Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: Why does Evelyn kill Jeannine at the end? This isn't how the book goes and she's executed by Tori in Allegiant at the beginning.


Answer: Movies seldom follow books exactly as they were written. Details change, characters are eliminated or added, locales change, etc. This was probably done to compress and streamline the plot to better serve the film medium.


True but in the book it's more emotional when Tori does it as she did it to avenge her brother George whom she thought Jeannine killed.


Answer: When Tris is in the sim where she identifies Four as a sim. Jeannine says she has completed four sims and Peter says what about Amity, Jeannine says she already passed that when she spared your life. But then Tris ends up doing Amity again as the last one?

Answer: It should also be noted, just because someone owns a small business (in this case a bar) doesn't mean they're rich, or they had to be rich or make enough money from another job in order to afford it. Banks provide small business loans and having steady employment, good credit history, solid business plan, etc would allow someone to get a loan. Most business owners even say they "own" whatever bar, restaurant, store, or business they run even if it's leased or mortgaged.


A proprietor may lease a building but they do own the business that is housed within it.


Answer: When Dwayne (Bakula) and his wife divorced, they divided their marital assets. The money for the "fixer-upper" bar that Dwayne bought came from selling their house.


Answer: No, I don't believe they did, but by the last season, as the ratings declined, moving the show to a more exotic locale where there's an abundance of bikini-clad lovelies at every turn, was likely an attempt to increase viewership.


Question: When the Terminator shoots up the police station, there is a part where it cuts to him walking down a hallway after reloading his gun and there is a fire behind him. What caused that fire?

Answer: The Terminator rips the main electrical cable out of the junction box and then overloads the other cables, which cuts power to the station and starts the fire.


Question: Just before Jack enters the gold room, he passes in front of several mirrors (three or four) and his reflection is not present on the last one, but seeing that the angle does not change, one would expect to see him pass. The question is therefore the following: what happens at this precise moment, between the last and the penultimate mirror? Should there be a change in reality? A moment when Jack switches to the past? Or anything else?

Answer: I'm not sure which scene you're referring to: when he first enters the Gold Room and finds Lloyd alone, or when he enters and finds the ball in progress. In the latter, we do indeed see his reflection...due to the angles of the shot and the mirror itself, it happens as Jack is still behind the Gold Room sign. In the former, we do not see his reflection, but it's because the shot is much tighter on Jack Nicholson, and so, the mirror in question is not visible in the shot until after the point where we would see him in it.

Question: How come the vampires don't die during the day and are awake? How can the werewolves transform at will instead of by a full moon?


Answer: Because they are fictional characters, and Stephanie Meyer made up new rules for them to suit her narrative.

She should've still respected the lore as most do. This series is her as Bella and the two guys are based on guys she lusted for in high school who ignored her. Read between the lines people.


Traditional folklore about vampires does not mention sunlight being harmful to vampires. This is a more modern characteristic.


Answer: The moon has no effect on the Quileutes because they are not werewolves. In the books, they are shape-shifters that can change at will. Rather than being created by a werewolf's bite, some Quileutes are born with a gene that becomes active and transforms them into wolves when vampires are near. They cannot turn other people into wolves. The movie series glossed over this fact, apparently to avoid confusion about the differences. Even though they are called "werewolves" in the movies, that is not what they are.


In addition, actual werewolves do exist in the Twilight universe. They are called "Children of the Moon." They follow most of the standard werewolf myths: changing only during the night of a full moon, feral behavior, infecting others by biting them, etc... They are also immune to vampire venom. The Volturi hunted them nearly to extinction after one nearly killed Caius.


Answer: It seems like you already decided your own answer, but like a lot of mythology and lore, hundreds of variations occur. Most often werewolves can change at will once they've gone through their first transformation. In a lot of lore, the full moon only forces them to change, even if it's against their will. It does not mean it's the only way to change. Meyer did add a twist to vampires in the sun, but in many stories, sunlight is not fatal, they can be safe in the shadows, or the sunlight only weakens, not kills, them, and/or they are strengthened by the moonlight (which is why they came out at night).


Didn't decide, only observed what I'd seen with the like of Chaney's Wolfman and Lugosi's Dracula, that's all.


The horror movies of that era, like Dracula, Frankenstein, The Wolfman, etc. freely adapted their own interpretation of traditional folklore.


Answer: The Iron Spider suit has a complex and bulky storage container. The ordinary suit can fit in a suitcase.

Question: Gwen Stacey is at Harry Osborn's funeral. Does she know that her ex Eddie Brock was the one that killed Harry? And does she know that Eddie was "the strange black suited figure" on the news (aka Venom) ?


