifically its landing guidance systems in sight. Carriers use a Fresnel lens system which is a light only visible at a certain angle, so if a pilot sees the "ball" they are at the correct altitude and glide slope for landing.
Sierra1 ★