Question: It is implied strongly in this movie that water makes witches melt, and this is spoofed in other media. I've only ever seen this referenced to wicked witches. Does water make good witches, such as Glinda, melt too?
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Answer: In the original book, water caused the wicked witches to melt away because they were so old and shriveled that all the fluid in their bodies had long since dried away. Meanwhile, the film Oz: The Great and Powerful instead implies that the Wicked Witch of the West is weak against water due to being a fire-elemental witch, which could also be the case for this incarnation, meaning it wouldn't apply to other witches like Glinda (whose element in both films appears to be ice) or even the Wicked Witch of the East (whose powers are never shown in this film, but were electricity-based in Oz the Great and Powerful).
Question: What does Elsa eat in the mountains? Or does she not need to eat?
Chosen answer: Elsa still needs to eat. However, she has only been in the mountains for a day. One can go three weeks without any food, Elsa would eventually have to leave the mountain to find some food.
Question: What sort of accent is Gatsby supposed to have? (00:29:55)
Chosen answer: This has been answered before. Gatsby grew up in a poor, mid-western family. He is a self-made millionaire (through illegal means) but pretends he comes from wealthy, upper-class society. He has adopted a fake posh accent to help support the illusion of his bogus background. It is how he believes well-bred people speak.
Question: Who came up with the idea of calling the shark Bruce?
Answer: Bruce Raymer, who has been Steven Spielberg's lawyer for over 40 years, has the distinctive honor of being the namesake of the mechanical shark models, which were all nicknamed Bruce by Steven Spielberg.
Question: Is there a reason, that a facility full of monsters would ever, under any circumstances have a System Purge button? Is it just to make satire of the fact that the antagonist is usually stupid?
Answer: As you said, it is a satire of the common Deus Ex Machina trope you find in such films.
Question: How did Zed die?
Chosen answer: It's never explained how Zed died. Rip Torn, who played Zed, may have been unexpectedly written out because at around the time of filming he had been arrested for breaking into a bank branch while intoxicated and carrying a firearm (he believed he was entering his own home). Rather than going into a detailed reason for Zed's death or incorporating it into the plot, it was simply stated that he had passed away.
Question: I, and some other people, remember an episode in which Monica's obsessive-compulsive tendencies have so annoyed her employees in the restaurant that they lock her in a refrigerator. Some other people do not remember this, and my best efforts looking through plot summaries have not turned it up. Searching with Google on Monica and refrigerator has not helped. So does someone know where it is, or approximately where it is? Thank you.
Chosen answer: This is season 4, episode 10, "The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie". Everyone who works under Monica hates her after she got their old boss' job in an earlier episode. She hires Joey just so she can fire him to bring the others in line, but he's enjoying the money so doesn't play along. At one point they lock her in the walk-in freezer, where she gets covered in marinara sauce. This makes her so upset that Joey relents and lets her fire him.
Question: The scene when the three guys are all aiming guns at each other and then fire... Who shoots the "son," the guy in blue jacket?
Answer: The truth is Mr White's squib went off too soon and he fell so the answer is nobody shot nice guy Eddie.
The squib may of gone off too soon sure, but I mean Mr Pink crawls out from underneath the ramp with a gun in his hand. It's hard to tell the angle but I think it could be assumed that Mr. Pink shot Nice Guy Eddie. It would help to separate himself from anyone who could potentially tie him to the whole ordeal and he could walk away with the diamonds.
Question: When Tony is trying to close the dead old woman's eyes, the security guard states the body has to be dead for a few hours in order for the eyes to close. Is this true?
Chosen answer: Yes. When the body dies, gasses begin escaping through any way they can, and can force the eyes to stay open. This is also true for a body that has been dead for several hours, once decay starts, the decaying causes gasses. But also when the body is freshly dead, the muscles and nerves are confused and keep firing for a long time, causing muscle spasms like feet and hands wiggling on the deceased, or even eyes popping open suddenly as if the person is awake. This is why the eye lids are sown shut on bodies at funerals and stuff, to prevent the eyes from popping open and freaking out the people viewing. And in older times, coins would be places over the eyes to hold them shut.
