Question: I don't understand Lily's nervousness about impressing Dean in this episode - almost as if they have never been on a date. She already referred to him as her "boyfriend" in "Smoke on the Daughter", and they arranged a date in that episode. And he has been in her bedroom and brought her a Christmas present ("I Saw Daddy Hitting Santa Claus"). Why does this episode suddenly make it seem like they have never been on a date?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: If Rush Hour 1 and Rush Hour 3 are just over 3 years apart, how does Soo Yung age 10 years between the two movies?
Answer: To my knowledge, "Rush Hour 3" is supposed to take place roughly 10 years after the first movie, given she's all grown up and is around 20/21 years old.
Answer: At the end of "Rush Hour 2", Isabella is heading to New York. Lee and Carter then decided to go to New York too. At the beginning of "Rush Hour 3", when Carter is talking to Lee, Carter says Lee is still mad at him because of what happened in New York. He then says, "It was 3 years ago." Lee brings up Isabella, indicating it was the same New York trip. This is the only indication the film takes place roughly 3 years after the first one, but just seems to be a mistake. When Geneviève takes off her wig and Carter thinks she's a man, he says, "I'm Brokeback Carter." "Brokeback Mountain" was a 2004 film, so more than 3 years have passed.
Question: Why does Doc send Marty back to September 2nd? Doc gets shot on the 7th, so this is a very short timetable to work with.
Question: Would it really be possible to get a fingerprint off glass using the method Ben uses in the movie?
Answer: Simply put, yes, but that would be the easy is doubtful that a simple ink impression would be able to fool a fingerprint scanner of the sophistication of the one at the National Archives. Most importantly, high-end scanners don't just read the print, they measure the ridges and minute imperfections, which a 2-D impression on a rubber glove wouldn't provide. Some even measure the user's pulse rate and can detect the difference between actual skin contact and "dead" tissue (e.g, a rubber glove). So, it's a mix of real technology (used often in law enforcement, etc.), and Hollywood magic to advance the plot.
Question: Why did Wendy just wave at Squints instead of getting up and walking over to the fence to talk to him?
Question: How many scenes were removed from this film?
Question: Why do Power Rangers series reuse original Sentai fight footages instead of filming new footage?
Question: Assuming that the film didn't underperform, would there have been a sequel?
Answer: A sequel is still possible, but PIXAR and Disney say there are no current plans for one. They are open to the possibility but claim to be moving away from a sequel-heavy slate to instead focus on original projects. Although it received good reviews, Onward under-performed at the box office, though that was partially due to the COVID pandemic. A sequel is doubtful, or, if there is one, it could be a straight-to-video DVD.
Question: Why did they go with Jason Macendale as Hobgoblin instead of the original one, Roderick Kingsley?
Answer: In the comics, Hobgoblin's true identity was kept a mystery for a long time intentionally and while many fans deduced it was Kingsley, and creator Roger Stern was leaning that way, Stern left the series in 1984. In 1987 Hobgoblin's identity was revealed to be Ned Leeds and then Macendale became Hobgoblin. It wasn't until 1997 that Sterns wrote the mini-series "Hobgoblin Lives" and retconned Kingsley as the original Hobgoblin.
Question: How are the PowerPuff girls able to pick things up? They don't have any fingers.
Answer: They have fingers. It's just artistic license how their hands are drawn.
Question: Was Arnold Epstein drafted into the army?
Answer: No.
Question: What exactly did 9 accomplish by getting 1, 2, 5, 6, and 8 out of the beast? I didn't understand the ending, as they would still be dead whether or not they were inside the beast.
Answer: So glad you asked this! He releases their spirits because they are life. Life from the scientist. Preserved life. Small bacteria probably. So the world can start over. Yes, it's sad that they won't get to interact with the physical bodies of their friends, but in a way, 1,2,5,6 and 8 will always be with them. They are the fathers of the world's new organisms. The beast was corrupt so it was trying to prevent life from happening. It hated the humans because it was turned into a war machine. It captured them but could not kill them. The reason the dolls were created, their sole purpose, was to release the life that they were preserving into the sky and across the world. So, that in time and very slowly, things could begin again. they AREN'T dead and they never were. Life was just trapped. And now it is free.
This was beautifully explained and I can see your love for this movie in it. I have loved this movie so much, it is nice to see others enjoy it as well. Really wish we got a sequel.
Question: How, after tearing apart the Lincoln while looking for drugs, are they able to get it back together with no damage and hand it back to the Frenchman, including welding in the door panels towards the end of the movie? (02:00:00 - 02:45:00)
Answer: This has been asked and answered before. It's not the same car, it's a replacement of the same make, mark, and color.
Question: Who kills Nick and shoots at Patrick when they invade that crack house with Remy? (01:02:50 - 01:03:45)
Answer: It is not actually shown who shoots at and hits Nick, so it is necessary to make a deduction based on what is known. The shooter was behind the front door and shot at Patrick when Patrick was trying to aid Nick. Patrick retreated to the side of the house and returned fire. When Patrick entered the house, "Bubba" was seen lying facedown on the floor with a gunshot to his shoulder, apparently dead from Patrick's blind shots. No one else was in the front room, so it seems safe to conclude that Bubba killed Nick and shot at Patrick. "Fat Lady" Roberta emerged from a back room and Corwin Earle was in the upstairs hallway, so - even though they were in the house at the time - neither was likely to have been the shooter behind the front door.
That's not Bubba laying on the floor, that's the old man who resides at the house - Leon Trett. Bubba was Patrick's good-guy kingpin buddy, played by the rapper Slaine.
Question: In different episodes a mug can be seen in the ice machine section on the outside of the fridge, which changes colors and patterns from episode to episode. Is there any significance to it?
Answer: Ice makers were a new invention, advertisement purposes.
Question: What was the message that Dr. Thurman was trying to say to Rose? She said she needs to talk to Rose for some reason. Why?
Answer: I think I can recall enough to answer. Dr. Thurman's most recent therapy session with Donnie resulted in her assessment that Donnie's condition had quickly deteriorated and he was (or might be) in imminent danger of hurting himself or engaging in some type of dangerous or violent or self-destructive behavior (or doing something bizarre, such as attempting time travel). Under hypnosis, Donnie admitted to Dr. Thurman that he "did it again" (flooded the school), burned down Cunningham's house because he had "kiddy porn", that "Frank" was going to kill someone, and the "sky was going to open up"; Donnie was also crying. Dr. Thurman wanted Rose to be aware and, undoubtedly, keep a close eye on Donnie and inform her immediately of any changes or behaviors of concern. Why Dr. Thurman would leave a telephone message under these circumstances and fail to immediately intervene or take preventive measures does not speak highly of her competence. I think showing the party before Dr. Thurman leaving the message left some viewers in the dark.
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Answer: "Take It to the Limit", while aired as the 13th episode, was the 7th episode produced for the 2nd season (production code 207). "Smoke on the Daughter" was the 8th episode (208) and "I Saw Daddy Hitting Santa Clause" was the 10th episode (210) produced. Often shows air episodes out of production order for various reasons. If they had aired 210 in order, it would have aired on Jan 23rd instead of Dec 19th, hardly a good time to air a Christmas themed episode.