Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Answer: It's a little shorter and curlier. The bangs are also a little different. It's hardly surprising since a few months have passed from the end of the school year in HP2 and the start of HP3, just before the new school year begins. All the younger characters have changing hairstyles throughout the series.


Question: If Amazons are immortal and never age then how can Diana grow up there?


Answer: It would be more accurate to say they grow to a certain age then stop aging. Similar to the elves in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.


Answer: They may never grow old, but they are not immortal since we see some die.

Answer: Diana is unlike the other Amazon women, so her physiology differs. In mythology, Amazon women were demigods - half human and half god. Diana's mother, Hippolyta, crafted her from clay and Zeus gave her life. Diana grew from an infant into adulthood, then, like the other Amazons, becomes either immortal or long-lived.


Answer: Thank you both.


Question: Where did the mobile vehicle suddenly come from on the back of the Dallas?

Answer: When Ryan goes to the shipyard, Skip tells him "We can get it anywhere in the world in 24 hours." The powers that be knew they would be needing it for the fake rescue, so had it sent to the Dallas which they had planned to meet the Soviet ship.


Answer: We aren't told for certain, but Loki mentions in Thor: The Dark World that there are secret ways out of Asgard. He may have known that the well he plunged himself into was a wormhole.


Question: Is this the last movie in the Infinity Saga? I always thought Endgame was, but apparently I was wrong. Wouldn't it make more sense for Endgame to be?


Answer: All MCU movies from Phase 1 through Phase 3 are considered to be in the Infinity Saga. Avengers: Endgame is considered to be the climax, while this film is considered to be the epilogue.


Question: What happened to Loki? Does this mean he's now alive?


Answer: The Loki from the original timeline is dead, but the 2013 Loki that is imprisoned on Asgard is presumably alive and well, and the 2012 Loki that escaped with the Tesseract is alive and supposedly, this version of the character will be the focus of his own upcoming Disney+ series.


Answer: The Loki who escaped is in a different timeline, so he will not encounter the "main" versions of the characters. This version of Loki will appear in the new series.

Question: Before Nina and Jake found the little girl's remains inside the safe in the office of the abandoned mill, there was a bloody handprint on it. Who does it belong to?

Answer: Possibly one of the girl's parents, hiding their little girl in the safe before being attacked, captured and killed by the Mutant family.


Answer: Erica.

Answer: Yes.

Question: I have heard that the news broadcasts used in the movies are copies of actual broadcasts, is this true?

Answer: Indeed, some are. The shots of Walter Cronkite and Wally Schirra are actual news reports.


Question: What was the CD he was playing while Creasy was attempting to kill himself?

Answer: Blue Bayou by Linda Ronstadt.

Answer: Blue Bayou.

Oh, Brother, Where Are Thou? - S2-E15

Question: How exactly did the production of Homer's car bankrupt Herb? If Herb, as a highly successful car manufacturer, was spending so much money spoiling Marge and the kids that an $82,000 price tag for making a car was enough of a straw to break the camel's back, wouldn't he have gone bankrupt sooner than later anyway?


Answer: It wasn't the cost of one car, but that they'd produced thousands of Homer's ridiculous vehicles, which they'd marketed as a family car, but cost five times as much as a new car at the time. No one would buy them and the company went under.

Brian Katcher

Wasn't the car just a demo though? How would they have been able to produce thousands of cars in such a short amount of time?


Herb had given instructions to his team to build whatever Homer wants, thinking it would be a success. More than likely the plant produced the one seen while production continued on the rest. Herb had too much faith in Homer and his ideas.


Big difference between a "demo" or prototype car compared to a launch car. The dealers must have stock available of the launch car so people can actually buy them straight away.


Season 8 generally

Question: If Ramon Sanchez (Gabby's stepfather) lived in Oklahoma City and was reported missing by his wife who also lived in Oklahoma City, why would Chuck, who lives a plane ride away in Fairview, be investigating the case?


Answer: He was investigating the lead not the case.

Answer: Chuck remembered seeing the man on the sidewalk that night.

