Question: Why does Miss (Grace) hate Andrew so much?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Why was the CIA agent pleading not to be sent to Detroit?
Answer: Detroit has long been notorious for its high crime, high unemployment, and urban blight. It's just a joke about how it's not a very pleasant place to be. Heck, the city motto is 'We hope for better things' and 'It will rise from the ashes.'
Question: This is a question for all Deadpool films. Why does Deadpool bother wearing a face mask considering most of the people in the films (villains and good guys) already know his real identity and even refer to him as Wade? Is it just a pride thing or something?
Question: At the end of the film, how do Claude and Ray afford to live, much less have the money to attend a baseball game? They were both declared dead in a fire.
Answer: Being dead, they would have to get new I.D.s and social security numbers. Being elderly, they'd grift themselves to the proper agencies about being denied their benefits: elderly, disability and pension from the "companies" they worked for.
Question: At the end, when Julie gets to her new home, she taps the newly sold sign, then she gets her mail and goes inside. How does she have mail if she just started living there?
Answer: Also, we are led to believe that this entire ending is a dream sequence, not unlike the ending to the previous film. And, as we all know, in dreams nothing really matters. Also, we simply do not know how long it has been since Julie and Ray moved in. Maybe they just haven't taken the sign down yet.
Question: Was Jane lying when she said that she decorated the Maitland home (she wanted Lydia to mention this to her parents)?
Answer: Jane appears to be taking credit for what Barbara and Adam had done. At the beginning of the movie, the Maitlands are discussing the home projects they've been working on. Adam has been refinishing cabinetry while Barbara has chosen wallpaper, and they're spending their two-week vacation working on the house.
Answer: It's never answered in the film if she actually decorated the house for Adam and Barbara, but there isn't really any reason to doubt it.
My interpretation was that Jane was always chasing a buck. She aggressively pestered Adam and Barbara to sell the house just to earn a commission. She was hustling the Deetzes for her decorating services. Regarding Barbara and Adam, they just didn't want anyone in their beloved house, much less having it redecorated after all the work they did on it.
But if she actually did, then I wonder if they would care as much about the Deetzes remodeling the home?
This is a stretch, but maybe Jane wanted to keep the house as close to how Adam and Barbara had it, like a shrine. It's not uncommon for those who lost loved ones to try and keep things as close to what was possible.
What I meant was, why would Adam and Barbara, not Jane, be so upset about the remodeling if Jane did the decorating anyway? Granted, they apparently chose to live with it.
That was probably a comfort thing. They learned they were going to spend over a century in that house, and it would be one thing if it was closer to what they were comfortable with, but the Deetzes' style was too much for them.
Question: Andrew was obviously 200 years old when he died. How old do you suppose Portia was when she passed away?
Answer: Between 125 to 150 years old, her life was extended by the artificial body parts developed by Rupert Burns. Andrew traveled the world for nearly 20 years before returning home, at which point Portia was about 25 years old.
Question: In this episode, it mentions that the groups are always 4 humans and an animal. What was the Darrow Family's animal?
Answer: Their animal was a white cat. In "Come Undone," the last episode of season 2, right at the start, there's a shot of "The Mystery Fellowship and their cat, Whiskers"; also in this shot is young Danny Darrow with his family.
Question: How come Diana's not electrocuted like Barbara is, given she's wearing armor, and metal conducts electricity?
Answer: Probably because they are biologically different, even though Barbara had wished for similar physical characteristics as Diana. Wonder Woman is nearly indestructible. Also, the armour is Amazon-made and may have supernatural properties that insulate it against electricity. There are likely various other reasons, but it comes down to Wonder Woman being superhuman and the armour not being regular metal.
Question: When Charles is being dropped off at the Boatman, why do his friends start making siren sounds?
Question: Is K meant to be the boy that supposed lived (while the girl survived)? Or did the girl get passed off as a boy? Why does K have her memories? What is the back story to the doctor? Why is she in a containment area?
Answer: The birth records were purposefully mixed to hide Ana Stelline (Rachael and Deckard's daughter). She was passed off as a boy and raised in the orphanage. K was given her memories because she secretly was giving replicants pleasant memories of her own. She is in a containment area because it is said she has an autoimmune disorder, but this is likely a ploy by the freedom fighters to keep anyone from examining her and discovering that she is at least part replicant.
