Question: After promotion, Captain Torrey (O-6) is offered his "lucky stars" (O-7) by 4-star Admiral Fonda. In subsequent shots Admiral Torrey is wearing 2 stars (O-8, of an upper half Rear Admiral) - jumping the lower half (1 star, O-7) admirals. When does this ever happen?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
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Answer: After WWII, the one star was discontinued until recent years when the rear admiral lower half was formalized with one star.
Question: Who was the dwarf in the castle scene when the children arrive at the castle in the child catcher cage?
Answer: Dennis Waterman.
Question: Who plays the crying man (a neighbor we never see) in the divorcee apartment?
Answer: Matthew Labyorteaux.
Question: I used to work in a prison as an intake nurse, and I am wondering how in the hell did the warden and guards who were watching the food go through the X-ray scanner not see that the bone in the T-bone steak could be used as a shank? It could be seen on the monitor, so it was obvious. Either sloppy writing of the movie or it just wanted to show the jailers were just inept.
Answer: I think you have given two good answers to your own question. Unless someone knows more about the writing of the movie, it's either a plot convenience or a subtle suggestion that the prison isn't well run.
Question: At some point in season 3 it is discovered that Mrs McCluskey has been keeping her dead husband's body in the freezer so that she can keep drawing his pension. For a while the other residents of the lane ostracize her because they believe she has murdered her husband. When she explains the reason why she kept him in the freezer everyone just accepts it and it is never mentioned again. However, pension fraud is a major crime. Why was she not arrested?
Mr. Monk and the Leper - S5-E10
Question: At the end, when the doctor is pulling Monk up, the camera pans down well past Monk's feet, but was there a reason for that? Was there something on the cliff side the audience was supposed to see? It felt like the camera was about to linger on the weeds growing out, but then the camera angle cuts back to Monk's feet. Was there something I missed, or was it just bad/odd camera work?
Answer: From an editing background, I think it was likely to cover up the shot once Monk is being pulled up. The shot was panning down, and they likely extended the shot in the editing. The fact he was pulling up Monk with one hand is very tough to do, so they may not have had a clean shot of him pulling Adrian onto the ground. Additionally, it may have not looked right so cutting to the shot panning for a couple more seconds before showing Monks shoes would likely fit the time it would take to pull him all the way up.
Question: Is it ever stated (in-universe or otherwise) if Natalie has a second job, or how she can afford everything, including all her new cars (I've seen her in at least 5 new cars, including an Audi)? She's always complaining she's broke, even after it's revealed she's a Davenport. But she also claims she doesn't take money from them. Plus, she's always trying to get Monk to pay her and/or pay her the full amount she's owed.
Answer: Through the entire show, I don't recall her ever mentioning another job. The two explanations I had for being able to afford those cars, was there might have been a life insurance policy after her husbands death (or Mitch left her quite a bit after he died). The other may have been she had accepted some money from her family willingly or unwillingly asked for it. But in truth, I would imagine it was for product placement in the show. Most shows like Monk tend to keep the characters moderately wealthy or financially healthy, so they can insert products or items for the characters to use. Phones, food items, cars etc.
Answer: In one of the episodes it shows her going back home and that she came from money. Her parents are wealthy. Maybe that is the answer.
But in the show after it's revealed she comes from money, she states she doesn't take money from her parents, despite still visiting them.
Two Dead Men - S1-E2
Question: How does The Punisher manage to give Micro a cell phone with which to call him?
Answer: He calls him back.
Question: Before leaving the plane, the doctor smirks, and after leaving he furtively looks back. He's supposedly an innocent, so why does he do this?
Answer: At no point is he shown smirking before leaving the plane. In the two shots he appears in before he is shown exiting, the first he is wearing an oxygen mask, and the second shows him straight-faced and helping someone to the front. The reason he looks back after going down the slide could simply just be to see who is coming behind him, or he could be examining the damage to the plane.
Question: Why go through the extremely time-consuming work of digging through a concrete floor, when they could have just brought along a portable toilet with a hermetically sealed disposal system?
Answer: There is no reason for the hole, it's just wasted time and energy. They brought in enough materials to build a fake wall, bringing a little more would be easy. No need for a fancy portable toilet either, a bucket with a lid and some chemicals to neutralise the smell and destroy DNA would be enough, literally less weight than the tools to dig the hole. I think the hole was just there to be a red herring for the audience. Personally I thought he was hiding in the hole and it was covered up by something, but it turns out they built a fake wall for that, same result but it made the movie seem dumber than it needed to be.
