Question: What is the song that Emma sings with Frank Churchill when she plays the pianoforte?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Why was Enterprise cancelled after only four seasons?
Answer: While ratings did drop, there was a lot going on to cause the rating drops and cancellation. First, "Enterprise" was on UPN, which was dissolved a year after the show was cancelled. At the time of cancellation, it was UPN's highest rated drama. Because they were on at night, they were often preempted by local UPN broadcast of baseball games. And it wasn't even aired in every market. They also lost a major corporate backer early and it was difficult for them to over come that loss. Plus, for season 4, they switched to a Friday night line up, so they were competing against Fox shows, like "The Simpsons" whereas on Wednesdays they didn't have much competition.
Answer: The same reason any show gets canceled, low ratings.
Not all shows get cancelled because of low ratings. Some get cancelled because they're too expensive to make.
Don't know why it had low ratings. IMO it was close to the best of Star Trek franchise.
Question: What exactly happened to Reaper's parents? I didn't get much from the flashback, and it's almost never mentioned.
Answer: They died in a cave in, in the archaeological dig area. Or at least that's what I got.
Question: I realize how much the wedding ring must have meant to Mae Braddock, but I don't see why she would not have pawned it, rather than send her children away or become sicker because they could not pay for the heat?
Answer: In that case, you apparently don't realise how much the ring means to her.
Question: In one of the extras, Tim Burton says that he got the idea for Corpse Bride from a story. He said just that it was just a few paragraphs, but what is the story that he is talking about?
Answer: It's a 19th century Russian Jewish folk-tale - the story starts quite similarly, with the lead character saying his vows while putting the ring on what he believes to be a stick. The tale generally finishes with the rabbis annulling the marriage and the living bride vowing to honour the memory of the corpse bride throughout her marriage - which ties into the Jewish tradition of honouring the dead through the lives of the living.
Question: Jigsaw intended for Xavier to go in the needle pit, but Amanda is thrown in instead. Did Jigsaw anticipate that it might be someone besides Xavier, so that all the needles looked dirty, but weren't going to infect anyone with anything? Did Amanda know that she had nothing to worry about, besides the pain of the needles stuck in to her?
Chosen answer: This is probably the case - although knowing Xavier's mannerisms, it wasn't out of the question for him to put someone else through this torture, so it was always a possibility that she could be thrown in instead. Amanda would have known that the excrutiating pain was the only thing to worry about.
Question: Why does the Beggar throw the apple at D-fens? I found it odd since he just gave him a briefcase and a lunch.
Question: I believe they mentioned it in the movie, but I missed it. How was it decided who is Tutsi and who is Hutu?
Answer: Generally there were two methods, one they had identification badges that mentioned whether they were Tutsi or Hutu. This is evident when Don Cheadle goes to buy supplies and they want to see some ID. The other was simply that people knew each other. Some people would say who was Tutsi and who was Hutu.
Answer: The ID indicated ethnicity.
Question: What's the music that plays towards the end of the trailer?
Chosen answer: The song with the female vocal is "24" by Jem. see
Question: Has there ever been explained why the blood effects were done so weird?
Answer: Quentin Tarantino has stated that he deliberately went over the top with the blood effects, as a homage to a lot of old Oriental martial arts movies in which the spurting of blood was also (unintentionally) over-exaggerated.
Question: Which episode is it where Bart and Lisa are arguing, saying "You're gay for Moleman." "No you're gay for Moleman." And Moleman says "Nobody's gay for Moleman." Is it the one where Frink shpws them their future?
Answer: Yes it is. The episode is called Future-Drama - Season 16, Episode 15.
Question: If Hannibal Lecter knew all along who Buffalo Bill really was, then why didn't he just come right out and say it?
Answer: Because that would be boring for the doctor. He gets the opportunity to play his twisted mind-games with agent Starling, and manipulate her into revealing her own secrets to him, so he draws the game out for as long as he can.
