Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: How is it possible that the bullet in Jack's gun was still usable after 10 years?

Answer: He most likely cleaned and reloaded it constantly.

Question: David knew that the guy in the stadium queue had a gun and likely intended to cause disturbance, so why he just let him to walk away? As a security guard, shouldn't he report him at least?


Answer: He never saw the gun, only psychically sensed it, and, at that point, he didn't really believe in his powers. He's not going to the police with a vision.

Brian Katcher

Question: What was the purpose of Samantha at the end saying "she fell" before turning back into the church? It's obvious her sister fell, but Samantha acted all surprised over it.


Answer: She actually said "The VEIL" after remembering her sister tossing it away (when bugged she couldn't see with it on). Sam simply went back in the church to pick it up.

Answer: Larry had been telling Darrin what it means psychologically that Samantha gave the coat away. Larry said giving it away meant she's happy being married but if she liked the coat it means she desires to be single and carefree. So when Darrin sees the coat, he immediately thinks Samantha doesn't want to be married and the fact that she twitched it means (in his mind) she wants to be a single, carefree witch again.


Answer: I haven't seen the episode, but generally in the show, Darrin was always suspicious that Samantha always used some kind of witchcraft for any situation (even if she didn't). He probably figured the same thing with the coat while in her possession.

You should watch the episodes in question before giving an answer so you know what you're talking about.


Answer: I agree with the other answers. Another possibility is, Rachel was close friends with both Monica and Mindy in high school. Mindy was likely friends with Monica, and therefore invited her to the wedding along with Rachel, knowing they were roommates. Richard has known the Geller and Green families for years and may also know Mindy's parents and was invited separately. He could be Monica's +1, or she his, but even if both were invited separately, they are still attending as a couple. Monica wasn't invited to Rachel and Barry's wedding because the girls had lost touch after high school and Monica moved to NYC.


Answer: Excellent question, and it's never occurred to me. My best guess would be that Barry/Mindy are aware they're asking a big favour of Rachel and realise it would be an awkward situation for her, so let her invite a friend (Monica) for moral support so there'd be a friendly face there for her.

Jon Sandys

Answer: It's never explained, and the writers probably didn't gave it serious thought, just using their presence at the wedding as a plot device. But since, as you say, Monica was not invited to Rachel's wedding, the most logical explanation is that Richard is the invitee, and Monica is his +1. Richard and Barry are both doctors and so could know one another, or perhaps Richard is friends with Barry's, or Mindy's, parents. If the latter, this would not be unbelievable, as Mindy's parents would likely be in the same circle as the Gellers, with whom Richard is close.

Question: Why would Ike Clanton, who is cowardly when he's unarmed, outnumbered and/or has a gun pointed at him, be allowed to be in the cowboys? Considering the others are fearless even in the face of danger, they should never have let him in.

Answer: Anyone could join the Cowboys if they followed their code of conduct. Ike's brother was a member and there's no reason for him not to be. It's not like it was the Marines who require an ounce of common sense. The Cowboys were hooligans, Ike being one of the dumbest.


Question: After Percy kills Wild Bill, how would Paul and the others explain to Hal and Percy's aunt what happened? Even though Hal witnessed John healing Melinda, he probably wouldn't believe what happened and Percy's aunt would probably refuse to accept that Percy just snapped and went catatonic without a full explanation.

Answer: The explanation is set out in the scenes after the incident. They surmised that Percy had such hatred for Bill because he has humiliated him earlier, and he just lost his marbles. He's catatonic so who could question he just had a devastating episode.


Question: What happens to Ruth's son Buddy?

Answer: In Fannie Flagg's 2022 novel, "The Wonder Boy of Whistle Stop," Buddy was adopted by the Threadgoode family. Despite having lost an arm, he was a star quarterback for his high school football team, eventually married, and became a veterinarian. He lived into his 80s.


Answer: It wasn't mentioned what happened to him in the movie.


Answer: No, Adam and Barbara are just using their ghost powers to levitate her.


Answer: Lydia is being possessed, like during the "Tally Me Banana" scene earlier in the movie.


Lydia is not affected during the banana song scene.


Let me clarify: like the others at the dinner party during the "Tally Me Banana" scene.


Lydia was not possessed during the dinner scene or at the end of the movie when she levitated.

Question: I am curious about one scene. After Bender gets his "stash" back from Brian, Andrew looks at Claire and shakes his head. Claire walks off and Andrew and Brian have some kind of whisper exchange and Brian then walks off. My interpretation of this scene is Andrew has just dumped Claire and Brian can't understand why he"s done it. If not, could someone explain this scene to me?

Gavin Jackson

Answer: It's rather simple. Andrew is trying to tell Claire and Brian not to go smoke pot with Bender, in addition to trying to hold back from his own desire to try it.


