Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: They use a pinch in this movie to cut the power. How does a pinch actually work? Why did they need one in this film?


Chosen answer: They needed to shut off the power in order to turn off the detectors in the lift-shaft. There was no way to do that locally, so shutting down the entire city was the only option, using an EMP, a massive wave of electromagnetic energy that disrupts electrical equipment. In real life, pinches are generally used to create high-intensity X-rays for scientific study, and they're very large - much larger than the one seen in the film. It is true that they cause electromagnetic interference when fired, but nothing like on the scale seen in the film. However, given that the only source of an EMP with the strength to really black out the whole place would be a nuclear explosion, it's understandable that the makers of the film decided to play around with the laws of physics a bit.


Question: Is David Lynch a Roy Orbison fan? He seems to use Orbison's songs in most of his films. If he's not a particularly avid fan, can anyone tell me why he uses the songs with such frequency?

Answer: He's a fan now, but David Lynch only first heard "Crying" by Roy Orbison just before shooting "Blue Velvet", and wanted it in that movie. However, he bought Orbison's Greatest Hits CD and liked the song "In Dreams" so much that he ditched "Crying" until Mulholland Drive.

LuMaria 1

Question: The theme in the trailer is heard in other various trailers for example Men of Honor. What's the name of the theme?

Answer: The theme is taken from the soundtrack to G.I. Jane, written by Trevor Jones.


Question: When is this film released in the UK?

Answer: Look at the IMDB, where you can find out that the film will be released on October 15 in the UK.


Question: Why does Evelyn get a Purple Heart? As far as I understand, the only way to get it, is if you are wounded in combat.

Answer: From Dec 7, 1941 to Sept 22, 1943, the Purple Heart was also awarded for meritorious performance of duty. For wounds, "in combat" is much more restrictive than the actual requirements. Any injury caused directly or indirectly by a hostile foreign agency counts, including friendly fire if it was intended to hit an enemy.


Question: In the film, Jesus has several visions of Satan, beginning in Gethsemane with the snake scene. These visions are not chronicled in the Gospels. Is there another source, or should the visions be considered artistic license?

Answer: In addition to his own artistic license, Gibson actually uses several sources besides the Bible including St. Anne Catherine Emmerich's "The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ" and Mary of Agreda's "The Mystical City of God".


Show generally

Question: Not long after MMPR first aired (Say, 1994-ish) I heard a rumour that two of the original cast members of the show (Amy-Jo Johnson, David Yost, Walter Jones, Austin St. John, Thuy Trang and possibly Jason Frank) had gotten married. Is this true? If so, can anyone tell me which two it was and whether they are still married?

Answer: Unless 2 of the guys are secretly married to each other, the answer is none of them ever married each other. Thuy never married and was killed in a car crash in 2001. Amy-Jo has not yet married.


Question: Whatever happened to the Twins that work for the Frenchman? They do not appear at all in "Revolutions," or at least not as major characters.

Answer: Well, they get defeated. They probably weren't killed, as they reverted to Ghost form (and were still alive when they did it, as they were screaming) which would repair any damage they sustained, but i can't imagine them being willing to go back to the French guy, if he's as powerful as he's made out to be. They're probably just in hiding somewhere.

Gary O'Reilly

Answer: Of course they can understand him, they talk to him all the time. They just think he is being silly or a baby when he expresses a want to take over the world.


Question: Anyone know when or if this film's released in the UK?

Answer: According to the IMDb, it's currently slated to be released here on December 17th.


Question: Why didn't Jack say I love you to Rose when she said it to him in the end? I thought they both loved each other.

Answer: They do - but saying I love you in a situation like that is almost like you're saying goodbye...Jack didn't want to say that he loved her because he didn't want to seem like he was giving up - presumably he thought he'd get the chance to say it many times in the future, rather than saying it on their death bed.

Sam Johnson

Beer - S2-E5

Question: Can anyone hear the (heavily slurred) words of the ending song in this episode - or is it just random garbage?


Chosen answer: Black Adder couldn't hold his beer. The art of boozing he's not mastered. And I, your merry balladeer, Am also well and truly plastered. Black Adder, Black Adder, a bit like Robin Hood. Black Adder, Black Adder, but nothing like as good. Black Ad(hic), Black Adder, I thought that he had died. Black Adder, Black Adder, our writers must have lied.


Question: Can someone please explain to me why Erica's vampire fangs are so much longer and sharper than anyone else's? (When Michael wakes up at the mansion and Erica is hanging off the ceiling, you can really see them). Even in full vampire mode, all the others' teeth seem to pale in comparison. Why is she so special?

Answer: Not all people have the same size teeth. Why should vampires be any different?

Grumpy Scot

Question: Does anyone think that Harry may not have forgotten about the sphere in the end? He seem awfully calm while Norman and Beth look confused.

Answer: He's also a psychiatrist, he's used to keeping calm while others are upset. But it is certainly possible he remembers it. Why not?

Grumpy Scot

Answer: Harry was a mathematician. Norman was the psychologist. Harry does give a look like he did not forget but then again the Sphere did fly away. I believe it was A. Poor acting or B. To cause the viewer to ask questions.

Question: Is there a reason the dumpster they threw B-Rad in was full of Wonderbread and nothing else?

Answer: "Wonderbread and whitebread" are derogatory terms used to describe a white man. It can be mean or good-natured, like most put-downs.

Grumpy Scot

Question: In the scene where Taye Diggs is telling the guys at dinner about the course he was taking with his girlfriend (I believe it was tantric love making or something like that), can anyone tell me if what he was talking about is really true?


Chosen answer: Yes, there are many books and courses devoted to Tantric sex.

Grumpy Scot

Question: Would a PUR water purifier filter out the disease in the water?

Answer: It really depends on whether the disease is virus or bacteria, in addition to what size it is as to whether a filter would keep it out. Boiling the water would almost certainly do it.

Grumpy Scot

One girl was drinking tea, she had to boil water for that, and she still got it.

Gotta boil it for 10 minutes or so.

Grumpy Scot

Question: Does anyone know where I can get the plans for the Black Pearl? If not, maybe the HMS Dauntless? And what is the status of those ships? (i.e. blown up, put away, etc.).

Answer: Neither ship existed - they were both shells, built over large barges. The only real ship was the Interceptor, in reality named the Lady Washington, and even that was modified for the film. The Black Pearl was modelled on a real ship that stands in a museum in Stockholm.


Question: On the way to Helm's Deep, Theoden is riding Snowmane. After the battle with the Wargs and the company finally arrives inside the great fortress, Theoden dismounts off of a brown horse...where did Snowmane go?

Answer: Snowmane was presumably either killed during the battle against the Wargs and their riders, or injured to the extent that Theoden didn't want to risk riding him.


Answer: Snowmane definitely wasn't dead. He rode Snowmane to the battle of Pelennor fields.

Question: Is it true that Cirdan the Shipwright can be seen near the end of the movie? If so, which actor plays Cirdan?

Answer: It's true, yes, you can see him, standing on the dock at the Grey Havens, behind Galadriel, Elrond and Celeborn. He's also seen in the prologue to the Fellowship of the Ring - he's the elder of the two male elves who possess Rings (the other being Gil-galad). Cirdan was played by Michael Elsworth.


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