Question: After Flynn decides to give his satchel to the Stabbington Brothers so they can give him a boost, how did he obtain the satchel when he was climbing them?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
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Question: If Dustin, Dana, and James don't appear in a lot of episodes in the show, why are they still considered main characters?
Answer: Dustin was only considered a main character from season 1-3, and probably just because he's Zoey's brother. Dana was only a main character for season 1 and James didn't become a main character until season 4.
Question: Kinda confused, why couldn't they just ask Candie straight up to buy Broomhilda?
Answer: If I recall they weren't quite sure she was actually there. Therefore they needed to worm their way in by engaging Candy with business in order to find out. I would assume that it would've been strange for a man such as Schultz to go though so much trouble to buy a cheap slave girl (after all she was purchased for 300). It would've made their story of Django being a bounty hunter highly suspicious. Likewise Candy was very wealthy. They knew he would have little interest in making such a small profit off the girl. So if they instantly revealed their plans not only would they fail to make it to his home, they may never have found out if she was there. And lastly by getting into Candy's good graces by fooling him into believing they would buy a 12k fighting slave, he probably wouldn't have charged them much to buy her as he would've tried to please Schultz as a future business partner.
Answer: Short answer, because movies depend on characters making questionable decisions to advance the plot and create conflict, without which you don't have a movie at all. Longer answer, because Django was too proud, impulsive, and brash to simply sit back and wait for Schultz to do this, and Schultz himself has a flair for theatrics and so probably hatched the scheme as much for his own amusement as for its chances of success.
Question: I have a few questions. Were the conditions in the film and book the way they were in reality? Like did they really have movie theaters back then? If it was reality, what happened in the penal system that changed penitentiaries to become more "strict"?
Answer: This question is a bit vague and open to multiple answers, but here's one. Shawshank is a fictional prison, an amalgamation of the general federal penitentiary system of the 1940s-1960s, and as such depicts elements common to prisons of the era. Many penal colonies had movie theaters and other entertainment for the depended on a lot of factors, from the crimes committed by the inmates, to the laws of the particular state, to the inclinations and philosophies of the warden. Most prisons nowadays still have these amenities...they haven't become "more strict" since the time period depicted in the film. And, just as now, prisons like Shawshank had guards that were more or less brutal towards the inmates, inmates who worked for the guards (unofficially), corrupt wardens who exploited the prisoners' labor, draconian punishments, etc.
Question: Why does George go to find Dennis since he hates him? Did he also expect Dennis to listen to him after he had just scolded Dennis?
Question: In The Wolverine, when Yashida (as the Silver Samurai) breaks his claws, Logan regenerates his claws, but they are made out of bone. How come they are metal again when Logan panics and slashes Kitty?
Answer: No definitive answer has been given, although director Bryan Singer has said a possible explanation is Magneto helps. At the end of the Wolverine film, Professor X and Magneto are waiting for Wolverine at the airport. So at some time in the future, Magneto could have rebonded the metal to Wolverine's bone (which has happened in the comics). In the comics though, the True Adamantium turned into Beta Adamantium due to the presence of Logan's mutant healing factor gene. Beta Adamantium has regenerative powers as well (it's also what allows bones to function as they grow properly) and Logan's metal claws could have possibly just grown back, over time.
Question: Are there Slytherins who fought in the battle of Hogwarts? JK Rowling said that the reinforcements from Slughorn was Slytherin. Although it was not mentioned in the book and in the movie. But is this true that the reinforcements are Slytherin?
Answer: Since JK Rowling is the author and said that Slytherins are the reinforcements of Slughorn, then it is most likely true that there were Slytherins who fought in the battle.
Answer: All the Slytherin students were in the dungeons. Slughorn definitely was a Slytherin as stated in the book. And unless you explicitly mean fighting on the Hogwarts side, everyone on Voldemort's side is Slytherin.
Question: In the movie and in most of the live shows Christine is brunette but I have heard that in the original book she is blonde. Is that true and if so, do you know where in the book they say it?
Answer: In the English translation I've read (I have not read the original French version); in chapter V, The Enchanted Violin, when the old man is telling the story, it reads "Raoul looked at Christine's blue eyes and golden hair". It should be noted that Christine is Swedish and black hair is uncommon among the Swedes.
