Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: When Robert Neville's family is being airlifted at night, the darkseekers are awake and emerge from their hiding spots. If UV light has been known to kill them, why wasn't his family airlifted during the day?

Answer: This was still very early in the spread and outbreak of this virus. They didn't fully understand what they were dealing with yet, or would have figured out that UV had any effect like that. Also the darkseekers weren't fully out yet, as we see the people infected are still mostly human with just early symptoms. They didn't know what they would create or even knew what it was capable of yet. What you saw were panicked people acting stupid in fear trying to board the chopper.

Quantom X

Answer: They didn't have the time. They were trying to contain the spread but failed and the evacuation had to take place at that time or there was no evacuation at all.


Answer: There are videos on YouTube on how to uncork a wine bottle using a shoe.


Question: What did Day-Day mean when he told Mrs. Pearly that she needed to get something lined up?

Answer: He's insulting Mrs. Pearly by insinuating she has a mustache and that she needs to trim it to look neat.


Question: Did Phillips really lie to the pirates by telling them the ship was broken?

Answer: I researched this on the "History vs Hollywood" web site, and that is a true fact.


First Stop - S4-E14

Question: Why did they go by car to California? I assume it was to get several episodes out of it though wouldn't it have been easier to go by train?


Answer: Well, within the storyline of the show, the answer to your question is given in the prior episode, "Getting Ready," where we see Lucy reading various brochures while Ricky is on the phone trying to book their tickets. The decision went from going by plane, to train, to bus, and finally to the idea of going by car so they could stop where they want for as long as they want, etc. Of course, production wise, this decision allowed for the following episode scripts to have more creative shenanigans.

Super Grover

Answer: There is no explanation, but as you mentioned, it was likely to add some new adventures to the show's overall story line.


Question: When Oliver takes the handkerchief from Fagin's pocket, did he really not notice that Oliver took it or did he realise that he did and pretended not to know? If it was the latter, why?

Answer: If you mean the scene where he is teaching Oliver how to be a pickpocket, then yes, Fagin knew. He is role-playing the part of a "victim," showing Oliver what it is like to steal an item from someone's pocket without it being noticed. He is employing some criminal "positive reinforcement."


Question: What were the papers the gun salesman told Van Pelt he would have to fill out?

Answer: It's Form 4473, the federal form that is sent to the ATF for an NICS background check.


I get it. The form is used to make sure you have no criminal history.

Form 4473 is used to determine if one is eligible to purchase a firearm. Speaking of which, would Van Pelt be eligible to purchase a firearm?

No, since he is probably not even a US citizen. And if he is, not from that century.


If you don't fill out the form the you can't buy a gun.

Question: 1. Did Luthor kill Miss Tessmacher after going to the North Pole? 2. How do Clark and Lois get back from the North Pole without freezing to death? 3. Why does he go back to that diner since Superman should be above petty revenge? 4. If the villains have Superman's powers then how could Ursa be affected by the snake bite? She shows irritation from being bitten.


Answer: 1. No. 2. It's unclear, but can assume Clark had that part planned. 3. Agreed, this is out of character, but Clark isn't perfect. 4. Exactly, she shows irritation. There's no indication the bite actually hurt her or broke her skin. But as someone who is only now realizing the extent of her powers, she reacted as though she thought it might have.

Answer: Perhaps just to screw with Foreman some more, perhaps to give him hope that he might be able to come back someday after Wilson is dead.


Question: What did Paul mean when he said "we know people too"?


Answer: He's saying that while Percy may have high government connections to be able to get them fired, he and the other guards have lower connections that could hurt Percy physically and make his cowardice in the face of Wild Bill public, humiliating him and also likely costing him his job.


Answer: He believed that she had become too empathetic towards the defendant they had been prosecuting, and that her actions were driven by her emotions instead of facts. While empathy is a good quality in general, a certain degree of detachment is required in order for a prosecutor to do one's job effectively.

Cubs Fan

Answer: Given Monk's state of mental health and that Monk's been able to continue to function as well as he does, pretty effective. Therapy isn't about "fixing" someone, it's often about helping the person be able to accept themselves. Some people need regular therapy as part of their life. Even a regular person who doesn't get into all the antics Monk does can be in therapy for decades. A few years ago, TV host Billy Bush revealed he had been seeing the same therapist for 30 years.


Answer: Imagine how much worse Monk would be *without* regularly seeing a good therapist.

Answer: In an episode of Better Call Saul, we see Gus prevent someone from murdering Hector, and even pay for some of his treatment after Hector has a stroke. He wants Hector to remain alive in the state that we see him: bound to a wheelchair, unable to speak, unable to take care of himself. It's Gus' way of making Hector suffer. He felt a quick death would be letting Hector off too easy.


Answer: Gus considered killing Hector as being "too good for him." He wanted Hector to suffer in the same way he had suffered. Hector killed Gus' partner, so Gus worked to destroy Hector's family before gloating and killing him. Gus even prevented Mike from killing Hector for this very reason.

Answer: Because for as long as Hector was alive Gus could gloat over his enemy.


Answer: Because of the school fight at the end of season 2 - Robby injures Miguel.

The original question dealt with an episode of season 1. The school fight happened at the end of season 2, so it had nothing to do with why he went back to drinking in first season.


Answer: He quit being an alcoholic (temporarily), but Johnny probably wasn't planning on never drinking ever again, he just casually drank at the bar with Daniel.

Question: Why does the other mother love eating bugs? Does it have something to do with the bugs in the shower in the beginning?

Answer: It's because she is meant to represent a spider luring and trapping her prey. (The kids).

Answer: Beldam is a human like spider who makes web to capture her prey (the children) so she loves those Coco beetles from Zanzabar snaking on them.

Answer: "This" happens to be used in computer programming language to refer to an entity that is part of a currently running code. But that is just a guess, or at least a starting point for a discussion.


Question: Why did the ghosts of the Elisabeth Dane try to kill Stevie?

Answer: Six lives for the six members who betrayed them a hundred years ago.

'But Stevie wasn't connected to the six conspirators.

The ghosts didn't care about their victims' lineage.

Jukka Nurmi

Answer: I always took it as an attempt to stop her since she was trying to warn the town over the radio.

Question: Why did Blackthorn have Reordan killed? The man was an evil genius and would have been a huge help with Blackthorn's plans.

Brian Katcher

Answer: Blackthorn was an egomaniac, there was only room for one diabolical madman.

Answer: He said, it'll end up being buried somewhere, locked away and never to be seen again. They wouldn't want it to get out that a U.S. Senator sanctioned a village massacre.

Question: Why did the Scottish scientists run out of petrol? They even say "We've got our own gene and enough tea and biscuits to sink a ship." Surely they'd have stocked up on petrol for that generator too?

Answer: For an average period of time, not for the second ice age. They didn't figure on it hitting so fast and quickly stranding them there.

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