Question: Not sure if it's a mistake: When Anakin is turning to the dark side, after killing Windu, Sidious' voice changes constantly during the whole scene. What happened there?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
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Question: Why didn't Yoda or others find out or sense about Anakin's relationship with Padme although in the movie Attack of the Clones, they are publicly seen kissing after fights with Dooku?
Answer: Obi-Wan and Yoda were well aware of Anakin and Padme's feelings for each other and their developing relationship during the events of Attack of the Clones, and so Yoda instructed Padme to give up Anakin, which she pretended to. This occurred shortly before their marriage and so as far as Obi-Wan and Yoda knew, there was no relationship at all.
Question: Darth Vader doesn't know he has a daughter (until the end of ROTJ). How did he know that he had a son? One may think that when Obi Wan hid Luke with his uncle, they'd have changed his last name from "Skywalker" to something else so that Anakin couldn't find him. Or did Vader just realize it when he was chasing him in SW (when he says "the force is strong with this one..."). This has always confused me.
Answer: Vader initially became interested in Luke after seeing him both in the Death Star after Vader killed Obi-Wan, and during the Death Star's destruction. After discovering him to be a powerful force user, he went to great lengths and used many Imperial Intelligence resources to identify him, eventually learning his surname of Skywalker, and realising that Luke was his son. He later learned the name Luke, but at that point it was redundant.
Question: Does anybody know why in fact there is a large monster swimming around in the death star's trash compactor? Makes the scene more exciting, yes, but its existence on the space station just seems out of place.
Answer: The creature, a dianoga, stowed into the trash compactor and built a lair as it was being built and installed on the Death Star. Dianogas love habitats like swamps or sewers and are found to commonly inhabit such places.
The main question is why was it on a space station? I can't imagine that there have been other people thrown in the trash compactor so why would it be there.
It would not surprise me at all if someone had written an entire book explaining how the creature got there.
Question: On the soundtrack Dimucci sings the song "Do it for our Country" as a solo number. In the film it's a duet with Sharon. Does anyone know why they changed it in the film, or let Peter Frechette sing it alone on the soundtrack?
Answer: "Do It For Our Country" is a duet between Sharon and Louis. Maureen Teefy couldn't make it to the recording session, so Peter Frechette had to sing the whole song himself, which is why Maureen's vocals aren't on the movie's soundtrack. In some recordings her voice was dubbed in later.
Question: In the closing credits, a song is played with no words in it. Is this song "Coward" by Renholder or another one? I have checked everywhere but I am not sure. This song is also apparently played in the sex scene in Underworld: Evolution.
Answer: The song is Coward by Black Light Burns (Renholder remix).
Question: On the Federation ships, in addition to the signature photon torpedoes and phaser banks of the series, there were arrays of small anti-aircraft-like cannons that fired rapid tiny blue energy bolts. 'Probably most-prominently seen on the USS Kelvin, but other ships might have used them. I was wondering what they were (i.e. if there was an official designation).
Answer: Those turrets firing the blue bolts are actually the torpedo launchers. According to Memory Alpha, the Kelvin was fitted with "rapid-fire, double-barrel torpedo launchers that fired blue photon torpedoes". Due to the relatively low-tech weaponry of the Kelvin compared to ships like the Enterprise (which from then on were implied to have been developed based on the information gathered from the Kelvin's fight with the futuristic Narada), the torpedoes are not as advanced as the larger, more powerful, slower-firing red torpedoes shown thereafter.
Question: In the train scene, they cut to Chris Rock alone and he says something. I think it's "pilgrimage". Is that right or is it something else?
Answer: It's "poopie trim". Ethan Suplee says that line when he is awoken in multiple roles. It originated in Mallrats, and is a reference to an inside joke between director Kevin Smith and script supervisor Carol Banker.
Question: When we see the tape, the very last image is of the well. When we see Rachel and Noah watching the tape, all they see at the end is the well, but when Aiden watches it Samara's arm starts to come out of the well. Why does she start to come out for Aiden immediately, but not Rachel and Noah?
Answer: Samara begins crawling out of the well in an earlier scene to show the progression of the curse. Probably, if Rachael had watched the tape on the sixth day of her curse, she'd have seen Samara crawl completely out of the well and then be cut off. We are seeing the case from Rachael's point of view; likely, Aiden did not see the last part of that scene because his curse had just begun.
Question: What band is pictured on Rosie's shirt when she gets off the boat?
Chosen answer: The Bangles.
Question: I'm hoping this was addressed in the book. Solomon was allowed to work as a violinist and allowed to keep the money he earned, which he attempted to use as a bribe to get another character to send a letter on his behalf. Solomon was also sent into town on several occasions to purchase supplies. Why didn't he just buy and envelope with his own money and send it at the post office? Couldn't he have said it was a letter from his master once it was sealed? Couldn't he write it in code if he couldn't send it sealed? All he had to say was that Solomon Northup was a guest at the plantation and his wife could have alerted the authorities.
