Question: Instead of Frank giving the wallet with the fingerprints to John in the future, why didn't Frank just give the wallet to the police in his own time?
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Answer: Too much explaining would have to be done by Frank. The police would ask why he would want his wallet scanned for prints. Plus remember they were on a time frame. Julia was going to be killed in a week, and they were trying to save the other girls as well. Quicker just to get the wallet to john, and he would go scan for fingerprints right away.
Answer: Plus, they didn't have some of the technology in Frank's time as they had in John's.
Question: How did John's father appear at the end of the movie as an old guy? It's very confusing to me, can someone please explain how that worked?
Chosen answer: His son prevented his death in the past. By warning him about how he originally died in that fire and changing his decision, and then convincing him to stop smoking so he doesn't die of lung cancer. He prevented his past death, so suddenly he was still alive in present time.
Question: In the scene where Vincent is buying heroin from Lance, Lance says "This ain't Amsterdam, Vince. This is a seller's market. Coke is fuckin' dead as disco. Heroin's comin' back in a big fuckin' way. It's this whole seventies retro. Bell bottoms, heroin, they're as hot as hell." Why does it sound like Lance is trying to talk Vincent into buying heroin instead of coke when Vincent is supposed to be a heroin addict? (00:28:10)
Answer: He's not trying to talk Vincent into buying cocaine, Lance is explaining to him why the heroin is so much more expensive than what he'd grown used to paying for it while he was in Amsterdam.
Yeah I guess Vince used to buy cocaine from Lance. But he got addicted to Heroin while he was in Amsterdam.
Question: I read the trivia about Bruce Willis having to star in Friends for no fee, but he was in more than one episode. Did he only do ONE for free?
Answer: While filming The Whole Nine Yards with Matthew Perry, the two actors made a bet in which if Willis lost, he would have to appear on FRIENDS for free. Willis did lose, but the studio still paid him. To keep the terms of the bet, Willis donated the money to a charity.
Question: When shown, Barry's mom's tombstone does not have her date of birth or death on it. Is this a mistake? I believe it's standard for American graves to bear these dates.
Chosen answer: It is standard, but not always the case. It all depends on what the deceased's family wants. There's no law to state that there has to be a DOB and DOD on the marker.
Question: What happened to Barry's dad?
Chosen answer: According to DC wiki (, Barry's mum was killed by Professor Zoom - due to the lack of evidence his dad Henry was accused of her murder and eventually died in prison. But when Barry went back to stop the other Flash from saving his mum, we can see there was a burglar in the room who was approaching her, so there isn't really an explanation to what happened to Barry's dad in Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox. There's only an explanation in the comics.
Question: Out of Ted's kids in 2030, who is meant to be the older?
Chosen answer: In a flash forward scene in Season 8, it shows him with his first born: a daughter.
Answer: Ted's daughter is older as revealed in a flash forward in 'Trilogy Time', when Ted is with his then-only child: a daughter.
Question: One of the taglines for this film is "It's nothing personal". I have no idea what that has to do with the film and was hoping someone could explain it.
Chosen answer: Two possibilities. 1: The Terminator is emotionless, so the killing isn't personal, but rather what it's programmed to do. 2: Sarah Connor's plan to kill Miles Dyson to stop Skynet's creation.
It's also a sly nod to another famous tagline, Jaws: The Revenge. "This time it's personal."
Question: Why would Rex, a US soldier who fought to protect his country, turn traitor and decide to become a man who wanted world domination?
Answer: He was left for dead by his own comrades, badly injured by an airstrike that they called down on his location. He would likely say that his country turned against him, not that he turned on them.
Question: The guy who put the magnet in Tony's chest in the cave, who was he and why was he being held captive by the soldiers?
Chosen answer: His name is Ho Yinsen and he's a skilled engineer and medic. The details behind his capture are never revealed, but most likely he was kidnapped so that the terrorist group could utilise his skills, coercing him into helping by threatening to destroy his home village, exactly as we see then doing later in the movie after Stark's escape and Yinsen's death.
