Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: The pre-cogs had a red ball for the incident that happened at the end, but consider this: Lamar intended to shoot Anderton, but didn't go through with it (which we learn at the beginning does not trigger pre-visions). Further, he committed suicide, which we also learn earlier is something the pre-cogs don't see. So my question is: how could there have been a red ball? The pre-cogs shouldn't have seen anything.

Matty Blast

Answer: The red ball indicates a crime of passion, not something planned, that is a brown ball like Anderton got. Lamar did not plan beforehand to shoot Anderton, but he intended it and would have done so if not for the precogs. Because he knows the precogs predicted his intention to kill Anderton, he instead chose to go a different route, probably at the very last second as the precrime team closed in on them. It is the same choice Anderton had in the apartment. It's either do as you intended, or change your mind at the last moment.


Question: Why is Quint's belt buckle undone and he is zipping up his pants as Hooper talks about his girlfriend who broke his heart. Was he showing off another scar, and they cut that scene out?

Answer: Yes, that part was edited out. As I remember it from the theatrical version, Quint had shown Hooper and Brody a scar below his waist, then was buckling his belt just as Hooper started talking about his "broken heart." This scene and others were likely edited to fit a TV time slot and allow for commercials.


Answer: Because he simply fell in love with the car, knowing he could restore it to magnificence. It is possible the magic allure of Christine affected him from that first moment.


Question: How could Ethan really trust Luther to hold on to the NOC list, as Stickell was a disavowed agent himself?

Ethan Hunt

Answer: Frankly, in working with him over the prior few days he just got to know him well enough to make that judgement. That and he could hear Luther react audibly over the earpiece when he saw what it was that they were downloading. He was surprised and had clear fear in his voice. Yes he could have been putting on an act, but this is where getting to know him over the prior days comes into play. As a secret agent himself, frequently sent under cover and surrounded by hostile or unknown players, he would have to become a good judge of character to identify threats and allies.


Answer: During Prohibition, which lasted throughout the 20's and early 30's, alcoholic beverages were effectively entirely banned in the US. Illicit, illegal places (often referred to as a "speakeasy" or "rotgut room") were created where people could drink alcohol on the down low. They were often secret establishments or hidden areas within another business. The secret room in the bar is one such room. The reason there are peepholes in the room is so they could keep an eye out for unwanted company (aka, the police or other authorities) while people illegally drank. If they saw the police coming, they could hide the booze and try to find a way to sneak out.


Question: What are the little clear beads that Agent 47 puts down before his hotel room door after he rejects the blonde girl at the bar? They seem to release some kind of gas when the FSB raids his room but I thought they were only put down so he would hear them be crushed when stepped on (which would be impossible to hear if he were doing anything else other than listening for them).

Answer: The reason for the beads being put down was so he could hear if someone stepped on them. Notice how he heard them after Diana said his location was compromised. The beads never released any gas. The smoke filling the room could have either been caused by the explosive device he attached to the door which set most of the room on fire or, they could have been smoke grenades throw into the room by the FSB in an attempt to apprehend 47 although they were unaware he had already escaped.

Question: How exactly did Ben Sliney determine from watching the CNN report that the plane had struck the North Tower from the west, based on the position of the sun? Seems a bit of a reach given that there were huge, gaping holes on all 4 sides of the building, and theoretically, any one of those could've been the point of entry for the plane. (00:38:23)

Answer: The hole where the plane went into the building is shaped very specifically where you can see the outline of the wings, the middle of the plane, not to mention its size. The holes on the other side of the building did not have this same outline. It wouldn't be difficult to determine that was the point of entry. Not to mention the CNN report focused very heavily on the point of entry hole on the north tower and hardly focused on the other sides because of it until the 2nd tower got hit. They were very clear in the report where the hole was where it got hit. Wasn't difficult to determine with both witness reports coming in fast and the shape of the outline.

Show generally

Question: I know Bob Odenkirk wore a hairpiece in this series, but does Saul Goodman himself wear one, or is it his natural hair? I seem to recall some episodes of Breaking Bad in which you could see a bald spot in the crown area of Saul's head, so if he is wearing a hairpiece, it seems a little odd that he would have an uncovered bald spot, not to mention the flash-forward segments of this show saw him with quite the thinning head of hair despite not taking too long after Breaking Bad.


Chosen answer: He does a "comb-over", which is a really tacky way of covering a bald patch: letting the hair grow long on one side, then combing it to the other side, over the bald spot. We see him arranging it at the end of S06E09, after the time jump. It's pretty on-brand for Saul. Later, when he becomes Gene, he cuts his hair more "normally" and his baldness is more apparent throughout the scenes in that timeline.

Question: When Shelby invites Annell to her reception and offers her something to wear, she says she's going to call the house. Who would she be calling? There was no-one there except Drum and the boys outside and the reception staff.

Answer: One possibility is that Shelby is calling a wedding coordinator or a relative at the house where the reception is being held. Someone like Jackson's Aunt Fern or Shelby's brothers could fetch an outfit from Shelby's closet and bring it to Truvy's shop.


Answer: It apparently just reflects their genders. Modern women tend to have longer hairstyles and men shorter ones. It creates a contrasting look (masculine vs feminine) to the two characters, and it would be odd and distracting for the Hulk to have long hair or the other way around.


Question: Morgan Fairchild was a stand in. What part was she in?

Answer: From Wikipedia: Fairchild was hired as Faye Dunnaway's body double, mostly in scenes that involved driving a car because Dunnaway could not drive a stick shift.


Answer: The movies never say. According to Wookieepedia, cybernetics or prosthetic limbs can be powered by batteries, with no further explanation.

Question: If the nerve gas doesn't infect animals, what about people's pets? How would they survive without being fed if all the owners are dead?


Answer: They would die or escape and go feral, as would zoo animals, farm animals etc.

Answer: She is watching the TV show All My Children.

Question: How come when Joaquin wore the Medal of Everlasting Life, making him invulnerable and immortal, he still ages through his training?

Answer: The medal doesn't affect his age, it makes it so that he lives for a really long time and doesn't die.

Question: What happens if you watch the movie however you don't have a telephone to be called?

Answer: Notice that Noah doesn't answer the phone when he watches the tape, but he still dies. The phone call is just a warning. Whether you get it doesn't matter... you die regardless. So if you don't have a phone, you just don't get the warning.


Out Of Time - S6-E6

Question: Kryten states that their future selves can only travel forwards in time, how are they able to go back to send the message? (00:17:02)

Answer: They must have been visiting an era earlier than the 1600s (when the Dwarfers were) when their time machine broke.

Brian Katcher

Show generally

Question: Trying to remember the episode where Peggy damn near kills herself competing with Minh over who donates the most blood.

Answer: "The Buck Stops Here", s05e02.


Question: At the end of the movie Alice fights the Licker. The licker falls through the hatch, is dragged across the tracks and begins to burn. How is that possible?

Answer: Per Wikipedia, the third rail is a metal railway track that is placed on either side of a train track to provide electrical power to trains traveling along the tracks. The third rail is extremely dangerous as they provide hundreds of volts in a current that contains very high amps. Thus, the licker falls onto the tracks, is dragged along the third rail creating sparks, and then ignites when enough heat and sparks are generated.


Answer: This is an NYPD Meritorious Police Duty bar, specifically either the Honorable Mention (silver-star) medal, or the Commendation (bronze-star) medal. Recipients are awarded Honorable Mention for "an act of extraordinary bravery intelligently performed in the line of duty at imminent and personal danger to life." And the Commendation is for "grave personal danger in the performance of duty" or "highly creditable unusual police accomplishment."

Super Grover

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