Answer: Here's why, according to Northup in Twelve Years a Slave: "My great object always was to invent means of getting a letter secretly into the post-office, directed to some of my friends or family at the North. The difficulty of such an achievement cannot be comprehended by one unacquainted with the severe restrictions imposed upon me. In the first place, I was deprived of pen, ink, and paper. In the second place, a slave cannot leave his plantation without a pass, nor will a post-master mail a letter for one without written instructions from his owner."
Question: Why does Jennifer Lawrence have a neck brace on?
Answer: She wears a neck brace because she was in a car accident, she mentions the state of the car during the conversation.
Question: As far as I can tell, Damian visits his mother at her apartment and says she can't stay here on her own, but she says no, she's not leaving her home. Then we see the mother in hospital. But then Damian is told that his mother died in her home and wasn't found for a couple of days. But she was in hospital, wasn't she?
Chosen answer: She was in a hospital but that does not mean she died there. She was likely discharged and, refusing to go into any type of assisted living situation, was sent home, where she later died. A person, unless declared legally incompetent, cannot be forced to go into a facility. Due to insurance regulations, a person can only stay in a hospital as long as they are being actively treated for a medical condition. Once their condition reaches a certain level, they are discharged-either to a rehab center, a nursing facility, or to their own home.
Answer: In the novel it's clear, that the hospital scene is a memory of Karras.
Question: Was Picard really speaking French for the entire show's run and he only made sense thanks to the universal translator?
Chosen answer: No. There are small instances on "Star Trek: TNG" where Picard speaks French on board the Enterprise, without the Universal Translator altering it. Were he always speaking French, the Universal Translator would make no distinction when he was speaking French as a matter of course, or speaking French for a particular effect. In the episode "Code of Honor", Data refers to French as an "archaic language" on Earth, to which Picard takes umbrage. I suspect Data would have known if Picard were actually speaking French at the time.
Question: In the final scene with the Lonely Mountain in view, is the sun rising or setting? Does either actually work with their location?
Answer: The sun is rising. The sun is in the East which does make sense, but because Middle Earth is a fictional world it is possible for it to break the rules of our world. The important thing is that the sun remains more or less in the same location for the entire scene.
Question: When Mrs. Travers arrives at her hotel there are two pieces of luggage that she picks up and takes in the room herself, when she leaves she has those two pieces plus a large suitcase. Where did it come from?
Answer: The large suitcase was most likely carrying the large Mickey mouse doll that she decided to keep. The size alone would require an extra case.
Question: Who is making the death threat letters to Rachel? is it her sister or the blond pervert? if it's the blond pervert, why is he doing it? I thought he loved her and was obsessed with her, so why is he sending her death threat letters?
Answer: Nikki didn't know who was writing the letters, she did say they were her thoughts, but she didn't write them, the blonde stalker did.
Chosen answer: It was the blond pervert. He was sending them in a sort of "I'm so obsessed with you I want to kill you" kind of way. Most celebrities get death threats all the time from "fans" who want to kill them and they want everyone to know it was them who did it. The sister wouldn't send them as she had hired a professional and did actually want to kill her, but without anyone knowing.
From what I remember the sister admitted that she sent the letters because she said she hates her sister I'd have to rewatch it to see if I was mistaken but that's when she was coming clean to the bodyguard after the canoe was blown up.
No, her sister says that the letters started showing up BEFORE, and they are what made her think she could actually do it. It was the blonde perv.
No Nikki tells Frank she doesn't know who's writing the letters, but they were her thoughts because she hates Rachel. The letters made her think she could go through with having her sister killed.
Question: In the first movie, in the theatre, I could swear that there was a scene of Zion. It was quick, but it was a modern, high tech view of what Zion supposedly looked like, deep within the earth, out of the range of the AI machines. I remember being disappointed when the 2nd movie came out, and Zion was instead portrayed as a smart but rough kind of camping out place, with obvious dirt issues. Can anyone confirm that they saw such a high tech scene of Zion in the theatrical release? I know the DVD doesn't have it. Things like this do occasionally happen - in the last original cast Star Trek movie, "Undiscovered Country" the Klingon who tries to kill the President and Captain Kirk at the end, and falls to his death, is "de-masked" to reveal a co-conspirator in the theatrical release and the first DVD release, but in subsequent DVD releases, including the Blu-Ray, this scene was removed.
Chosen answer: I've seen The Matrix many times (20+) in the theatre, and I have not seen any such imagery of Zion. There is no artwork in the book "The Art of The Matrix" which shows it either and no mention in the shooting script. It seems unlikely that Zion would be "shiny" and high-tech as the appearance of Zion in the sequel films matches the decor and dress sense of the Nebuchadnezzar and her crew in the first film - grungy and "used". There are some modern looking Zion scenes in Reloaded with the traffic control operators, but they are working in a virtual construct.
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Answer: It is one of two things, either his attack on Mace Windu reflected onto himself damaged his vocal chords as well as his body, or, as has been suggested, his deformed figure is actually his true form which he has been hiding for so long with the force, and only now does he stop hiding it as he has no more need to.
What the submission meant was did it go from normal to croaky and back again afterwards? Personally I agree. I thought the croaky voice was probably from his hidden identity, but his voice is normal again when he says "execute order 66."