Question: Did Obi-Wan at some point in the movie know Anakin and Padme were married? I read in the novel that she let him know about them, concerning Anakin while he was at her apartment.

Answer: When he told Padme that Anakin turned to the dark side.

Question: After Sidney and Billy have sex, is her questioning him implying that she still thinks he's done it? Because I thought he's already convinced her that he is not the killer. Why would she have sex with someone she believes to be the killer?

Answer: She simply thought of a detail/new question - who did Billy call while in jail? - after they already had sex.

Answer: Love makes people do stupid things maybe?


Question: What was special about the Congressional meeting where Elle speaks about Bruiser's Bill?

Answer: Not sure if this specifically answers your question, but Elle sponsored Bruiser's Bill to end animal testing by cosmetic companies. She was subverted by Congresswoman Rudd, who was protecting the interests of a wealthy campaign donor for whom the bill did not favor. Rudd's assistant, Grace, finds out that Rudd had lied to Elle, so she helps her get the bill brought before the House floor to be voted on.


Question: Was it intentional that Joe Namath and Ann Margaret's names were each repeated twice on the screen as Sharon Tate walked into the theatre? (01:08:00)

Answer: Yes, though the intention was not Tarantino's. What is onscreen is the trailer of the (real) 1970 film "C.C. and Company", which starred (as you might have guessed) Joe Namath and Ann-Margret. Said trailer showed their names twice, a stylistic choice that emphasized the film's stars, and Tarantino used the unaltered trailer in the film.

Question: I've always wondered, what's the significance of the kid pointing a wooden gun and making 'pew pew' noises at Reese when he enters the human hideout? Is it meant to be purely a bit of comical play between the two, or a subtle inference that mankind will never be able to abolish its inherent desire to destroy itself, even in the face of total extinction?

Answer: Its simply a child being a child and playing, but more than anything, showing the innocence of the children that inspite of the near death of the human race all around them, there's still time to play and be... human.


Answer: I think it refers more to the irony fact the kids innocently playing soldiers, would soon become real soldiers in a fight for their lives.

Answer: I've always thought it was to show that these children didn't know anything else. They hadn't had a childhood due to the war against the machines and all they knew was to shoot guns because that's all they've seen people do.


Answer: I agree with the playing and innocence aspects, as well as some comic relief. Toddlers/children prepare for possible future roles in life by mimicking adults' behaviors. What the child lacks is a sense of danger, showing no fear (or guilt) "shooting" a much larger person who knows how to kill. The child also lacks an understanding of consequences of behavior and meaning/permanence of death.


Question: Here's something I've never understood. Who is that guy that attacks Willie in the parking lot near the start of the film? The guy that says "I am not gay". What the hell is he talking about? Then calls him "assclown". Who was that guy and why did he attack Willie for no apparent reason?

Carl Missouri

Answer: My guess is that when he was a child, he was molested by a man dressed as Santa Claus, and ever since then he has been holding a grudge against people dressed as Santa Claus. You can see him staring angrily at Willie in the bar even before Willie notices him.

Answer: Willie asks the guy if he's off his meds, to which the man replied, "Yes."

Show generally

Question: Monica has different weird fruits in a bowl on her table. In an interview someone from the props department said that it was explained in an episode - does anyone know what episode it was?


Answer: Season 6 episode 18: Ross dates a student.


Question: Given there's only a few months between this movie and the previous one, that means it's set around 2014 vs. Infinity War being set in 2018, as best anyone can figure. Is there any official word on what the Guardians are up to in the intervening 4 years?

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: Short answer: Probably nothing much good. In all that time Quinn still felt like a reaver, and Rocket doesn't deny he likes crime. Only Gamora keeps them at bay from doing anything really nasty. In the mean time they try to do good things, protect planets, hunt pirates, stuff like that. It's a crazy bunch of individuals.


Answer: They're mercenaries, like we see with the Sovereign. They do good things for money. We see this with the Sovereign, and Quill's comments make this seem like this is normal. Later, Rocket makes a comment about raising their prices. In Infinity War, they only respond to the Asgardian distress call because they expect to be paid.

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