Question: Anyone have any idea what kind of drink Budd was making in his trailer for him and Elle?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: I've tried to look for this in the books but I still don't get it. When future Harry and Hermione come back to the hospital wing after they went back in time and saved Sirius, then their selves should have just left again to do the same thing. What happens to them, since it was already done? Where do they go?
Answer: Time travel is very complex. They are going back to fix things, but from out point of view, they already have! But, if you consider when our Harry and Hermionie leave, the previous Harry and Hermionie would enter the room, it might start to make sense. Basically, an infinite number of Harry and Hermionie travel back to change the past, but we only follow one.
Question: Perhaps I'm a little dense, but why does John still kill Crow after realising he didn't actually kill his son. Was it because Crow wouldn't tell him the name of the person setting him up? Because I'm sure a little more interrogation would sort that out.
Answer: Anderton didn't kill Crow. His remarkable self-control made him want to arrest him instead (as you know). Crow then grabbed Anderton's hand as it was holding the gun and either forced Anderton's finger to pull the trigger or wedged his own finger inside his hand to pull the trigger himself.
Question: What does the "M.D" stand for in the title of this show?
Answer: Medicinae Doctor in Latin which is Doctor of Medicine in English.
Question: At the end of the film, how does the ship carrying the adult and the juvenile T-rexes get from San Diego back to the island off Costa Rica without a pilot and crew? It seems to just sail away on its own. Did I miss something?
Chosen answer: Once Sarah and Ian trap the T-rex back into the "cargo hold", we never see the ship sail away on its own. It couldn't do so. The ship crashed into the dock, it would have taken days for them to free the ship - plenty of time to get a new crew. Notice how when they are watching the TV at the end, how clean everyone is?
Question: What is the name of the episode where the people in Springfield get a record for the fattest town and Marge wants to ban sugar?
Chosen answer: The episode is called "Sweets and Sour Marge" from Season 13, Episode 8.
Question: How was it possible for Vader to survive when his ship was dashed out into space from the Death Star before it was destroyed? When the TIE fighter crosses Millennium Falcon Obi-Van says "A fighter that size couldn't get this deep into space on its own" and "It would be as well to let it go, it's too far out of range" and Vader's ship is about the same size. Could we assume his ship was some sort of special long-range fighter, or that he was lucky enough to reach an imperial base or catch up with a convoy?
Chosen answer: Vader's ship was a prototype of the TIE-Advanced, an enhanced model that ultimately proved too expensive to be mass-produced. Part of the reason for that expense was that the fighter was equipped with a hyperdrive, allowing Vader to reach safety with little trouble.
Question: Is that stimulator thing that Jack Nicholson uses on his head when he comes out of the shower a real gadget that you can buy somewhere or was it just made for the movie? If you it is real does anyone know where I could buy one?
Chosen answer: It's called a Violet Wand, and MANY years ago they were claimed to be an electrical cure-all for any ailment (along with Coca Cola extending your life-span etc). These days they're used for other purposes, I am sure any decent Adult retailer can supply you with one. Probably get one on ebay.
Question: Why exactly is death working backwards in this movie? I don't really understand it.
Answer: Death is trying to erase the mistake "he" made. It's like knitting or something, if you make a mistake you have to start at the end and unwind the threads untill the mistake has gone. That is why death is working backwards, to tie up the loose ends.
Question: Did John Swartzwelder quit the show? He didn't write any episodes for this season.
Answer: He took a year's break from the show. He's promised to return for Season 17.
Question: In the scene when Sunny is walking around the reptile room and is about to find the Venomous Viper, Lemony Snicket says "witnesses from that day." Because he says "witnesses", is it implying that the children are no longer alive to tell their story?
Answer: Not specifically, in fact, the witnesses could be the children themselves. It is more of a manner of speaking, and if anything it is just leaving the question of whether they are alive open.
Or Lemony Snicket couldn't find the children.
Answer: The "witnesses" could be the detective.
Question: I'm confused. Is Pam really having a baby or not 'cause when the credits were rolling gaylord said Pam wasn't really having a baby. Then when he noticed the camera he said he was joking. So is Pam having a baby or not?
Answer: Pam is pregnant. This scene echoes one in Meet the Parents where Ben Stiller talks into a picture frame, revealing that he did smoke hash, did flush the toilet and all the other stuff he said he didn't do. Except this time, he knows the camera is there and plays up to it.
Question: When the ship where Dorie Miller is serving gets torpedoed and the captain is about to die, Dorie tells him "You trained us well". This line has always confused me. Does he mean the captain has trained each of the crew members?
Chosen answer: More of a "you have been a great role model and taught/showed us the proper way to act". He was reassuring the Captain.
Question: If the Doctor gets a TARDIS, does that mean other Timelords get a TARDIS as well?
Answer: TARDISes are generally available for properly authorised use on Gallifrey; they're not usually assigned to a particular Timelord on a long-term basis. The Doctor stole his when he left his homeworld.
Question: At the bowling alley Johnny says he's going to cure Paulette of her disease. The guys ask what disease, he says "emphysema" and they all go "ooh." Well I don't get it. Can someone please explain?
Answer: Johnny says she has "nymphomania" not "emphysema". According to, nymphomania is defined as "excessive sexual desire in and behavior by a female."
Question: This may sound like an odd question, but why do Trinity and Neo seem so desperate to see each other alone once they get back to Zion. They seem to have enough time for private moments while they are on the ship. Is sex on the Nebuchadnezzar forbidden?
Chosen answer: I doubt it is but from what we gather from the reaction of Link's girlfriend/wife, the Neb seems to see far more action than any other hovercraft in the fleet. It's likely that they spend most of their time jacked in rescuing people, or fleeing from sentinels. The neb's crew is also small, compared to its usual size (only four people compared to its original eight) so they'd all be involved in the piloting and gunning of the craft.
Question: What exactly was the purpose of the cigarettes? It seems like in order to kill Adam, Lawrence would have to give Adam a "blood soaked" cigarette. If this was how Lawrence was going to kill Adam, then what was the point of the saws and bullets? Also, wouldn't Lawrence be skeptical as a Doctor that something like a blood soaked cigarette would kill Adam while a normal unsoaked one wouldn't kill him? The whole part with the cigarette's leaves many unanswered questions.
Chosen answer: The killer knows that, in this early stage, Lawrence is unlikely to really try to kill Adam, and also that he is likely to try and pretend to do so to get out (hence the electrical shock administered to Adam). Thus, the saws and gun are for use later in the game, when things really heat up; the cigarette is there specifically for the ruse Lawrence attempts. Also, the deadly effect of the cigarette is not just the blood, but the fact that the blood is poisoned (or so they are led to believe); hence, if Adam put the poisoned blood in his system, it could very well have killed him if it really were poisoned. Smoking an unsoaked one might kill him with cancer, but that would have taken far too long to do Lawrence any good.
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Answer: I believe he was attempting a frozen margarita.
Stacey Kotlarczyk