Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Is there any meaning behind the girl who tells Virginia her fortune (in Kissingtown), other than the fact that what she says comes true? Virginia asks "How did she know that?" as if there's something else.

Answer: The little girl is Snow White in disguise, helping the travellers in their quest. "How did she know?" is because the little girl knew what they were looking for, even though no-one had told her.

Question: When Nicky is climbing up the fire escape to see Valerie he passes a window and inside there is a man dripping wax on his body. What is the tune playing in the background?

Answer: "Two Of Hearts" Stacey Q.

Question: The credits and IMDb claim that clips from the movies The Premature Burial (1962) and Mutiny on the Bounty (1962) are used in the film. Where are these clips?

Answer: A clip from Mutiny on the Bounty is used in the ship scene. I believe it's on deck before Renfield and Dracula are seen. The premature burial is the scene when Lucy's coffin is being carried on the moors.

Question: When Isolde asks Tristan "how many have you loved before me and after me" does she mean how many he had slept with or how many he had loved?

Answer: Both or either. Basically what she's asking is, "Are you really mine and no one else's?"

Question: What's the song playing when Dewey and the band are going to the battle of the bands? It's in the bit when Mullins says that all the children are missing.

Answer: Led Zeppelin's Immigrant Song.

The Immigrant Song is played when the band is returning from the auditions not when they are going to the Battle of the Bands.

Question: As Robert Langdon sinks to his knees on top of the Louvre at the very end of the film over Mary Magdalene's tomb, what is the music playing? It's very uplifting and would logically be the last track on the soundtrack, but on listening to a sample on iTunes, the style of the tracks seem completely different.


Chosen answer: The track is "Chevaliers de Sangreal" on the official soundtrack. It's the second to the last track (13).

Question: What is the song playing right after O-Ren Ishii kicks off her shoes in the snow right before her and The Bride have their duel? I checked IMDB and the actual soundtrack but I can't find out which song it is.

Answer: If you're thinking about the song that starts with the clapping then it's called "Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood" by Santa Esmeralda. On the soundtrack it's number 10.

Answer: Http://


Show generally

Question: Why was Margret's last name changed from O'Houlihan in the film to Houlihan in the TV series?

Answer: The sheer alliteration makes "Houlihan" a more natural match for "Hotlips" than "O'Houlihan," which the creators of the TV show recognized. The character was based on real-life MASH nurse "Hotlips" Hammerly, which also may have prompted the switch.

Question: Why were the people singing in the streets shot at?

Answer: Because they were singing revolutionary songs. And at that time was strictly forbidden.

Show generally

Question: In the show's theme music, the person who says "Wooooo hoooooo hooooooo" sounds like Dale. Is it him?

Answer: Listening closely, it's not Dale. It's not meant to be anyone from the show.

Question: What was Mickey's motive for being one of the killers?

Answer: His main motive was fame, or infamy for that matter.

Answer: He hadn't no motive. Remember? It was the millennium. Motives are incidental. That and he was out of his mind. And he wanted to blame the movies.

Alan Keddie

Answer: Mickey's reply when Syd asks, that he's "always been a follower," indicates he's probably just psychotic, looking for any excuse to kill.

Question: Is there any word that Felicia (the other girl that Peter dates in the TV series) will be in the movies?

Answer: There are no indications of Felicia Hardy showing up any time soon. However in Spider-Man 3 we will meet Gwen Stacy, another one of Peter's girlfriends from the comics.

Show generally

Question: At the end of the last ever episode, when Claire is taking the family photo, Nate whispers in her ear 'You can't take a picture unless it's already gone.' What does he mean by that?

Answer: Nate actually say "You can't take a picture of this, it's already gone." It's kinda hard to explain, but he's referring to the fact that the moment Claire wants to take a picture of is over already, and she can't take a photo of it, just a different, lesser moment.

Question: Is the blind woodsman from a fairy tale or is there some kind of joke about him?

Answer: In Little Red Riding Hood, a woodsman cuts open the wolf. Perhaps the story would have been different from a Wolf's perspective.

Answer: The woodsman makes Tony guess his name, which is what Rumplestiltskin does to the princess in the fairy tale of the same name. Don't know why he's blind, though.

Question: Why did Billy and Stu want to kill Tatum? I've read that she said Stu was bad in bed, but when does she say this in the movie?

Answer: They didn't have anything against Tatum specifically, her death was just necessary for their scary movie plan against Sidney. They also said that anyone who isn't a virgin dies in a scary movie, and we know Tatum wasn't a virgin.

Did they say "anyone who isn't a virgin"? I thought it was anyone who has sex *during* the horror movie events - not including people who were *already* not virgins.

Typically, the cliche is "sex or promiscuity = death." I don't think it necessarily has to be during the events of the movie. Debating the minutiae is probably just gonna make us run in circles.


Answer: I don't understand why people are getting hung up on the virgin thing. Sure, there are some movies where someone who isn't a virgin survives. But the common cliche in horror that everyone knows is that sex typically equals death. Doesn't matter if some movies don't follow the cliche... it's still the cliche, and Stu and Billy are operating by the cliches.


In addition to this, Stu and Billy were planning to be the two survivors and make "the sequel." They probably viewed themselves as the main characters. Tatum was one of the "side characters" who would typically be killed.

Except even in this movie, Sidney should be dead by that logic. While Randy is explaining that rule, Sid is upstairs breaking said rule with Billy.

Answer: But Amy Steel's Ginny in Friday the 13th Part 2 wasn't a virgin and she survived. Yet these guys claim to know horror movies.


It's just a TV trope used in the movie.


Question: Just before eating the hydrated pizza, Marty says, "I missed that completely," and then nobody seems to want to take a bite. What did he mean by that, and why did nobody want to eat the pizza?

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: Bits and pieces were cut out of the dinner scene. When Marty says that, he's referring to a cut scene where Lorraine mentions that Uncle Joey was turned down for parole again. As for the pizza, no one does take a bite but it seems for reasonable enough reasons. Marty Sr appeared as if he was letting the pizza cool off, Marty Jr was trying to get fruit from the overhead fruit holder, and the daughter was answering the phone.

Plus: The pizza looks like a completely inedible prop.

Extreme Aggressor - S1-E1

Question: How did the BAU know who Unsub was? He had e-mailed his victims and created a program that was sent through e-mail to erase all information of who he was and how to locate him, but the BAU did.

Answer: The team told the local police the Unsub would have already injected himself into the case, either coming forward as a 'witness' or volunteering to search for the missing woman. Once they came up with a profile they compared it to everyone who had approached the police about the case and eliminated everyone who didn't match the profile (wrong gender, age, etc.). They didn't explain it very well, and in real life it would have taken much longer so it's easy to get confused.

So how could they create a profile if the UnSub was able to cover his tracks?

Question: Does anyone know the name of the composer who wrote the actual music performed by Lizzie and Georgiana as well as music for the movie itself?

Answer: The composer is called Dario Marinelli, the pianist is Jean-Yves Thibaudet. Marinelli composed the music that Lizzy and Georgiana play. The only thing he hasn't composed is the piece that Darcy and Lizzy dance to at the Netherfield Ball, which is a piece from Henry Purcell.

Question: Can anyone tell me the name of the song played while Sway and Memphis are sitting in the car waiting for the couple in the window to get it on?

Answer: It's called 'Painted On My Heart' by The Cult.

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