Lector probably has a crush on Clarice (the flattering sketch) he might be trying to see her as much as possible because he likes her.
Answer: He tells Clarice he knows he'll never be let out of that cell while he's alive and that he wants to be relocated away from Dr. Chiltern. He's using his knowledge of Buffalo Bill to secure better living conditions for himself and/or get to a situation where it's possible for him to escape.
Answer: Sociopaths are egocentric and focus on getting what they want; they are not likely to provide information or be helpful to others unless there is some benefit to be derived. The information that Lecter had would be used as a means to an end, not for the purposes of assisting the authorities in capturing someone. Lecter reveals tidbits - the minimal amount deemed necessary at a particular time - and saves as much information as possible for future manipulations and/or self-satisfaction.
Question: Why does everyone say that using parts of the DeLorean that Doc had buried in the abandoned mine could create a time paradox? Firstly, that is never stated in the actual movie. Secondly, if say Marty and Doc use the part on the buried DeLorean to fix the DeLorean that broke due to the explosion caused by the extremely strong alcohol and then again try to run the DeLorean using alcohol that's not so strong, the 1955 Doc would be able to obtain the missing piece of the buried DeLorean. So, technically, there's a plot hole. Why then does everyone say that that's not possible?
Answer: If they dug up the buried DeLorean and stripped it for parts to repair the other one, then it would become non-functional. As such, with no replacement parts being available in 1955, Marty would not then be able to use it to come back in time to rescue Doc - which he's already done. There's your paradox.
Answer: But it's not a paradox is it. They blew the fuel injection manifold which Doc says would take him a month to rebuild, that's using 1885 technology and parts. Simply swap out the manifold off the buried car, put the broken one on the seat, and 1955 Doc would inspect it and figure out that it needs repairing (which would take far less time using 1955 technology and parts). They could also go to Western Union and change the letter to read that the fuel injection manifold needs a repair as well. If they stole the DeLorean' engine then yes they'd be a paradox as the very earliest replacement wouldn't be available until 1974. But stealing parts that would be available in 1955 would not cause any paradox as they could simply replace them.
Question: If the beast was a young boy when he was turned into a beast, why is it the portrait of him he tears up looks like he does at the end of the film?
Answer: Additionally, it sometimes happened that artist made noble rulers look adult even while still young. So it could've been a historical borrowing to foreshadow his later appearance.
Question: Could Hawkins have become a commando (or even a marine) in real life, considering he wore glasses which would have limited him during any battle?
Chosen answer: As long as your uncorrected vision is at least 20/400 (-6.0 diopters), you can qualify for most forms of military service except flying.
Answer: Yes, you can have corrected vision using glasses or contacts to be in a special operations unit. Although you can't be color blind.
Question: At the bachelorette party, Lorelai gives Emily a box of pasta. I didn't really get the joke here?
Answer: The pasta was was made into naughty shapes.
Answer: He had a thrombosis - basically a blood clot in the muscle of his leg that cut off the blood supply and caused part of the muscle tissue to die. The second-to-last episode of the first season explains the circumstances in detail.
Question: At one point the dentist mentions that he's going to "see a man about a wallaby". I get the feeling that this is a reference to something. Is it?
Answer: This is actually an homage to Crocodile Dundee, where the character (who is Australian) says the same phrase but has to explain it to his American friend.
Answer: It's a reference to going to use the bathroom. The American equivalent is "going to see a man about a horse/dog" (depending on which part of the country you are from).
Question: What did Ennis mean at the end of the movie when he says "Jack, I swear"? It seemed really out of place.
Answer: I feel it meant "I swear our love will never die." Or "I swear I'll love you forever."
Answer: There's been a lot of discussion as to what this line actually means, but there's no definitive answer.
I feel like it is a statement of loss, what they had, what could have been, but Jack is now gone. They will never be together again, but the strong feelings of love and hurt that Ennis has been, and always will be, there.
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Answer: The song is 'Silent Worship' by Handel.