Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: What was the black spot on Jacks hand all about? Was it the beginning of a mutation like Davy Jones's crew or was it something else? Also, why did Jack's crew do spins when they saw it?

Answer: The black spot means he is a marked man. It originated in the book Treasure Island. It is just showing that Davy Jones it after him. The reason Gibbs spins and spits is for luck, the reason Pintel and Regetti do it (according to the book) is because they saw Gibbs do it and so they do it just in case it will help them.


Question: In the trailer there is a scene where we see Will possibly on the island where he is reunited with Elizabeth and he says "Where's Jack, I can't leave without him. Never mind let's go." This scene does not occur in the movie but Will does say almost the same thing but he says, "time to go". Why is it different?

Answer: Trailers often use different takes to the finished film, as the film itself is rarely finalised at the point where they're publicising it. In this case, they ultimately decided to use a different take where Will uses different wording.


Show generally

Question: I have seen online that lots of people are saying that the theme song is supposed to have a sequence where the plane lands and that Will runs from someone that looks like a cop, yet I have seen the extended opening and this is not in it. Is that sequence a lie of is it part of the song, but not of the opening credits?

Answer: It is part of the song and not the opening credits.


Question: What does Bluto yell during the toga party right before everyone falls on the floor and starts twitching?

Answer: He yells "Gator." That is the name of the dance where they are twitching on the floor, although they don't do it very well.

Zwn Annwn

Question: What does Miracle Max mumble before agreeing to help Inigo and Fezzik with mostly-dead Westley? It's after Inigo says "humiliations galore," as Max is turning away to get his hat.

Answer: He is just singing/babbling happily. According to the captions, he sings, "Hi diddle lick do day dee shie!" He then says, "That is a noble cause".


Question: Early in the film the hotel manager mentions that the Overlook was built on an old Indian burial ground and that builders had to repel several Indian attacks during construction. Indian attacks? During the 20th century? And why mention this detail, since it was never mentioned again or became part of the story.

Answer: "Indian attacks" just means attacked by Indians who owned the land. It does not necessarily mean Indians with warpaint/horses/etc., just that the attack came from the tribe who owned the land. As for him mentioning it to Jack, he is just giving him a brief history of the Overlook Hotel, as Jack will be the caretaker and might want to know about the history surrounding the Overlook.


Question: In the original four Superman movies, Superman had a yellow "S" symbol on the back of his cape - just like in the comics. However in Superman Returns there is no "S". Is there any reason for the change?

Answer: Supposedly, the people doing the CGI for the movie said it would be too hard to do Superman's cape in the computer generated scenes if the "S" was on it.


Question: Why does Story's hair color change from red to blonde? Does this signify something specific?

Answer: Only that she is running out of time to return to the Blue World.


Question: How exactly is the preparation of the breakfast with the egg and the toast?

Answer: Take a slice of bread. Using a drinking glass, cut a hole out of it by pressing the opening of the glass down. Butter both sides, then put the "frame" slice in the pan (you can discard the cut-out piece of bread), then crack an egg in it. Cook to taste.


Question: Who was the guy in the red uniform that follows Krum and Karkaroff about? Is it ever explained whose aide he is, or what his job is?

Answer: It's never explained; in the movie or the book. Maybe just an aide.

Zwn Annwn

Question: Is it true that Prince has a cameo?

Answer: Prince wrote the music; he has no cameo in the movie.

Zwn Annwn

Question: Is there an excuse given for Kurt's disappearance anywhere? I've only seen this film once, and I can't remember.

Answer: Not in the film, unfortunately. Kurt leaves the X-Men in the video game, "X-Men: The Official Game", which takes place between the two movies. His reason is that he wants a more peaceful life.

Tobias Drake

Question: Does anyone know where the scene in the theater was filmed, where Julia Roberts is on the stage with the swing and the snow, and then backstage playing in the costumes?

Answer: Filmed at the Abbeville Opera House in Abbeville SC. From imdb Trivia: Star 'Julia Roberts' caused a controversy after she left Abbeville, South Carolina, where the film shot some location work. She said the place was "a living hell" and a "horribly racist" town and she would never return there again.


Answer: In Red Dawn, a group of high school students forms a guerilla group against the Soviet invasion. Their school mascot was the Wolverine, so they took that as their name and battlecry.

Grumpy Scot

Question: Does anyone know what the black man rowing William ashore says before William jumps out? I think it was French.

Answer: It was indeed French. He refuses to take Will any further, saying: "C'est trop dangereux." (It's too dangerous).


Question: What is it that Jack Sparrow wants more than the Dead Mans Chest, the thing that his compass is pointing to?

Answer: It points to Elizabeth.


Question: At the bar after Bob hits Azreal, Serendipity tells Bethany to "blast the sinks." Bethany slides down the bar, makes a hand gesture and the sinks fill with water. I didn't see her hit a switch or anything else that could make water come out so what happened?

Answer: Serendipity says "Bless the sinks." Bethany's hand gesture is the sign of the cross.

K.C. Sierra

Question: I've always been led to believe that the suit is as impervious as Superman, hence the bullets bouncing off his chest with no marks on the suit. Yet at the end of the movie, the doctors and nurses cut the suit and tear it off of him. Is the suit affected by kryptonite as well?

Answer: There are two stories: a) the suit was made by Martha Kent from the blankets which came with Superman when he was a child and these blankets got superstrenght from the sun too. b) Superman generates an aura which protects him and his suit against such forces. Both stories can be true: either the suit itself is weakend by the kryptonite or Superman's aura was weakend by it. Currently it is said that the blanket-story is the correct one. Also, they don't actually cut it off him - it appears to open along a predefined line (coupled with someone exclaiming "got it!"), presumably the method Superman uses to get into the suit himself.


Question: How is it that Superman was able to survive in the emergency room when his heart was not beating? The doctors and nurses could do nothing for him, yet he lived. Also, how is it that a couple of scenes later, he woke up from what I deduce was a coma?

Answer: Since he doesn't look like one, people often forget that Superman is an alien. His physiology is completely different from ours and therefore there is no saying what his body can and cannot do. The simplest explanation is that his body shut down in order to repair itself and then woke up when he was better, after the final shard of kryptonite was removed.


Question: Can anybody explain why the T-Birds didn't see each other all summer? Even if Kenickie had a job, wouldn't he still be around after work?

Answer: Well, Danny was out of town, at the beach. It's quite possible that the rest of T-Birds didn't live close enough to each other to see each other during the summer. Also, they may have all had jobs, or been travelling with their families. It's also possible that they DID see each other, although maybe not as "T-Birds". When they saw each other on the first day of school, though, they were Seniors, and they were ready and excited to be T-Bird seniors.


Another possible reason is that not all of them were allowed to see friends during the summer. I had a couple of classmates whose parents were strict about them focusing on schoolwork and/or getting a job. No phone calls or visiting friends on the weekends or during summer: "You can see your friends at school."

Do you really think any of the T-Birds had strict parents?

People quite often rebel against strict parents.

When they asked Kenickie where he was, he said "working, which is more than I can say for any of youse kids" suggesting that the 3 stooges (pun intended for their stupid routine that prompts Danny to tell them to "be cool") didn't work all summer. Also, Sonny needed to borrow money in the dinner until he could get his allowance.

In regards to not living close enough to each other, it is worth mentioning that having access to a vehicle was much less common compared to nowadays.


Answer: During that time, it wasn't uncommon for people to go out of town for the whole summer. Often, it was close enough so that the father could commute on weekends while the mother and kids spent the summer at the vacation spot. Even when I was growing up in the 70's and 80's, I knew a lot of people who did it.

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