Question: While in disguise as Professor Moody, why didn't Barty Jr. grab Harry earlier in the school year and take him to Voldemort?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
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Question: Ron, Harry, and Hermione use polyjuice potion a lot. I'm confused as to how this is. In The Chamber of Secrets it is revealed that it takes a month to make. It would seem unlikely that Hermione would carry around a cauldron and potion ingredients and waste a month making the potion after they had a plan. If Hermione had made them over the summer, she would have only had time to make a few before she would have to leave with Harry and Ron. How do they get all their polyjuice potion?
Question: What did Venom mean when he told Spider-Man "never wound, but you can't kill"?
Jewpacabra - S16-E4
Question: At the end of the episode, is Cartman really serious about converting to Judaism and understanding how Jews feel or is he just lying like he usually does?
Answer: I would assume he is lying, Cartman seems to continue his Jewish prejudice in the episode following.
Question: How does Kevin manage to keep quiet the events of the first Home Alone movie involving Harry and Marv without anyone else in the family knowing, especially the parents? I imagine that Kevin would've had to take time off from school to testify against Harry and Marv in courts. And even if the trial took place during the summer months, I would think Kevin's parents would have had to consent, or at least have knowledge, to their son testifying in court against the two burglars.
Chosen answer: Remember that Kevin didn't give his name, nor did the police ever see him. When he called, it was from a different address and he gave his name as "Murphy." There is no reason to think that Harry and Marv would tell the police about Kevin, since they would have to admit being outsmarted by a child and also admit to kidnapping, assault, battery, and a wide array of charges for what they tried to do to him. Even if he did testify, there is no reason to think his parents wouldn't know.
And by the way Kevin knew nobody would believe him.
Not entirely correct - He rang the Police from the phone in his parents bedroom just before the spider scene.
Answer: Harry and Marv were career criminals, who expect to spend some time in jail or prison. Considering how they were caught and the police being able to link them to burglaries where the water was left running, it would be likely that they pleaded guilty (meaning there was no trial or need for anyone to testify) in exchange for a shorter sentence.
Question: I have searched every where to find the answer to 2 questions with no luck. First being at the end, where is the house that Brian and Mia are living at? The second is how does Dom know Neves? When Dom goes to her house to get the necklace back it implies that they know each other but she hasn't been in any other F and F films and in addition Dom says later in the film "running ain't freedom you should know that."
Answer: I agree that it's a new home they bought to settle down with Dom close by. As for Elena, it would not have been hard to track her down. They were running their own surveillance and I think he was referring to her own situation and having her honest policeman husband being gunned down. Like you said she's running in her own way with her own personal demons.
What surveillance were Dom and Brian running at the time? Dom says "I know you" to Elena in their very first scene together right after they found out what was on the chip in the favelas when Reyes men found them, and he saves her from Reyes' men that were shooting at them. They wouldn't have been running surveillance on the police at that time that would have involved them coming across Elena's information.
Question: Who was the baby in Charlotte's arms in the closing scene? Why was the baby not alluded to previously?
Answer: At the end of the film, it is implied that Charlotte and Benjamin Martin have married and had a child together. It wasn't alluded to earlier because it is meant to show that a person's life can start over, even after tragedy and loss.
Answer: Additionally, in the film Charlotte says to Benjamin "I am not my sister," alluding that they were different people as Benjamin gets closer to her. As colonials were religious given the time, in the Bible in Leviticus 18:18 it says "do not take your wife's sister as a rival wife and have sexual relations with her while your wife is living." Since his wife was dead, this no longer applied and they believed in starting over, as the above post states.
Question: Crowe thinks his wife resents him for putting his work before her. But since nobody but Cole can see him, what work does he have?
Chosen answer: Child psychologist - or so he thinks. Remember that Bruce Willis' character doesn't comprehend that he is actually dead, and certainly doesn't grasp the fact that Cole is the only person who can see him. Dr. Crowe's perception is that life goes on as does his professional role as a therapist for children. When he is around his wife, he misinterprets her melancholia and somber expressions as evidence that she resents his priority on his work, and that she is behaving coldly towards him as a result. In fact, she is in mourning for Malcolm, her dead husband - something he doesn't realize until the film's end.
Question: How come the conductor and the hero girl walk on the roof of the train headed towards the front when they could have walked through it, the way they did coming back with the hero boy?
