Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Why was the poster of Queen Amidala (shown as Novalee runs out of Wal-Mart) supposed to be taken out of the movie?

Answer: Because Natalie Portman played Queen Amidala, and it would have detracted from the reality of "Where the Heart Is" to see the leading lady in costume for another of her films.


Question: What is the conversation between the German soldiers in the Ghetto scene, after they have shot the boy who ran away and the boy's father who interfered?

Answer: Roughly "What is this shit? Did you become moved? You could have shot me. You have shot at me before. An apology is called for. You became moved."


Question: One mistake refers to Christine's "sexual awakening". Did she actually sleep with the Phantom of the Opera or did she just spend the night there?

Answer: She just spent the night there. The whole time while she was asleep he was playing music.

Question: Between what scenes did they want to put the deleted scene "No one would listen"?

Answer: According to the script, right after the Masquerade (you can see his costume lying on a chair).


Question: At the end of the movie, the Voice is credited as Himself. Who was really responsible for doing the voice that sent Ray on his journey?

Answer: It was actually his own voice (Kevin Costner) that sent him on the journey. At the end of the movie there's even the part where Ray is recalling the voices he heard and turned to Shoeless Joe Jackson and says, "It was you". At which point Joe Jackson turns around and says, "No Ray. It was you".

Question: When Phil and the two locals are driving on the railroad tracks, they are closely followed by a police unit. Phil drives off the tracks at a crossing where the tracks became level with the street surface. How did the police car get out from in front of the train?


Answer: We know the police car survived because unit 2 is the car that followed them onto the tracks, and unit 2 is also one of the cars present when they are stopped (though it came from the wrong direction). The movie doesn't explain how the car survived so it is left to the viewer's imagination.


Chosen answer: It was never explained in the film but there could be two possible explanations. One is the police car never got off the tracks in time and was hit by the train. Another is the car managed to get off the tracks in time despite the difficulty of getting off a railroad track so quickly. Up to the viewer to decide.

Gavin Jackson

Answer: Jen dies. Joey ends up with Pacey. Dawson becomes a movie producer and produces a show based on his life.

Jason Feng

Answer: He was written off the series, never to be mentioned again as if he never existed. As a matter of fact, according to the final episode, he never did exist.


Question: In the old TV show do the girls ever meet Charlie or find out more information about him?


Chosen answer: in the last episode of the show Let Our Angel Live (6/24/81), Kelly is shot in the head and the other angles and Bosley go to the hospital. The Angels finally got a sneak peek at what Charlie really looks like when he shows up at the hospital to visit her.


Answer: They've never been face to face with Charlie. In S2 E1, Angels in Paradise, Sabrina caught a glimpse of him as he swimmed away, escaping from kidnappers. In S2 E11, Magic Fire, Kris was a magician's assistant. Charlie said, he handed her his pen, for a mind reading trick, but couldn't remember what he looked like. In the final episode, Kelly said, she thought she heard Charlie's voice after surgery but was under heavy medication. It was Bosley who recognized Charlie standing in the background in hospital scrubs.

Answer: It has never been been revealed what happened to Marvin Monroe, only that he died and his tombstone was the first time there had been any mention of him. Monroe had never been an popular character and perhaps the tombstone would put to rest what had happened to him. In a fairly recent episode he reappeared and when asked about what had happened to him and he mentioned he had been very sick.


Answer: At first they were just wrestling and horsing around. However, underlying tensions and frustrations over their impossible situation, and Ennis' reluctance to commit to Jack, causes their anger (particularly Jack's) to overtake them, and it erupts into a full-blown fight.


Show generally

Question: What season did Eckley come in and rearrange the teams? And what exactly was the outcome? I don't even understand why he did it in the first place.

Answer: Eckley felt that Grissom's team where not efficient enough and were too close to each other. This all took place in Season 5. At the end of Season 5 when Nick is kidnapped (Grave Danger - Directed by Tarantino) Grissom asks for his team back. Eckley does not respond, but we see them all back together for Season 6.


Show generally

Question: I have a question about the cloaking technology all through the Star Trek universe. Does the cloak actually turn the ship using it invisible, or does it just hide the ship from being "seen" by other ships sensors? In other words, if a ship was cloaked and invisible to the view screen on the bridge, could someone looking out of a porthole still see the ship?

Answer: The cloaking device makes the ship invisible to other ships' sensors and to the naked eye. This was evidenced in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home where the Klingon vessel Kirk time travels back to the 20th C. in is hidden from humans while it is in Golden Gate Park and when it hovers over the whaling vessel.


Question: In the beginning of the movie, Dane attempts to flee from the convention but is stopped by Nesmith, who says "the show must go on". Dane looks furiously at Nesmith for a second and then makes his appearance on stage after all. Can anybody explain to me why Nesmith's line makes Dane change his mind?

Answer: Dane is a classically trained stage actor from England. On the stage they have the saying "The show must go on". i.e. hundreds of people have payed for tickets to see the play, so the thespians go on stage to do the best job they can. Nesmith is reminding Dane of this as Dane considers it a stage tradition that he doesn't want to break.

Soylent Purple

Question: There is a LOT of changes if you compare the film to the book, and most of them I understand, since you always have to make some changes. But why did they change such things as characters names and genders?

Answer: The film makers changed the name of Amelia Sachs because it sounded too much like 'sex'. I have not been able to discover for certain why they made Thom into a woman, but possibly this had to do with Thom's homosexuality. It could be viewed as controversial that Rhyme's nurse is a gay man, and could possibly also bring Rhyme's own sexuality into question. To make the nurse female would avoid all such issues.


Show generally

Question: What is the official relationship of JD and Dr. Cox? If it's a personal mentor and apprentice, why does Elliot never have one, or ever see hers? Same with Turk, he doesn't appear to have an individual mentor.

Answer: He's just a doctor that J.D feels attached to, presumably because it was Dr. Cox who made JD perform his first successful procedure in the hospital (in the first episode). It's made clear through the show that Dr. Cox feels some sort of admiration / liking for J.D too, whether he shows it or not. J.D simply looks up to Dr. Cox and admires him above all the other doctors around there. It seems that Turk and Elliot just haven't met anyone they feel the same about.

Gary O'Reilly

Answer: Presumably he does, but it's never been used in any material related to the show. He is the only Cat left (as shown in Series 1), so even if he had once had a name, nobody would know it.


Answer: In the book, the Cat finds the concept of a name confusing, as he's convinced he's the center of the universe and the idea that someone wouldn't know who he was is baffling.

Brian Katcher

Question: One of the Pinkerton agents says Elena is expendable because she compromised. What was her compromise?

Answer: Compromised means that her cover was blown.


Show generally

Question: Did Peggy always live in Montana when she was younger? There's one Valentine's episode where a flashback shows her and Hank in high school.

Answer: This has been somewhat of a topic of discussion amongst fans of the show. Along with the difference with her mother in a couple of shows, its never really been set when she left Montana and by what age as its changed at times. What seems to be at least certain is she was born and for a certain period lived in Montana.


Question: How did Lupin become a werewolf? Did he get bitten or is he a shape shifter?

Answer: This is answered in the sixth book. He was bitten as a small boy (about 5) by a dangerous Werewolf called Fenrir Greyback. He is not an Animagus like Sirius Black.


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