Question: When Alex and Clear go to the mortuary and talk to Bludworth, he says that the only way to stop Death is to disrupt the order in which they die in. When Alex saves Carter's life before he dies from the train, shouldn't that have disrupted the order and prevent Death from claiming the rest?
Answer: No. It only stops death from going after its current target, and moves onto the next one.
Answer: When all of the others are dead then death goes to claim the one that was skipped.
Question: As Data says his line about hydrogen collectors, does his left contact seem to be out of place?
Chosen answer: Yes, Data's contacts did noticeably drift on occasion, which was a source of angst for Brent Spiner (who played Data and Lore). Spiner never had anything good to say about his yellow contact lenses, as they were his least favorite part of the lengthy makeup process. Rather than further discomfort Spiner by constantly adjusting the contacts, they would often just continue shooting in spite of this minor makeup malfunction, unless he looked positively cockeyed.
Question: I may have missed this, but early in the film, how did Mia and Sebastian get into the empty planetarium? It must have been locked up pretty tight. Did someone let them in? Did they break in? I'm guessing this was explained and I didn't catch it.
Chosen answer: The answer is, "It's a movie." They wouldn't have been able to drive up to the entrance either. The entire sequence is fantasy-driven.
Question: Forgot the episode and the season, but does Mark, the kid that gets home schooled and ends up beating Kyle, ever show up in later episodes?
Answer: He appears in at least 5 other episodes, but usually just as a background character. He can be seen at Cartman's party in "Immaginationland". He was also one of the kids trying out to replace Butters in the "Professor Chaos" episode.
Question: The gorilla is said to possibly be able to lift two family cars, which weighs over 2090kg. If it can, then why is it only number 8 in the countdown while the rhinoceros beetle is number 1?
Answer: They based it on how much they can lift in relation to their body weight. A Rhinoceros Beetle can lift 850 times its own body weight, which would be equivalent to a Gorilla lifting 255 tons (over 100 times more than 2,090 kg).
Question: When exactly did Dooku turn to the dark side?
Chosen answer: Dooku lost faith in the Jedi order when his padawan Qui-Gon Jinn died on Naboo at the hands of Darth Maul. He left the Jedi order and pursued wealth and power. He was contacted shortly after leaving by Darth Sidious, joined him and became a Sith.
Question: In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, when the Room of Requirement is found, it is a practically small empty room so that the students have enough room to practice their magic. But why in this movie, when looking for Ravenclaw's diadem, is it suddenly an enormous room filled with what seems like centuries of stuff? Since the room changes to fit the person's needs and Harry, Hermione and Ron were so desperate to find it, wouldn't it be easier for the room to simply be empty and small so they can find it more quickly?
Answer: They wanted to find the room that held the diadem. The room simply provided it for them. The original room that held the diadem was big and full of stuff because it needed to be hidden inside it. The room of requirement can't change the location of items within it.
Answer: The room does change size, shape, and function according to a person's specific needs. However, when Harry was searching for the diadem, it appears the room simply reverted to the same configuration it was when the diadem was hidden there. The room may simply be incapable of finding a particular object.
Question: This was produced by the Walt Disney Production Company. Unlike other Disney films that were family friendly, this one had a dark tone to it and even terrifying moments. Why would the Disney Production company help produce this film considering how scary it is? It seems unusual considering that a lot of the movies they made were more light-hearted.
Answer: Disney at the time was trying to break the stereotype of only producing family-oriented animation films. So they were interested in making more mature films, especially ones targeted to the teen audience. At the time they had already produced "The Watcher in the Woods" and "Dragonslayer". "Something Wicked This Way Comes" was toned down though and some things deemed too dark were removed. It should be noted, this was also the last film under the Walt Disney Production label.
Question: Why does Obi-Wan believe that Anakin (the chosen one) is not ready for an assignment on his own even though he has been his apprentice for the last 10 years? Also, why does Obi-Wan not let Anakin face the trials to become a Jedi Knight even though again he has been his apprentice for the last 10 years?
Chosen answer: Anakin is very talented, but still struggles with anger and emotion. Obi-wan knows this, and knows he's not ready.
Question: Riddle said he knew Harry would try and solve the mystery of who was behind the attacks. Particularly if one of his best friends was involved, but how did he know Hermione was one of Harry's best friends?
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Answer: We are not shown exactly how he gets the satchel back for comedic purposes. Presumably he just reached around and quickly grabbed it as he was climbing.