Question: Why does Glen look like a zombie, if Chucky and Tiffany are normal?
Answer: Have you ever SEEN demon doll DNA? It's creepy! Not at all like your 'normal' DNA. Now, if you have a Barbie and Ken doll having a kid, you'd get something nice like a P.J. Doll. You mix evil, twisted, Chucky with psychopathic Tiffany and all bets are off, baby-wise. I'm surprised that Glen turned out as well as he did! And with a Cockney accent?
Question: How is it possible that some of Evan's gaps, being his blackouts, are filled in with stuff that already happened in his life before he knew about his ability (standing with knife, drawing 2 dead man, talking to his father), and other gaps are filled with completely new stuff that changes the moment and the consequence. So: Evan has some gaps filled in, in the past, with things that still have to happen, but also some gaps are 'just' filled in with actions that never had place in the first place? It is all a bit of a mess for me, but I hope someone understand my question.
Answer: Evan's blackout gaps are just that. Gaps. Not only hereditary (his dad had it, remember?), they occur at random intervals and random events in his life as part of his life. Later, he has the option of filling in those gaps with his NEW experiences and thereby changing his future. He is in control; changing his future by choosing the time & place.
Answer: Yeah I brought up the same thing to my GF. I think they just edited things out things that would made sense. The kitchen scene he could grab the knife for any reason but the drawing at the school could be during blackouts he is aware of all the alternate life events. There is a another theory that he was just traumatized and in the mental hospital the whole time. Just in his head thinking he is fixing stuff living other lives. How the Dr. knew about his other lives when Evan just got to that new life in the hospital. In no other flash back did people know about other lives. The girl even commented he is totally different and walks different.
Question: Why did Kane want to abduct Carol Anne so badly and what would he have been able to do if he succeeded?
Answer: He is in the first movie and is referred to as "The Beast." In this movie he is in his human form and he want Carol-Anne because he believes that she can lead him and his people into the light and crossover from this world to a better place.
Question: At the last moment before leaving for good, Angel pauses to tell Buffy "I don't like him" [Riley], to which she replies with a large smile "Thank you." Why does she take this comment surprisingly well? From an ex boyfriend to her new boyfriend? It's not like it sounds like a friendly warning of any sort, nor a joke given the tense situation between the two guys in the episode. And the smile on Buffy's face does not make her response look ironic either, more like loving/caring. Is that a cross over reference to another dialogue in the Angel series?
Question: What exactly did the ghosts want with Carol Anne?
Answer: They were partly attracted to Carol Anne because she she was born in her house.
Question: Where's the joke in prescribing a "lesbian shoe" (Doc Martin) to sick people? Not angered by it or anything. It's just that I understand most every joke and am wondering if this one even has a point or if it's just one of the absurd jokes?
Question: In season 3 Peter could only absorb one power at a time and only when he touches the person. How could he suddenly go back to being the empath who automatically absorbs the power of people around him in season 4?
Answer: There must have been some confusion in what you saw (or you caught an error). After "Dual" (s03e13) until the end of the series, Peter's altered abilities always required him to touch someone to gain their powers, he was never able to absorb the power without physical contact and never had more than 1 power at a time (although later he gains the ability to touch someone and not absorb their power).
Question: Right before the fight between Preston and DuPont, DuPont re-quotes Sean Bean "you tread on my dreams." How did he know that quote, and why did he know it would mean anything to Preston?
Answer: "Father" is a very human psychopath in my opinion. I don't believe he was ever dosing. Therefore, he was probably already familiar with Yeats. Just like his "office" at the end is filled with illegal artwork, which if he didn't "feel" would be completely unnecessary. He tells Preston at the end that he "feels," and that's true. It's just that he "feels" only as a psychopath can feel. And, since he was setting Preston up from the very beginning, he also probably knew exactly what book Partridge had been reading when Preston shot him. And he used that phrase right before his fight with Preston, why? Perhaps to attempt to throw him off his game by reminding him that he had killed his partner (something that he guessed - correctly - about which Preston felt incredible sadness and guilt).
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Answer: It would have looked too suspicious. Voldemort's plan relied on secrecy, and in his position impersonating Moody, Crouch needed to make sure no one discovered him before Voldemort returned to his physical body. Disappearing from school with Harry would have blatantly tipped off Dumbledore.
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