Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: In the scene when Harry is packing his trunk at the end and Dumbledore is talking to him about setting the curtains on fire, does anyone know what is written on the top section of the four-poster bed?

Answer: Roman numeral GXXV (Gryffindor 25).


Question: What are the title/artist of the two dance songs played in Alexi's Miami Club straight after the chopper flies past it carrying Mike and Marcus to the hospital. I have searched for the two songs everywhere and can't find them (as they're not on the official soundtrack it is harder to try and track).

Answer: One of the songs is by Deepsky, Cosmic Dancer.

Question: I was wondering what the name of the song is that plays as Max and Vincent drive off after the first killing. It plays through for a while, until the cop calls for backup.

Answer: You mean the one where Fanning is looking for Ramon in his apartment? It's called "Rollin' Crumblin'" by Tom Rothrock.

Question: Does the color blue have any symbolic significance in this film? I've noticed that blue flowers are pretty prominent throughout the film as well as Annie's blue dress and Chris' blue suit in the last few scenes. It seems like the cinematographers took special care to make all the blues really stand out.


Chosen answer: Taken from Blue represents truth, wisdom, heaven, eternity, devotion, tranquility, loyalty and openness. The presence of this color in your dream, may symbolize your spiritual guide and your optimism of the future. You have clarity of mind. Depending on the context of your dream, the color blue may also be a metaphor of "being blue" and feeling sad.

Answer: A generic spell that's supposed to keep spirits/demons from crossing the threshold, similar to the script on the glass walls in Thirteen Ghosts.

Question: When Charlie first goes into the cave, he places Emily's music box on a plank of wood, and pushes it so that it floats along the small stream; why did he do that?

Answer: It is just to scare them. The music makes an eerie noise. and the music box was one of Emily's prized possessions. it would scare her to see it floating in the stream.


Question: How come Doctor Dhalism turns bald at the end?

Answer: In his fight with the guard, Dhalsim gets knocked into some chemicals. This presumably changed him. This is also likely the explanation if he had to do any signature moves from the games, which thankfully, he doesn't.

Question: Why didn't Mani kill the healers daughter? When everyone was preparing to hunt the beast, they look at each other and then she kisses two guys that are right beside her. She was responsible for the fight where everyone was attacking Mani before it was stopped by Jean Francois, and later in the lair of the beast she helped the men kill Mani. It was obvious that she was evil so why didn't he kill her?

Answer: She wasn't really evil. The whole movie is a metaphor for the shockingly bloody French revolution. The fact that (at least towards the beginning) the beast usually only kills women and children is a nod in the direction of the countless innocent (women and children) who were put to death in its course. The healer's daughter is sort of an omnibus of the French peasants' lust for blood. She's not evil, she's just crazy - the mad child of revolution. Sorry for the lengthy explanation, but if one goes into it without knowing, it can be a bit confusing.

Season 3 generally

Question: In the episode "Birthday Fairies", Tootie gets Cosmo and Wanda for her birthday because she's having a bad time. But for the most part, Vicky is the one making her life miserable. It is even said that Vicky is scaring all the kids away from Tootie's birthday party, that's why she is crying. But Why didn't Tootie wish Vicky away?

Answer: In "Da Rules" book, you cannot wish a person in danger, or do any harm or anything to a person's life or relationship.

Question: What is the deal with a apples in this movie, is it a subtle reference to something? Aside from the main bad guy chomping on one while tailing with someone (rude), there are several scenes with large bowls of apples. In one scene, there are two tables with bowls of apples on them.

Answer: Its a Navy thing. Centuries ago, to ward off the threat of Scurvy when sailing long distances, eating apples would prevent it, and the tradition carries over into modern times.

After 21 years of Naval service (10 years destine and four ships) I have never heard of apples warding off scurvy. It was discovered that lemons were very effective. Later in time the British started using limes to avoid scurvy. While limes were cheaper than lemons, they were not as effective. This is also where we get the phrase "Limey Brits" from.

Yep you're right. It's the Vitamin C in limes and oranges that prevents scurvy. Not much of that in an apple.