Answer: We can only speculate, but a bulky portable toilet would be problematic - both carrying it into the bank and when exiting the building. It appears Dalton removed everything from the hiding space in a duffel bag and a backpack, leaving nothing incriminating behind. The escape plan was to simply blend in with other people while walking out. Eventually, the hiding space would be found. Using the hole as a toilet and refilling it with the excavated dirt could help eliminate DNA evidence traceable to him. He may have removed some waste in plastic bags. Unpleasant, but necessary.
The One With Ross's Tan - S10-E3
Question: I occasionally perform spray tans as a side gig, and the solution usually takes around 8 hours to set. Is there any reason aside from creating a comedy situation that the spray tan salon wouldn't just tell Ross to immediately go home and shower so that his tan won't look so ridiculous?
Answer: None at all. It's played for laughs and that's all. If we really wanted to give it a real-world explanation, we can speculate that maybe Ross stormed out of the tanning salon without giving the staff a chance to recommend a shower.
We're All Crazy Sometimes - S4-E11
Question: A woman is on a breathing tube and she is in a coma. She later undergoes an operation and wakes up due to a dopamine inflow. She is talking normally although she still has the breathing mechanism (albeit not connected by a hose) in her neck. How can she talk normally with that tube still in her?
Answer: That's a tracheal tube. Most people can talk perfectly normal with tracheal tubes. Check out Mattie Stepanek for one of the most famous examples. He had a tracheal tube for most of his life and never had problems with speech.
Got it. Many thanks.
Question: Why did they let Benson adopt? Given she's single and has a dangerous job wouldn't this be carefully scrutinized? After all, she could end up dead, thus the boy goes back into the system.
Answer: As this particular adoption case the judge presiding over it personally knew Olivia; that can make all the difference in the process as most adoptions are presided by judges who do not know the person and are going solely off how they look on paper as to whether or not it can be approved. This was likely the case of when Olivia mentioned she had previously been turned down for adoption. With Noah not being a healthy infant, the judge would not want to be too picky with who can adopt him as unhealthy infants have a high risk of never being adopted. With the judge personally knowing Olivia, that would help seal her confidence that even in the event of Olivia's death Olivia would have already made sure it would be pre-arranged for Noah to be cared for rather than put back in the system.
Question: Why did Hoffman shut down the security monitors before leaving Rigg to die? Also, how did he do it?
Answer: Because he didn't want Riggs to see who was coming, and even if he didn't shut down the monitors Riggs would still die in the end anyway. And he probably cut the wires from his hands behind it.
Question: Why is Lionel shown naked in his home at the end of the movie?
Answer: In the beginning of the movie, it's mentioned that Lionel is a nudist. But by the end, he says that he is not in a very harsh tone. In the end, it's shown that he actually, really is a nudist.
Question: Towards the end, it's revealed that Owen's men captured Mia before he got captured after the tank fiasco-presumably as leverage, seeing how things played out with Owen. But if the team lets Owen go, how does that make it any harder to rescue Mia? Sure, they could threaten to kill Mia if they don't let Owen go, but what about the rescuing itself?
Answer: Owen Shaw is a dangerous terrorist and may have a plan to make it difficult to rescue Mia.
Question: What did Dovchenko shout in Russian when he was being dragged into the nest, just before getting devoured alive? Did he yell "Help me!" or "Somebody help!"?
Answer: He's screaming "Help me!"
Question: When David steps on the land mine, the group rescues him by tying a rope around him and pulling while he runs. What exactly does this accomplish? It's impossible to outrun an explosion, much less pull someone to safety at supersonic speed.
Answer: Yes, I think the blast of a land mine usually goes straight up, unless it's a bouncing Betty.
Answer: Anti personnel mines usually have a small blast radius compared to a bomb or artillery shell. If they can pull him away quickly enough he can be clear of the blast.
Question: This question applies to the Mafia Trilogy. Did any of the named businesses that appeared, were mentioned on the radio as well as products that were mentioned like beer and cigarettes actually exist in the eras where the games were set, or were they made up for the games?
Answer: All made up.
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Answer: One Star rank wasn't formalized until 1943. Rear Admiral lower and upper wore the same 2-stars.