Question: When the rings were forged, nine were given to the Kings of Man and they became the Ringwraiths. How is it that the three elves had no trouble, as they are all there and smiling in the Grey Havens scene? Also, what happened to the dwarfen rings?
Answer: When the Rings were created, the elves became aware of the creation of the One Ring, and removed their rings. Only when the One Ring was removed from the hand of Sauron were even those rings safe to use. It should be pointed out that the elven rings were crafted by the elven smiths themselves for their own purposes and did not have the same corrupting influence by default as the Seven and the Nine. While their rings were subject to the power of the One Ring, the elven ringbearers remained untouched by his power, tapping into the powers of their rings only sparingly to maintain their realms and only while the One Ring remained lost to Sauron (as it was for the entire time since the last war, up to and including the time of LotR). As for the dwarves, they also proved to be too hardy for Sauron to dominate and the rings merely increased their innate desire for gold. Sauron ultimately reclaimed three of the dwarven rings, which were presumably lost in the fall of Barad-dur, with the other four being consumed by dragons.
Question: One question answered on this movie says that Penguin died because he was out of the cold. Another says he just prefers cold. So does he need cold or not and why did he die?
Chosen answer: Penguin died due to the wounds he sustained during the missile explosions earlier.
Question: Why is Penguin's blood green?
Answer: It isn't. If you look at when he dies you will see that he has cuts on his face that are bleeding red. The blue liquid is more like a bile, probably similar to saliva.
Chosen answer: It is part of the mutation that caused his peculiar appearance.
Question: Was it ever revealed where Mikayla's mother is? She was never seen on the show.
Answer: No. Although Mikayla and Mason occasionally referred to the mother, her whereabouts were never revealed.
Question: What exactly happened to Vicki Vale between movies? She's mentioned a couple times in this one, but it's never said what happened.
Chosen answer: The same thing that happens to all the women in Bruce Wayne's life who learn his secret: She eventually realized that she would always be second to Batman, and never know if he'd make it home each night, so she left.
Answer: They broke up. At one point in the movie, Bruce tells Selina that he had a girlfriend (Vicki), but, and I quote, "It didn't work out."
Question: After she falls, what exactly makes Selyna Kyle go nuts? And what is she trying to do to her apartment?
Answer: The film keeps it ambiguous. There are two ways to look at it. Scenario A- She literally died and is brought back to life by the alley-cats somehow, adapting some of their traits. Or... Scenario B- The trauma of falling and sustaining a head-injury, along with her paranoia after Schreck tried to kill her, has driven her mad, and she uses her connection with cats to build a new persona. (Which is supported by the fact that all the things she claims "kills" her with each of her "nine lives" wouldn't actually have killed her. Ex. Her one fall is broken by the kitty-litter truck. Max doesn't hit her in any vital organs when he shoots her. Etc.) Her destroying her apartment is her lashing out at all the things she used to hold dear- her vision of a normal life, etc. It's symbolic of her purging the past and embracing the future. (Plus, oftentimes when people throw fits, they'll smash stuff up).
Chosen answer: She just died, and came back to life. The shock drove her mad. She really isn't doing anything but destroying it.
Question: Why is Penguin coughing up green stuff before he dies? And is that his blood?
Answer: It is poison from Shrek's factory.
Chosen answer: It is suppose to be his blood.
Question: Why must Penguin be in cold to survive?
Chosen answer: He doesn't need to be in cold to survive. He just prefers it since he's lived in the cold his entire life.
Question: Who is Max Shreck from the comics, or is he even from the Batman comics?
Chosen answer: Shreck was a character created for the movie. The part was originally intended to be Harvey Dent, and the explosion at the end would scar him, paving the way for Two Face in a third movie, but the filmmakers opted for an original character instead. The name comes from a German actor who played Count Orlok in "Nosferatu".
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Chosen answer: They couldn't be sure that the police wouldn't lose it or turn it in when the owner showed up. Or, since we find out that the killer is a cop, he could have just taken it back from evidence.
Captain Defenestrator