Answer: We first meet Janice in the season one episode The One with the East German Laundry Detergent, during which Chandler gets Phoebe's help to dump Janice. Chandler then asks her out for New Year in The One with the Monkey, and once again dumps her before the episode is over. In The One with the Candy Hearts, Joey sets Chandler up on a blind date which turns out to be with Janice. Janice next appears in the season two episode The One Where Heckles Dies - Chandler calls her as is he is feeling lonely, and she reveals she is now married, and pregnant. In The One With Barry And Mindy's Wedding, Chandler falls for a woman he meets online, who then turns out to be Janice. This is the first time their relationship lasts across multiple episodes, as they continue to see each other until breaking up in the season three episode The One With The Giant Poking Device, in which Chandler discovers she has been seeing her ex-husband on the side.In the season four episode The One With All The Rugby, they meet again, and to avoid starting up a relationship with her again, Chandler pretends to be moving to Yemen.This is the end of all romantic involvement between them, although Janice does cross paths with Chandler and the others several times. She is seen for the last time in season ten episode The One Where Estelle Dies, in which Chandler pretends he is still in love with her to try and put her off moving in next door to him and Monica.


Question: When Ethan Hawk takes a new life, does he have to shave his fingerprints/get plastic surgery/new teeth etc. because when he started he looked way different than the present day Ethan.

Answer: Yes, he must do this to truly feel like the different person he is trying to be. Also, so the police won't suspect anything if his traits don't match his identity.

Question: How old are the characters in the film?

Answer: They never mention age, as far as I can see, and I just watched it recently.

Answer: Historically speaking Wallace's exploits didn't go much further than causing havoc for garissons about his area. The warpaint was all Hollywood.

Answer: "All I Know" by Art Garfunkel.

Question: At the end, does Shirley go back to her old life or does she stay?

Answer: Shirley stays. You can see that she has found herself and has fallen in love with herself and the life she created. After a life changing moment like that, she realises she can never go back again. She simply doesn't want to. At the end as she watches her husband walk toward her, you see that she observes him from a different perspective. She feels compassion, and she feels sorry for him even mentioning she hopes he stays a while to feel the sun on his face. You can sense the compassion she has for him in a more detached way and in that moment, you know without a doubt that she stays.

Answer: My thoughts are he stays for a while, loves it, so they fall in love again and stay together in Greece.

Answer: That's what you're meant to be left wondering. I get the feeling that she will eventually go back to her life in England but her husband will have to do some serious listening first about the changes that have to be made.

Question: Is it ever explained how Adrian Brody's character can jump to 2007?

Answer: No. The concept of how the jacket and the drawer is left a mystery to the audience.

Question: Has Stephen King ever commented on this film? It's an enjoyable film in it's own right but the only thing it has in common with the book is the title and some character names.

Gary O'Reilly

Chosen answer: Several movies (The Lawnmower Man, Maximum Overdrive, The Running Man, etc.) have been made from King stories that bear little or no resemblance to the original story. King has commented that this is unfortunate but normal movie-making.

Question: Was the third verse of "Hosanna" (where Christ urges the crowd to "sing out your songs, but not for me alone") written for the film? I haven't heard it in any other versions and in most foreign versions of the stage play the verse is not included.

Answer: Yes it was written for the film, and was not used at all before that. The director Norman Jewison asked Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice if they wanted to make some changes to the play before the movie was made, and they agreed by writing that verse, the additional song "Then We Are Decided" and incorporating "Could We Start Again Please" from the Broadway version. However in most stage productions I have seen the additional "Hosanna" verse and "Could We Start Again Please" are included."Then We Are Decided" remains unique to the film.

Question: Just before Jonesy is hit by the car he turns to the guy next to him and asks "What did you say?" (or something similar). What was that about? Did Jonesy hear something in the man's thoughts? Did he hear the guy shout "Look out." before he actually had, like a premonition?

Answer: Yes. He heard the man shout the warning before he was hit as a premonition which prompted him to say "what?" to the man. Then the man shouts in real life afterwards.

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