Answer: Andrew and Claire were never a couple. They knew each other casually in the school hallway. They were upset that Bender would use Brian to hold his "stash." They thought Brian was too smart to do something that stupid. They were also upset at Bender for bring his stash to school and involving someone else in his scheme. They were starting to become friends at this point and disappointed at both of them.

Question: Since Roy was Joey's biological father, how is this possible that he never tried to make any contact with his son? I mean, why didn't he even try to talk to him?

Answer: Several possibilities: 1 The mother requested he not make any contact, 2 They could've moved away, and he lost contact until then, 3 He may have been drafted into the army, and she could've divorced him during his time away and moved into whatever state this is located.


Question: Did Melissa not trust Bill? He told her to take the truck and head home, but she was adamant she wanted to tag along.

Answer: It's unknown what Melissa's motive was, but probably a combination of factors. She may have felt uncomfortable about Bill being with Jo, but also wanted to show her loyalty and commitment by staying, and proving she is as strong as Jo and can tough it out. Mostly it's a plot device to drive the story and sets up a conflict for Bill between his relationship with Melissa, who he does not truly love, and with Jo, who he still cares deeply for.


Question: When Marty arrives back in 1985 in the first movie, he leaves the DeLorean behind near the clocktower to chase after the Libyans because it stalls on him. There are now two DeLoreans in 1985; the one at Lone Pines Mall that gets used for the rest of the series until its eventual destruction, and the one near the clocktower. What happens to the latter?

Answer: The Lone Pine Mall DeLorean goes to 1955, then returns to 1985 with Marty, and he leaves it at the clock tower, runs back to the mall and sees the point in time when he first went back to 1955. The "clocktower" DeLorean is then the one Doc takes to the future and gets converted to hover. So the DeLorean goes 1985 > 1955 > 1985 > 2015, in this movie. (And then in the subsequent films the "wrong" 1985, back to 1955, then to 1885, and returns to the "right" 1985 when it's destroyed by the train).

Jon Sandys

Question: Does Caesar actually love humans, or does Koba just think he does?

Answer: Yes, he does. He considered James Master and John Lithgow his family. A father and brother. Like all children, he grew up and find his own identity. Like Harry Potter and Luke Skywalker, they were raised in humble environments, until they discovered they true selves. Caesar didn't want a war, he wanted his people to stop being pets, zoo attractions and circus freaks. He felt remorse when ever there was conflict.

Answer: Ape intelligence in this series of movies was based on chemistry, not evolution, and the chemistry affected every subject differently. In fact, the chemical effects were only temporary in some subjects (the human character Charles Rodman, for example, improved from Alzheimer's Disease while using the chemistry, but then regressed). Very likely, Caesar experienced the optimum effect of the chemistry (with full mental development) while Koba only experienced partial mental development, and Koba may have even regressed. So, Koba may have never understood human-level love enough to question it.

Charles Austin Miller

Question: When we first see Jonas and his army of storm chasers, what did the guy mean by telling Joe "I think we've got fleas" (at least that's what the subtitles say!).

Answer: He's making a wisecrack about Bill and Jo's team being scruffy, ill-funded, and not as "slick" as Jonas'. Basically comparing them to stray dogs, and joking that by being around them, they've picked up fleas from Jo's crew.

It was one of the guys on Jo's team that made the comment, not Jonas'. Whoever it was (sounded like Beltzer possibly), was referring to the fact that Jonas' team is like fleas to them. Pesky bugs that they can't shake.

Answer: Once they discovered there were no drugs on the ship and it harboured a sole witness set to testify in federal court, they needed to be disposed of.

Question: Archbishop Gilday is smoking in multiple scenes - was this meant to be a hint of his corruption/less-than-pious nature?

Answer: It was to show that no-one is infallible. Everyone has a secret vice.

Question: When Chuck sees the ship and starts waving the torch around, is he really doing SOS by moving his hand in front of it repeatedly?

Answer: No, morse code would be three short flashes (dots = S) followed by three long ones (dashes = O).

Question: Why didn't they go and wait in the APC whilst Bishop piloted the drop ship down? I know Ripley destroyed the transmission so it could no longer move, but it'd be a hell of a lot easier to defend than a giant complex.

Answer: One of the drop ships crashed into the APC and destroyed it. That's why Bishop had to crawl down the pipe to the transmitter, as their portable transmitter was on the APC when it got destroyed.

Answer: The Aliens were everywhere, they couldn't make it out of the room, much less the complex.

Answer: Plus, the front window was smashed in.

Question: Why did Quint attach himself to the fishing rod? If the reel had run out wouldn't he have been pulled into the water? Also, is it ever revealed whether it was the shark that he had snagged?

Answer: He also wrapped a belt around him and positioned his feet, so he wouldn't go overboard. To this day sports fishermen do it to tackle the "big ones." Being an experienced fisherman, he was fairly certain it was the shark, since they used large bait and reel that only a large predator could pull.

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