Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Does anyone know why they changed the position of the fat lady (the entrance to the Gryffindor tower) in this film? She's along a deserted corridor in the previous films, but she's in the main stairwell in POA.

Answer: Cuaron changed the locations of a lot of things. See: Whomping Willow, Hagrid's Hut among others. Why? It's his film, he did things his way, as he had every right to.


Question: This has already been asked, but who is the black kid that reads about the Grim? Someone said it was Dean Thomas, which is what I thought, but you can see the original actor for Dean Thomas in a few scenes IN ADDITION to the new kid.

Answer: This is NOT Dean Thomas, who is played again by the same actor from the first two HPs. This is just a random Hogwarts student. No special reason he was put in this film (no conspiracy theories!), just as an extra. Remember, there are students at the school whose names are never mentioned in the books. Check out IMDB, there are 2 kids, listed as Boy 1 and Boy 2. He's got to be one of them.


Question: Why in the end credits does it say 'featuring' Sean Bean and Ian Holm? Why are they separate from the rest of the characters who are just plainly listed?

Answer: The 'featuring' credit is often given to an actor who plays a role that could be considered lesser than what they'd normally play. Sean Bean and Ian Holm are both associated with major roles in films, whereas, in these films, Bean appears as a relatively minor part of an ensemble, and Ian Holm also plays a very limited part.


Show generally

Question: What is Jerry's last name? When Brian signs his name he signs 'Jerry St. Clair', but in the hospital the nurse says 'Mr. Digman', and the plaque above the door of the Phoenix Club says both names. What is going on?

Answer: His name is Jerry St. Clair Dignan. He presumably prefers to go by Jerry St. Clair, hence Brian calling him that - hospital records, on the other hand, would have his full name, hence the nurse calling him Mr Dignan.


Answer: Why shouldn't he care about his opinion? As Mel says in another episode "My opinions are as valid as the next man's!" Maybe Flanders knew he was smarter then he looks and wanted to have a strong voice on his side.


Question: Neo seems to understand enough about bending the rules of the Matrix that he can take on 100 Smiths and walk away with no damage whatsoever. Why then does he bleed when taking on the Frenchman's goons?

Answer: Smith doesn't use any cutting weapons, whereas it is a blade that cuts him in the Cheatau. Remember, that sword was swung at full force, enough to cleanly chop off a person's hand, and Neo is only scratched.

Nick N.

Question: Even if Karl and Sarah don't get together at the end, I couldn't see what exactly was stopping them?

Answer: It's because of the complications that Sarah was having with her troubled brother. Apart from that, who's to say they don't eventually get together?


In the follow-up short film (the Red Nose Day special) we learn she eventually gets her happy ending with a man played by Patrick Dempsey.

Answer: The end of the movie is not the end of the story.

Question: Why didn't Gandalf get Gwaihir the wind lord (The giant eagle) to ride Frodo to Mount Doom? It would have saved the heroes from fighting, saved some of them from dying, and would have especially saved Rohan and Gondor from the near destruction they suffered.

Answer: They had to do this in secret. If they were to just fly into mordor on a giant eagle, they would attract the full attention of sauron, the nazgul, and all of sauron's army.


Question: How do the devices Preston uses to shoot guns and magazines from his coat sleeves work? Do they actually exist in real life?

Answer: Wrist holsters do exist for smaller pistols, although I don't know of any current devices that actually bring the weapon forward into the hand. However, somewhat bizarrely, a toy gun back in about 1960 did come with a wrist holster that had this feature - it was referred to as using a "wrist-flick" action. Precisely how Preston's more advanced devices work isn't clear - it most probably involves some specific muscle contraction, which the device can 'read' to bring the gun into play or retract it. The reloading probably has some sort of signal sent from the gun to the device (using something along the lines of today's Bluetooth system), to inform it that a reload is necessary - again, a specific muscle movement (i.e. that required to put the gun into a position where the reload can occur) could be used to trigger the event.


Question: The Bride leaves Elle Driver in Budd's truck, completely blind but alive. What would have happened to her? Would the Black Mamba snake finished her off?

Answer: She could have died either from bleeding out from losing her eye, the black mamba could have got her or most likely Elle could have died from the exposure to the elements of being out in the middle of nowhere without the possibility of calling for help and not knowing how much food and water Budd had in his trailer. Since there was no way for her to drive off and being out in the desert, she most likely would have died a slow agonizing death through the process of dehydration.

Tobin OReilly

Answer: Tarantino has said that if he gets the chance to make Kill Bill Vol. 3, it will be about a blind Elle Driver training Vernita Green's daughter to kill Beatrice.


Answer: During the end credits for Kill Bill Vol. 2, the characters names were crossed out, but Elle's name had a question mark. It's unknown what happened to her. It's been rumored for years that there would be a third movie with Elle returning for revenge. Blind, but with heightened senses.

Question: How is it possible that at the end of the film, when the helicopters are arriving to New York, many people are coming out of the buildings. Aren't they supposed to be frozen?

Answer: The people in the library were able to survive by making fires and so on - obviously these other people were equally resourceful.


Question: In the book, Lupins fear (the boggart) is a Silver ORB, It never says anything about the moon besides the fact that every full moon he transforms. In the movie, it turns to the moon with clouds and everything, was it supposed to be a moon in the book?

Answer: Actually, in the book, Lupin compliments Hermione on noticing that the boggart turned into the moon when he was present. Rowling initially describes it as a silvery orb, presumably to preserve the mystery of Lupin's nature, but it's clearly intended to be the moon all along.


