Question: The new element created -- what is it? And why does Breast Padiumul end so quickly?
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Answer: It was meant to be a type of Vibranium before Captain America came out, so it's left ambigious in the movies.
Question: I guess I wasn't paying much attention, but who is the girl he is talking to at the end about killing her parents? More so what I mean is, who are her parents, and when did he kill them? I have no idea what he is referencing and don't remember him killing a male and a female at any point.
Question: In the Thailand fight scene, the Thai fighter makes a big move and does a flying kick towards Topper, but Topper just looks at him and he stops just before connecting and falls to the floor. Is this from a specific movie?
Chosen answer: The whole fight scene in Thailand is supposed to be a homage to Rambo: First Blood Part Two, and the fighter falling is just typical ZAZ humour.
Not Rambo: First Blood II, but Rambo III.
Question: When Dodd takes the central cup link out and he takes it back, it wouldn't fix everything would it? I mean, he did take all the wires and everything else out.
Chosen answer: It was one of the few things that could be fixed right then and there, and, although it wouldn't solve all problems, it's better than nothing.
Question: Why was Hannibal Lecter so interested in Clarice's past? How would it benefit him?
Answer: Knowing about her past gives him an advantage in how he can manipulate her - he understands her fears, weaknesses, strengths, and so on. A psychiatrist normally deconstructs a patient's psychological make-up to better understand and help them, but in Lecter's case, he uses this knowledge against his victims. However, as he learns about Clarice, he becomes sympathetic and protective toward her.
Answer: Also, he loves psychiatry and analyzing people. He is bored in his cell and this is a chance to do something he enjoys a lot.
Answer: Clarice's answers also enable Lecter to assess her honesty/ integrity and sincerity, as well as ascertain if she is trustworthy - or even worthy - enough for him to reveal certain kinds of information.
Answer: I remember a scene where he seems to roll his eyes in a kind of ecstasy as he comprehends, then thanks her, and shortly after touches her hand as he passes the folder. "People will say we're in love."
Question: Does anybody know why exactly Max wants the NOC list and if she gets it, what she is going to do with it?
Chosen answer: I don't think it's ever outright stated. But presumably she would use it to sell the names to other governments or extort the money from the US government to protect its assets.
Question: When Frollo, has Ezmeralda, in his grip in the the church, he says "I was just imagining a rope around that beautiful neck" and she says "i know what you were imagining", what was he thinking? I assume its something sexual, but its a cartoon.
Answer: It was most certainly sexual. Frollo's whole arc was his fight against his carnal desires (seeing Esmerelda dancing in the fire, sniffing her hair, etc). In order to maintain a G-rating, they couldn't be overtly sexual, which is why it's done through suggestion and subtext.
Answer: The entire point is that he lusts after her. However, the Disney movie does not dive into that nearly as much as the novel.
Question: Why doesn't Jake show any kind of emotion when he watches his brother being cremated at the beginning? I realise that the brother was the higher achiever of the two, but to not show as much as a tear for him seems really odd to me.
Question: I noticed in the Fred episode at the end when everyone in the cast's voice was sped up, Carly's wasn't. Her voice still sounded normal. Does anyone know why that is?
Answer: Her voice IS sped up.
Question: Can someone give me Kick-Ass's speech to the three muggers at the diner, word for word?
Answer: Guy: "You'd rather die for some piece of shit that you don't even fucking know? Kick-Ass: "And three assholes, laying into one guy while everybody else watches, and you want to know what's wrong with me?! Yeah, I'd rather die, so bring it on!"
You Wish ('Shanghaied') / Gary Takes A Bath - S2-E11
Question: On "Shanghaied", I have seen this episode on TV with three different endings. The first one is the common one, where Spongebob wishes the Dutchman was a vegetarian. The second one is shown less, where Patrick gets the third wish. (He wishes for gum). The third, and least common, ending I have seen, Squidward gets the final wish (he wishes he never met Spongebob and Patrick, and then Spongebob says, "I don't believe we've ever met.") Is there a DVD where I can find the alternate endings?
Answer: Well, I've never heard about those other endings before, but I'm pretty sure the only DVD you can find the episode on (correct me if I'm wrong) is the Season Two boxset. I have seen the episode on this DVD before, and it only has the the common ending which you described. So I would say no.
Yes, it is available on the Sea Stories DVD with all three endings. That can be purchased online.
Question: At the end of the episode with the Hash-Slinging Slasher, what do Spongebob, Squidward, and the Hash Slinging Slasher say to the vampire that was turning the lights on and off?
Answer: They say Nosferatu. That's the name of the vampire that was turning the lights off. He appeared in the 1922 movie of the same name.
Question: How many arcs were there in totality? Because I saw IV and III being noticed, but not the rest.
Answer: That question, it seems, cannot be answered 100%.For example, rather at the beginning of the movie, you can see the Chinese army blasting five huge caverns into the mountain that will become the port soon after.On the other hand, at the end of the movie, there appear to be an Ark 6 and 7, being reported to join with Ark 4.
Answer: At one point towards the end of the movie it is revealed that only 4 of the ships are operational by the time the apocalypse starts. When we get to the port, it's revealed that the ceiling collapsed on Ark 3 during the earthquakes. This leaves 4, 6 and 7.
There were a total of nine arks. However, arks 1, 2, 5, 8, and 9 were never completed or even built. As for ark 3, a major earthquake occurred at some point and caused the roof to cave in.
Question: During the introduction to Woody's Roundup, as Woody watches himself come through the swinging saloon doors, the area around his holster appears blurry. Was this in keeping with the degraded quality of the tape footage, or is this censorship of a gun?
Answer: It isn't Woody's holster that's blurred, it's his hand. And yes, the blurred effect is due to the video tape's degeneration.
Question: Why does this serial only survive in black and white. If it was made in colour, why did the BBC have black and white copies in the first place?
Chosen answer: The reason this serial only exsists in black and white when it was recorded in colour is because in the 60's and 70's the BBC wiped and reused video tapes, some of which were Doctor Who. Luckily copies were made and sent to other countries, most of which didnt have colour TV's. These copies were later found and returned to the BBC archive.
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Chosen answer: He created a new element more powerful than palladium that doesn't end quickly - likely Vibranium, but that's never referenced in the movie. Palladium was burning out quickly because of the continuous use of the Iron Man suit.
Anastasios Anastasatos