Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: WWhen the boggart changes into something in the classroom scene, can everybody see it then? Are all people seeing the same, or do they see the object that frightens them the most?


Chosen answer: The all see it the same; it turns into the thing that most frightens whoever has the boggart's attention at the time.


Question: When Fred and George were in possession of the Marauders Map, before giving it to Harry, how come they never wondered why Ron was always hanging around with a person called Peter Pettigrew? He shows up on the Map even whilst disguised as Scabbers, as we know from when Harry spots him.


Chosen answer: Fred and George used the map to aid them in their mischievous activities at Hogwarts, and probably had little interest in what their little brother was doing or who he might be with at any given time.


Chosen answer: They didn't know. Hermione's call distracted the werewolf when they first saw him, true enough, but that was before they had time jumped, so the Harry and Hermione that were scared of the werewolf were unaware that their future selves were around to save them.


Question: Can somebody please tell me why there was a dog in the sky? I know it had something to do with the 'Grim'.


Chosen answer: That's it exactly. It's a bit of in-world foreshadowing. Divination isn't complete malarkey, as McGonagall makes it out to be; Trelawney just doesn't have a knack for it aside from Prophecy which she herself is ignorant of actually possessing. Whatever magic controls such things as tea leaves and the like caused the clouds to form into the shape of a Grim. Harry just misunderstood the warning.


Question: Harry sees a dream of attacking Mr. Weasley as a snake, this was real. Harry sees a dream about Voldemort hurting Sirius, this is not real. Can anyone explain this to me?


Chosen answer: Harry was able to tap into Voldemort's mind and see what he was seeing. When Voldemort learns that Harry can do this, he plants a false vision in Harry's mind that Sirius is being tortured so that Harry will be lured into a trap at the Ministry.


Question: When everyone is at the Frosty Palace and Rizzo asks Danny if someone is snaking him. Danny says "Oh bite the weenie, Rizz." Then Rizzo says, "With relish. Now What does Rizzo mean by "With relish?"


Chosen answer: It's a double meaning. "With relish" means "with pleasure" but, since they're talking about a weenie, she is referencing the condiment as well.


Answer: Season 4, the episode is called "The One With Joey's Dirty Day".


Question: Something I didn't quite understand: when Hobbs and his team learn of Reyes from getting the information of the owner of the car, Neves says that if there's anything illegal going on in Rio that Reyes is involved. Then later in the film when Dom goes to her place to get his necklace, they talk and she says "Reyes owns this favela now". It seemed as though she did not show her knowledge of Reyes to Hobbs and his team by her use of "If". So is that a character mistake or was she pretending?

Answer: You probably didn't understand that when she spoke to Hobbs, she meant that Reyes is behind everything illegal. Not a mistake.

Anastasios Anastasatos

And that he literally owns the Favela, which is separate from his illegal activities. Remember he talked about the Spaniards and the Portuguese and how they conquered Brazil. He owns the Favela by providing water and electricity and daycare to the people, making him necessary in their life and willing to do anything to keep those things.

Chosen answer: No, there's nothing to suggest that Octavian isn't exactly who he claims to be.


Question: If Klaatu chooses to save the policeman that he injures/kills, and seemingly has the power to do this as many times as he wishes, why does he let the man using the Polygraph die?

Answer: He wasn't sensitive enough to earth people at that time. He came for a job.

Anastasios Anastasatos

Question: When Chechen meets the Joker in the warehouse, why did his men suddenly turn on him and start working for the Joker? The Joker was the only one in the warehouse, so it would have made sense for Chechen's men to simply say no or even beat him into submission.

Answer: Members of the mob typically respect strength and audacity. The Joker has repeatedly shown himself to have plenty of both in his confrontations with the police, rather more so than the Chechen has shown. Plus, and this is quite a key point, the Joker has all the mob's money. Plenty of reasons why the Chechen's men might find themselves interested in working for him instead.


Question: Why is the animal host switched out between the theatre release and the DVD release? Does this switch have any major differences between the two versions? I've only ever seen the theatre version.

Answer: There are two quite different versions of the film, due to problems behind the scenes while shooting. The director, David Fincher, was repeatedly subjected to studio interference, culminating with them effectively locking him out of the edit suite and creating the final cut of the movie themselves - this became the theatrical version, with the dog being used as the alien host. Some years later, a new version of the film was created using footage that Fincher shot that was rejected by the executives; known as the "Assembly Cut", the result was much closer to Fincher's original intent and contains a number of significant differences from the original - it's this version of the film that uses an ox as the alien host. Most box-sets of the film series will contain both the original theatrical cut and the assembly cut.


Question: What is the actual time frame from when Ripley is revived from the Nostromo's lifeboat to when she joins the mission to LV-426 to when the team actually arrives there? I know that the colonists were attacked after Burke sent the order for them to check out the alien spacecraft, but in alien, it was only a matter of hours before the facehugger dropped from Kane's face, and a few more after that when the newborn emerged. If this is accurate, then how could any of the infected colonists still be alive when the marines arrived and were checking the mass cocoon? In a previous question above, it was ascertained that the flight time was a minimum of 2 weeks, possibly more. Add to that the time it took to convince Ripley to agree to go and prep time for takeoff, I'd say it's anywhere from 2 1/2 to 3 weeks before they got there and any impregnated colonists should have dead.