Answer: It's unclear. Only Peter and Mary Jane knew that Eddie was Venom and that he killed Harry. Spider-Man may have decided not to tell the press that Eddie was Venom out of desire of not wanting Eddie to be vilified, given that Peter knows firsthand what the symbiote does to a person. The public could very well be under the impression that Venom killed both Eddie and Harry, but that the true identity of Venom was unknown before being destroyed himself.


Answer: He was probably contemplating what to do with himself and the stones now he had fulfilled his purpose.


Also, he was nursing his wounds from the first snap. He knew that he should be healed before letting a 2nd snap damage his body badly again.

Answer: In the sequel novel 'Gump and Company, ' it's revealed that Jenny died of Hepatitis C. The odds of passing that to a child are about 1 in 25, so Forrest, Jr, is likely in the clear (and it's possible she contracted it after he was born). Https://

Brian Katcher

Thanks, just curious like I was if she took advantage of Forrest given his mental capacity which would be heavily scrutinized.


Answer: He does it for three reasons: 1) They served their purpose. His goal was to wipe out half of the universe and he succeeded. 2) To avoid the temptation to use them ("they served no purpose, other than temptation.") and 3) So that the destruction (his "work") will always be, that is to say it can't be undone.


Answer: He said "they had served their purpose" So he is arrogant enough to believe that once the stones had done what he wanted them to do he destroyed them as they were no longer useful. But its also possible he didn't want anyone to reverse what he did.


Answer: It's a term of endearment.

Brian Katcher

Question: What did Belle mean when she said, "I release you, Ebenezer." Was that just a way of saying, "I'm breaking up with you," back in the day?

Answer: Yes. He promised to marry her and she's releasing him from that promise, as she realises he is no longer really in love with her.

Brian Katcher

Question: Why couldn't Annie accept the fact that kids in the ghetto spoke differently? People all across the country do, with dialect, accent, cussing.


Answer: Annie is an insane murderer. She does not have a rational world view. Her values and morals are incredibly skewed, to the point she views cursing in general as amoral but will freely torture a man, kill children, and shoot the town sheriff in the back.


Question: One mistake mentions a car visible in the background of the Scorpion VS Johnny Cage fight. But for the life of me, I can't find it. In what particular shot is it visible? (Or if nothing else, does anyone have the timecode for it?).


Answer: Https:// Time stamp is 0:57 I'd say. You can briefly see a car moving behind the trees in 1 shot, it's less than a second long. Its left of the middle of the screen.


Question: In the beginning, the parents are on the phone and the wife is asking her husband to take their son to the airport. They live in separate houses in the same city yet it seems like they are still married. Are they divorced? Or are they married but live in separate houses?


Answer: They are estranged (possibly divorced) and living apart. As they have a son together, they would still maintain a relationship as co-parents. It should be noted that a cliched trope often seen in disaster movies (i.e. Twister, Independence Day, Outbreak, Jurassic Park 3, etc.) is to have a high-powered married couple who have either separated or divorced. They still love each other but have split due to professional conflicts. Usually some extreme crisis eventually brings them together, causing them to reaffirm their feelings for each other and they reunite.


Question: Why did the elders leave to start their own town?

Answer: The elders, who had met at a grief support group, had all lost a loved one from a violent tragedy. Edward Walker, who was immensely rich, suggested starting the isolated village as a means to escape modern societal violence.


Question: Just asking out of curiosity, but what disorder does Noah suffer from?

Josh West

Answer: Likely autism with perhaps a comorbid intellectual disability and/or traumatic brain injury.

Answer: It was never specified what disability he was afflicted with.


Show generally

Question: Based on Wikipedia, the show had 222 segments altogether including 2 films, and a Christmas special, meaning the show featured 2 different summer vacations (one before the Christmas special and one after). If Phineas and Ferb only have 104 days of summer vacation per-vacation, shouldn't there be no more than 208 segments and films put together (1 day per-segment/film) or not? Also, if there really were 3 different vacations, how come the characters don't look to have grown at least a little in height throughout the years (the facial looks are reasonable though because they still look exactly the same when it shows some of them older in the episode "Last Day of Summer," if I remember correctly).

Answer: And Bart Simpson should be about 40 by now. Cartoon characters don't age in real time. And are you really counting summer vacation days in a show about children who build spaceships and a platypus who's a secret agent?

Brian Katcher

Question: The title - what does it mean/refer to?

Answer: In the film, it's a phrase used to describe the job of an air traffic controller. They're responsible for maneuvering the airplanes around in the skies. "Tin" refers to the airplanes and they're moving, or "pushing", them around. I tried to find if this was a real reference or phrase used in air traffic controllers prior to 1999, or just made up for the movie. It seems it's a phrase made up for the movie (but I can't say for certain as I have no experience in that field).


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