Question: Is that Jennifer Tilly's voice at the very end when they are on the "laugh floor?" It sounds different.
Answer: Yes, that's her as Celia.
Question: The trailer shows clips that are not in the actual film, such as Taylor driving the car towards Alex in the rain, and a different take of Alex telling Sophie that he is disappointed in Ingrid. Where can I find the version of this film that includes these deleted/alternate scenes?
Question: In the end, when Michael has his mask taken off, it looks like his left eye is messed up. Whats the reason for this? I am looking for more of a behind the scenes answer.
Answer: Even though it was thought that Michael Myers had a deformed left eye, it is supposed to be the result of the injury that Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) inflicted when she stabbed him in the eye with a clothes hanger. The look was achieved by a prosthetic that was stretched to give the eye a droopy-like appearance. You can see a similar prosthetic in a brightened up version of the Halloween 2018 poster.
Question: When Shelby is telling her mom about the pregnancy, what does Shelby mean when she says, "I think it would help things a lot"?
Answer: She did say he likes to hunt for everything.
Answer: I always felt it meant her husband is cheating on her. And so her having the baby would hopefully help them get back together.
Question: When Jeffrey and Sandy are discussing where Isabella Rossellini lived, it is mentioned that she lived on the 7th floor of the apartment building. When they show the outside of the building it appears to have only 4 floors. Was this symbolic or an oversight?
Question: The Queen of Egypt (I'm pretty sure her name is Tuya, but is she ever named in the film?) is portrayed as being a kind person almost every time she appears, but in the very beginning there is a moment I don't understand. When she's holding baby Moses, she throws dirty looks at the two servant girls who are with her, for seemingly no reason. What gives?
Question: Why does Magneto make the effort to salvage his helmet when he knows that Charles cannot use his telepathy due to the serum? Is the helmet just part of the outfit?
Answer: As shown in the film, if Charles stops taking the medication he can once again use his powers. Additionally it grants the benefits of protecting him from other telepaths and, in the original trilogy of films, it was suggested that his helmet helps him focus his powers. On top of all this, it would provide physical protection for him.
Question: When Harry and Ron show up late at Hogwarts and are caught by Filch, why does Filch take them to Snape and not McGonagall? I know Filch does not like any of the students because he's a Squib (a pureblood with no magical power) and he knew Snape would tell them off severely, but as Ron and Harry are Gryffindor students, they should have been taken to McGonagall no questions asked.
Chosen answer: Filch wanted the boys to be punished and he knew Snape would inflict a harsher punishment than McGonagall.
Question: What I don't understand at the end is the following: 1. Jack wanted to stab DJ's heart and become the immortal captain of TFD. 2. Will did not particularly want to stab the heart, as it would mean losing Elizabeth and consigning himself to being alone as the captain of TFD, but it was the only way he knew of to keep his promise to his dad to release him from service. 3. Elizabeth definitely did not want Will to do the above, because then they could not be together. There is a scene where Jack is holding his broken sword next to DJ's beating heart, threatening to stab it. This is before DJ stabbed Will. Instead of threatening, why didn't he just stab it and get it over with? Everyone gets what they want. He becomes captain, he has the power to release Will's dad, and Will gets to fulfill his promise, and be together with Elizabeth. Why did Jack hesitate and screw up the situation?
Chosen answer: Jack wanted Davy Jones to know that he had the heart and show that he had the most power right before Jones died. He was going to stab the heart but Davy Jones then stabbed Will and Jack had no choice to have Will stab the heart because he knew it was the only way for Will to survive, even if it means giving up the opportunity to be immortal.
Answer: As Will had said to Jack before Jack pushed him off the Black Pearl for Beckett to find, "You have to do the duty Jack. You have to ferry souls or end up just like Jones."
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Answer: In all likelihood, probably not. Water is often depicted and represents purity, and cleansing. It flows smoothly, is beautiful, clear, and responsible for life on Earth. Everything the Wicked Witch is not. Where as the good Witch is pure and of a true heart. So it makes sense that something so evil and impure as the evil witch would be effected by the purest substance there is, yet not harm the good witch because she is good.
Quantom X ★