Question: Why didn't M call in reinforcements to help them at Skyfall Lodge? With her being the head of a spy agency, she could have easily requested MI6 or SAS personnel to be quickly flown and parachuted in to their location to assist in the fight.
Answer: It is a major theme of the film that M and Bond must eventually answer for their deeds. Silva's personal vendetta is being taken out on MI6 and puts dozens of agents at risk. Bond and M have decided they are through putting others in peril (Silva's final attack before this decision was on Parliament and put many innocents in danger). Bond seems surprised that Kincade is still around and tries sending him away, but he refuses. It's not really until the helicopter comes in with reinforcements and a heavy machine gun that Bond feels like they might be in over their heads.
Question: Just out of curiosity, since Blade isn't 100% human or vampire, can he still eat regular food, or only blood?
Answer: Vampires in this franchise can eat food; they just require blood because, as Whistler stated in the first film, their own blood can't sustain hemoglobin. Since Blade's only weakness is that he also needs to consume blood (or a serum as a substitute), this means he can eat regular food as well.
Question: What's up with Stanley seeing Sam and Mary Lou's apparition come into view and disappear while he was on the bus approaching the camp? Was that some kind of almost prophetic hint to Stanley as to the true nature of his trip to Camp Green Lake being to find the treasure and thus avenge Sam by doing so?
Answer: Basically, yes. This is a good movie, but some of the foreshadowing and plot are "spoon-fed" to the audience. For example, when Madame Zeroni's request about being carried up the mountain is replayed as Stanley carries Hector.
Question: Is there any indication that Mrs Mott knew that her husband was sexually assaulting his female patients? I doubt any pregnant woman would be pleased if she found out her husband was taking advantage of other women for his own desires behind her back.
Answer: Totally agree with the other answer, but would add that Mott's previous victims only came forward after Claire made her allegations. Many sexual assault victims fail to report crimes because they are embarrassed, think they won't be believed, fear public backlash, dread the legal process, etc. Mott, being a doctor, made it hard to prove his actions were "sexual" in nature. He was pretty subtle, leaving his victims unsure and making it difficult to prove sexual assault.
I just figured that maybe there was occasional gossip/rumours about Mott's behaviour before Claire reported it. But you are very correct - his actions would be subtle and difficult to prove. Also, the people who do these things are usually popular and well-respected, not stereotypical "creeps."
Answer: I don't think she knew. Later on, while talking to Claire, she sounds happy about him and says that he was the only one who really understood her. It's also possible that she heard occasional rumours about him, but refused to believe any of it. This happens in real life - a person will ignore numerous allegations against their spouse/partner. They don't believe it, and/or they want to cling to their ideal fantasy life. Notice how Mrs Motts thinks of her husband's death as a murder, and Claire is the "murderer."
An american girl in paris (part deux) - S6-E20
Question: Since Carrie knew where her French fan club was going to be hosting the dinner party for her, but she didn't know their phone numbers, why didn't she just call the restaurant and let them know she was running late?
Answer: Being that she's new to Paris, Carrie probably didn't know the restaurant's phone number or how to look it up. She could barely speak any French, so even if she could call, would likely be unable to converse well or understand the conversation. She was also upset/angry at Petrovsky when she impulsively rushed off to the restaurant.
Question: Someone on Reddit said there was an episode where a woman used her son to lure women into entering the sex trade - can anyone ID this episode (not the one with the preacher's wife pimping out her daughters, that was a different one)?
Answer: Maybe "The Lost Girls" (Season 10, Episode 7). It was the last episode of a trilogy crossover with CSI: NY and Miami.
Question: Were there any hints Jason was the Arkham Knight?
Answer: Quite a few. To name a couple: the scene in the diner shows a man wearing a red hoodie with an "A" chalked onto the table in front of him; this is Todd, a reference to the red hoodie he wore, with the "A" hinting at his identity as the Arkham Knight. It's also foreshadowed in several lines of the AK's dialogue, including yelling at Batman: "How long did you take before replacing me? A month? A week? I trusted you and you just left me to die!" Finally, in Batman's vision of Joker's misdeeds, one of them is Todd's apparent death, titled "Remember the New Guy?"
Answer: Besides all of the subtle hints that point to Jason being the Arkham Knight, the audio files that are available have the Arkham Knight revealing his identity as Jason to Barbara.
Answer: No.
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Answer: She's a smart ass, know-it-all. A delinquent who never grew. I have a sister who is the exact same way.