Question: Did Jesus really invent the table? I don't remember that in the Bible.

Answer: Um, no, he didn't. The Egyptians had tables (that wouldn't look that out of place in a modern house) around 2000 years before the birth of Christ.


Answer: I believe Jesus was just helping his Father Joseph who was a carpenter.

Well in one verse in the bible it's mentioned he was a carpenter's son, but in another it's mentioned Jesus was a fisher.


Nowhere in the Bible does it say that Jesus was a fisherman. Peter, James, and John were fishermen.

The Truth - S9-E19

Question: I'm not a huge fan of The X-files, but i do like to watch the occasional episode. I didn't watch most of season 9 due to a bad time slot but i did manage to catch this episode. What i want to know is, what is The Truth? I didn't understand that part.

Answer: It's revealed that The Truth which Mulder and Scully have been searching for is that the final alien invasion of Earth will come on the same date that the ancient Mayan calendar ends - December 22, 2012.

Question: Why doesn't Styles just carry a fake ID when he is trying to purchase the keg of beer? Although they aren't foolproof, its a bit smarter than resorting to bribery or using a fake gun.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Fake ID's are hard to come by. Its also difficult to make one look realistic by yourself.

Grumpy Scot

Styles is Mr. Popularity in a small town. Even if he did have a fake ID, chances are just about everyone knows who he is.

Show generally

Question: How come SG-1 or any other "SG" team don't bring a DHD from a different planet back to the SGC and then they could hook it up to dial faster?

Answer: DHD's only work on the planet the gate is on. They aren't interchangeable between gates.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: As the previous answer, plus there'd be the problem of as soon as they disconnected the DHD from its Stargate, the Stargate would shut down as the DHD provides the power to open a wormhole (although under special circumstances such as a black hole power can be drawn from the dialled gate instead).

Question: In the scene where Hart finds out about the Citizen being caught, when she and Matthews are arguing, Matthews says ,"You're not the only one who lives his life for the job..." Clearly he says HIS, as though both him and Hart would fall under that category. Is this a mistake, or is it supposed to be there?

Answer: It is supposed to be there. There are numerous references to Matthews (and the other agents) simply referring to Hart as one of the guys or even just as a guy.


Show generally

Question: Whenever anyone wants to contact someone else from another part of the ship, they hit their badge and say (for example), "Picard to Engineering." In no episode ever is there an instance where we hear somebody call someone else who is not involved in the current scene. We should assume, therefore, that when communication like this is initiated, it is only heard by the recipient of the page. So the question is, how can the ship's communication system know ahead of time who the person is paging? In other words, if Picard says, "Picard to Engineering," what keeps sickbay from hearing his call? There can't be a time-delay (i.e., the computer does not make the page until it hears the entire page, and then directs it only to the intended recipient) because in many episodes we hear the reply right away. Can anyone explain this? Are we simply "lucky," in that we only hear pages made by or sent to people in the scene we're watching?

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: Enterprise's computer directs the call to the aforementioned department. It is then answered by the ranking member of the department. For instance, if Engineering was contacted, and Geordi was in sickbay or off duty, the call would be answered by whoever was "officer of the watch" in Engineering. Mainly, it wouldn't do much for the show to say, "Picard to engineering", "This is engineering, go ahead." "Yes, I'd like to speak to Geordi about some more phaser power, please", "One moment, I'll transfer you."

Grumpy Scot

There is a episode of Voyager where someone calls someone on their combadge and it gets rerouted to another station and someone else answers. Due to a communications error being fixed. The comm signal was rerouted.


Question: I am very confused about the incentives for killing these people was, why these people in particular were killed, and in general what was going on.

Answer: The incentive is the ownership of the lands and property held initially by Peter van Garrett, the older man killed at the start of the film. Van Garrett and his son are killed first, then the widow Winship when it becomes apparent that van Garrett married her, making her a possible inheritor. Once Ichabod arrives in town to investigate, it becomes necessary to remove witnesses to these events, so that they can't give him clues to what's really going on. Jonathan Masbath is killed because he witnessed the marriage and the change of will - he would be able to testify to both. The midwife and her husband were also aware of the situation - due to the widow Winship's pregnancy - so they were eliminated as well (their son was merely in the wrong place at the wrong time). Magistrate Philipse was consulted by the widow regarding the legal status of her unborn child, plus he was actively trying to help Ichabod, so his elimination became necessary. Once the van Garretts were out of the way (plus any inconvenient witnesses), the land now belongs to the van Tassel family. Balthus van Tassel is killed first - Katrina is his first-named heir, with his wife as the second. With Katrina's removal, the wife, Mary, inherits. As she explains in the film, her reason for this is that her family originally lived on the land, only to be evicted. Acting as the van Tassel family nurse, she arranged the death of van Tassel's first wife, Katrina's mother, then seduced Balthus into marrying her, thus placing her in the line of succession - she then proceeds to use the Horseman to eliminate everyone above her in that line.


Thank you for this explanation. Very detailed.

Answer: Before the magistrate's death, he and the other town elders were arguing and he was packing and seemed to be leaving town, and then being stopped by Ichabod. I like to think that he was trying to escape, and that's why Lady Van Tassel had the Horseman kill him.

Question: We know Professor Lupin is a werewolf, but is he also an animagus? If so, does he change into a wolf or something else?

Answer: No - he's a werewolf, nothing more. His friends, Sirius, Peter Pettigrew and James Potter all became animagi so that they could help him, but he himself is not one.


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