Answer: You're assuming that all the colonists were captured by the aliens at the same time. There's no evidence to support that, particularly; logically the takeover would have happened over a period of time. Only one alien would have been brought back to the colony, from the facehugger that attacked Newt's father, so some considerable time must have passed while new eggs were acquired to infect other colonists and increase the number of alien warriors available. We don't know precisely when communications with the colony were cut off, but, from the lack of information available to the marines sent to investigate, it must have happened relatively early in the infestation, so it's entirely plausible that the colonists' final stand didn't take place until the marines were already well on their way. Newt's survival until the marines' arrival clearly opens up the possibility that other colonists were able to avoid capture for some time after the final stand. As such, it's not remotely unreasonable to suggest that the live colonist found in the cocoon chamber had been captured by the aliens no more than a day before the marines found her.


Regarding the colonist dying from a chestburster in front of the Marines as opposed to sometime before, maybe the colonist went into a coma of some kind (psychological if nothing else) and the chestburster of course did likewise, and then the Marines caused her, and accordingly the alien larva, to awaken (seems an enormous coincidence of timing otherwise) at that particular moment. It's also possible the adult aliens, having gone dormant with nothing to do, have somehow caused the chestburster and/or host to do likewise, again, with the Marines' arrival, the larva awoke and the adults followed suit. It's even possible the chestburster had some form of birth defect that caused its "late start."


I think that the adult Aliens were just sleeping or resting because Newt told Ripley that the Aliens mostly come out at night.

With reference to the original question about taking 2 weeks to get to the planet from earth, in the first Alien film the flight time was 10 months. I know that a military ship would be faster than an old tug 57 years previously but to cut the journey down that much would be impossible.

Well, the colonists may have been infected at the same time but that woman was still alive when they found her, so this shows that not all the colonists were infected at the same time assuming she even is a colonist.

Answer: You're assuming that they received transmissions at sub-light speed. It could have have been weeks or months before they received an S.O.S. Ripley said Newt survived for weeks on her own.

Chosen answer: Angels Take Manhattan takes place in Amy and Rory's personal timelines after they experience the events of The Doctor's visits. When the Angels take someone, they consume all of that person's potential temporal energy after that point, so they'd already had those experiences with The Doctor before being taken.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Is it ever stated in the movie what happened to the dementors after they attacked Harry and Dudley?


Chosen answer: No. Harry fought them off using the Patronus charm and they retreated. Where they went after that is unrevealed.


Question: It is made very clear in Thor that the safest place for powerful, mythical objects is Odin's weapons vault. So why would the Asgardians leave the most powerful and mythical of them all, the Tesseract on earth, behind just the push of a button?


Chosen answer: As we have no idea of the circumstances behind the Tesseract ending up hidden in a Norwegian church, we can hardly say that the Asgardians have simply chosen to leave it there. Most likely the reason is that they simply don't know where it is; while they're powerful, they're certainly not omnipotent. If, though some unknown past event, the Tesseract was lost to them, then somebody took considerable care in concealing it, it seems entirely reasonable that the Asgardians would be completely unable to locate it and return it to their vault.


Chosen answer: From above the break, she can still feel everything.


Question: If the children's souls were transferred into the servants and saw they were about to be hanged, why didn't one of them simply say something like "Mom, Dad it's me. Please don't do this!"


Answer: In that particular scene with the servants and the kids, you'll notice that the servants' eyes are rolled back into their heads and they're shaking uncontrollably. I think this is because they were drugged. You'll also notice they never try to fight being hung, never cry out or anything. They just keep shaking with their eyes rolled upward.

They weren't drugged, they were in a possessed state.

Answer: Actually it's the opposite The servants (in the kids bodies) are watching the kids getting burned (in the servants bodies) they already switched bodies.

Chosen answer: They most assuredly did, but the adults were in a drunken frenzy and not inclined to take the time to listen to the unbelievable tale these two objects of extreme racism were trying to tell.


Question: Why does Dr. Gordan cut his leg while he didn't know that door was unlocked or not? This question is also for Eric in Saw -2.

Answer: Well, there's only one way to find out whether or not it's locked...


Answer: Because he had to kill Adam to escape. Only way to reach the gun was to get rid of his chain.

He could've used his shirt to get the phone.

Answer: I'm assuming they were both in a panic, as normal people would be in that situation and it was Gordon's last attempt to try and save his family.

Answer: That is a good point. Dr Gordon wasn't even at the handle of the door, so he couldn't push it the same way Zep could or Jigsaw could at the very end.

Question: If I've seen it correctly, you are supposed to save if you made a copy of the tape. But what would happen if you watch the tape again, do you have to make another copy then to prevent her coming out of the television?

Answer: No. The main character watches the tape several times looking for clues to solve the mystery, but only makes one copy and is still spared.


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