Question: If I remember correctly, in the trailer the magazine that the Wolf was reading was called "The New Porker" or something similar. Any reason why it was changed to "Pork Illustrated" in the final film?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Why was the film banned in Malaysia?
Answer: Malaysia imposes strict morality codes for films, books, etc. and J.M. Barry's suspected homosexuality and pedophilia, although not portrayed in the movie, may have been deemed too controversial and offensive a topic for their culture.
Question: Why did Burt Reynolds not reprise his roll as Bandit in this film?
Answer: A little obvious: the second film was a box office disaster, so Burt bowed out.
Question: I need some translation help here. Firstly when Marion is having the drinking contest and has drunken her final drink, she lowers the glass slowly making everyone think that she has lost. Then she shouts a word twice (Bistoti or something like that) and wins. What does that word mean? Also when Indy is mourning over Marion's "death", two guys in suits come over to him and tell him something in a foreign language. While I have a vague idea of what they said, I was wondering if anyone knew for sure.
Answer: It's Russian, погоди or pogodi. In Russian meaning hold it.
Chosen answer: The two men say to Indy "Der Herr in der Bar mochte immer ihnen sprechen". This is translated as "The man in the bar wants to talk to you". The word in the bar that Marion says is "Pistole", which translated means "Hold it! or "Wait a minute!"
Question: What does Agamemnon yell right before the Greeks charge in the first battle?
Answer: He doesn't yell any words, just an expression of anguish over his brothers death.
Question: Near the beginning of the film, there is a character named Bomb Voyage who speaks French with English subtitles. What does he say in the French version of the film?
Answer: He says the exact same thing, and in French, but they used a different actor (the actor in the English version speaks with a highly exaggerated and ridiculous accent). Oddly enough though, they kept the English subtitles.
Question: When Freddy fries Michael's nuts, what is that howling sound in the background?
Chosen answer: It is most likely Michael screaming, but playing very slowly, so that it gives it a creepier effect. Also, these "howls" sound sort of similar to his grunt, thus, this seems more plausible.
Question: I have heard the following story about this film: one of the assistant producers met with Quentin Tarantino. Quentin talked about how much he liked the film, and the producer asked him which bit he liked best. He replied that he liked the lighthouse scene the best, and the assistant producer laughed out loud, and said that the main producer would be amused to hear him say that - because he pinched the scene from Reservoir Dogs. Is this really true?
Chosen answer: Specific aspects of direction may be from Reservoir Dogs, but the scene itself plays out almost exactly the same as in the book.
Question: I heard in the DVD commentary that what the Russian gangsters are saying in the beginning is total bull, because they ran out of time to translate the actual dialogue. Is there anyone from Russia, or who speaks Russian, that can understand what they are saying?
Answer: Yes, I can speak Russian, and what they said in the movie did make sense but they spoke so horribly it was almost impossible to understand them. But it wasn't bull.
But what was said?
Question: During the Roxanne number, why does Chocolat leave just in time to stop the Duke from raping her? How did he know she'd be in danger?
Answer: He didn't. If you recall in that scene the mood is very dark and everyone knows what Satine has to do in order to keep thier jobs and her job. But they all knew she was obligated to do it, so Chocolat took it upon himself to get Satine out of that situation before something bad happened, regardless of what happens to them later. As shown, he gets there in the nick of time.
Question: I am just curious as to how they make the lightsaber clashing sound. It's the sound made when General Grevious turns on his lightsabers, in Ep. II right before Obi Wan is cut by Dooku's lightsaber, and in Ep. IV whenever Darth Vader and Obi Wan clash their lightsabers and hold it together. It's a shhhhh, clickity, clickity, clack, clack. I just was wondering.
Answer: It is metal on dry ice and the ignition of carbon arc lamps used in old movie projectors (sounds strange but true!).
Question: Last year, before Friends had finished being filmed, I read an article in a paper that friends would have a special "Friends Reunited" episode and film it while they were still making the program. Did this happen or was the whole idea replaced with the spin-off series Joey?
Answer: Accorting to Martha Kauffman, no reunion will ever be filmed because, in her words, "reunions tend to suck". So this was probably all just a rumor.
Question: What is that red dot that is on Anakin's goggles when he is racing his pod? (It isn't there all the time, but if you look for it you can't miss it.)
Answer: It's the reflection off the instrument panel in front of him.
Question: Other than maybe galactic domination, why does Shinzon want to destroy Earth? He was a human, created and enslaved by the Romulans? Why is he so bent on killing everyone on Earth?
Chosen answer: Earth is the headquarters of Starfleet, and the de facto capital of the United Federation of Planets. As Picard says at one point in the movie, "If you destroy Earth, you cripple the Federation." Shinzon wanted to remove the biggest threat to the Romulan Empire so he could gain sympathy and support from the Romulan people, so they would support his rule.
Answer: Shannon seems to be based partly on Mordred from Le Morte d'Arthur and partly on Ming the Merciless from Flash Gordon. Ming had nothing against Earth, and Mordred had nothing against Camelot. Villains are just into conquering and destroying. It's what they do.
Question: I'm not of the Catholic religion so I have a question. During Frollo's fireplace song he sees those faceless people wearing the red cloaks and then on the wall there are shadows holding crosses and stuff like that. Are these any specific objects of the catholic religion or just your average devils and angels?
Answer: They are representations of good and evil.
Question: Towards the end, just after we find out the Eliza Dushku changed herself a bit too, after she says "no kidding" to Dizzy, what does he say? I can't make it out, and that line's not subtitled on the DVD.
Chosen answer: He says "I owe you one" in Albanian, like Eliza's character did earlier in the movie.
Question: The character Rock resembles Protoman (aka Blues in Japan) from the videogame Mega Man (Rockman) in appearance. Both wear shades and red clothing (Megaman has blue eyes and black hair and it's assumed that Proto has the same). The original Megaman characters and plot are very similar to Osamu Tezuka's Astroboy. With the character name, the robot themes, jazz/blues music, and the appearance, I was wondering if this was intentional on the animator's part or just coincidental.
Answer: If anything, Mega Man was influenced by Metropolis--Mega Man came around in 1987 and Metropolis first appeared in manga form in 1949.
Mind Games - S1-E8
Question: Right after the brain switch Kim (in Ron's body) picks up Ron (in Kim's body) and proceeds to fight Shego. During the fight she kicks Shego rather hard. As her shoe comes straight toward the camera we see there is something written on her shoe. What does this say?
Answer: Club Bananna, the clothes store from the show.
Question: Can anyone tell me the significance of Jareth's necklace? Throughout the movie it is silver with a gold center circle. But in his last scene with Sarah after the Escher room, it is reversed- now gold with a silver center circle.
Answer: The necklace is a symbol of Jareth's power throughout the story. All the time that Sarah is in the Labyrinth, Jareth has more power than her, because she doesn't really know what she's doing, and isn't taking one particular path, just getting lucky at the right times. At the end, as we all know, Sarah triumphs, and Jareth's necklace changes to admit his defeat.
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Answer: The gag is that the wolf has developed a peculiar sexual fetish: he wears women's clothing for fun and is attracted to pigs. The magazine was changed for the trailer to be less suggestive (and thus to make the trailer G-rated).