Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: After Evie has finished reading from the golden book, we see a shot of Imhotep holding Rick by the neck and Rick's face is now blue. Why is that?

Answer: He is being strangled. Asphyxiation makes your face turn a bluish colour from lack of oxygen.


Question: This might be regarded as some as an obvious question, but I can't figure it out. In the first movie, when Neo is rescued, it is 1999 in the Matrix, and Morpheus tells him that humankind was taken over by machines sometime in the near future of the Matrix. Now, obviously the machines don't want the humans to find out about this, and they've kept history pretty much accurate so far (with minor alterations to explain the existence of 'agents,' 'rebels,' and so forth) so obviously they can't cycle too far into the future. But they can't stay where they are (if people were born, aged, and died in the space of a few calendar years a lot more people would reject the Matrix) or 'reset' things (same outcome.) They presumably have a way of dealing with this problem; what is it?

Answer: There is no reason to assume that history inside the Matrix would bring about the exact same events as happened in the real world. Even if the humans did start to make the developments that, in the real world, gave rise to the mashines and the Matrix, the machines can simply avoid that end result inside the Matrix. For all we know, the machines were planning to have the humans in the Matrix follow the timeline presented by Star Trek rather than what actually happened. Bear in mind too that the Architect mentioned previous Ones and Zions - every time the matrix is reloaded they start at the same point.


Question: Before the "Whoo Hoo" song in the House of Blue Leaves the group sang another song. It's not in the soundtrack. What's its title?

Answer: 'I'm Blue' or 'I walk like Jayne Mansfield'.

Question: Who are the aliens that were attacked by the Army? Do they have any connection to Duddits or Mr Gray?

Answer: They are the same species as Mr Gray - note that Morgan Freeman's description of their appearance is the same as the form Mr Gray took before possesing Jonesey. As to how Mr Gray got so far away from the other aliens, or why they were mowed down while he was almost unstoppable is anyone's guess - this movie is a mess.

Question: In the 2004 DVD of Empire Strikes Back, they re-dubbed Boba Fett's voice. Does anyone know why and who they replaced his old voice with?

Answer: Jeremy Bulloch's voice was dubbed over by Temuera Morrison, who played Jango Fett (Boba's father) in Attack of the Clones. This was probably done because, as revealed in Episode II, Boba is actually a clone of Jango, rather than a biological son.

In the movie's original release, Boba Fett was voiced by (uncredited) Jason Wingreen. Jeremy Bulloch's voice was never used for Boba Fett.

Answer: He recognized that Bernardo was really Diego de la Vega and he realized that the young Zorro he had seen earlier could not have been Don Diego. He then deduced that the new Zorro looked similar to Don Alejandro (and was probably warned by Captain Love that Don Alejandro was hiding someting) and made the decision.

Question: When Nathan fights the samurai on the battlefield, he cuts them down like grass with his cavalry sabre ao he appears to be quite a good swordsman. But later, when he has been captured, he's practicing with the Japanese sword and he fights like an amateur. Is there so much difference between fighting with a cavalry sabre and fighting with a samurai sword?

Answer: Several reasons. Number 1: while on foot, a katana is typically used with both hands, while a sabre is used with one. Number 2: The katana and sabre are weighted differently. Number 3: The sabre, for a cavalry officer, was a last resort weapon, rarely used. For a samurai, the katana was used quite often.

Question: Who played the Mystery Inc. gang in this movie?

Answer: OK, here ios how they are referred to in the script: Marc Blucas played "The Guy" (Fred), Matthew James played "The Dude" (Shaggy), Jane Silvia played "Bookish Girl" (Velma), and Carmen Lee played "Redhead Beauty" (Daphne).

Question: During the scene when Jesus is being crucified he looks towards "Heaven" and asks something like "why have you forsaken me?" What does he really say and does this mean to imply that even Jesus questions God at times?

Answer: Even in his anguish, Jesus still resorted to Scripture to fight his battle, and Psalm 22 is a messianic text which depicts the suffering of the Messiah.

Answer: According to the King James version of the bible, Jesus cried from the cross "My God, why hast thou forsaken me?" Most people believe he cried these words in desperation and anguish, others who study Aramaic believe he meant it as an understanding exclamation (i.e. he's grasping that it's his destiny).

LuMaria 1

Question: This movie confused me. I know that when Evan blacked out was actually when he went back, but what I don't get is how he got back or why the hemoragging happened. I also don't get the whole scar thing. Wouldn't he have hemorrhaged from having the scars or is it only at major changes that he hemorrhages?

Answer: He hemorrhaged because his brain had a hard time adjusting to all the memories of an entirely new lifetime. The doctor explained it when he showed how very little memory space Evan had left near the ending of the movie (the brain scans). The scars would've healed by the time he got to each new reality.

LuMaria 1

Question: In the card room, in the back of the bar, what exactly does Carter say after telling his cousin that the only reason he hasn't busted him is because he is his cousin?

Answer: Because it would kill Aunt Bootsie.

Timothy Conard

Question: Right before Lee is dropped off at the airport, Carter says to Lee " held out on me." What is he talking about?

Answer: He is referring to Lee and Agent Molina's relationship and how they could possibly hook up.

T Poston

He's talking about why he was after Ricky Tan.

Question: If the Predators are so big on honor and the hunt, why do they always fight with the cloaking devices, wouldn't it be more honorable to meet an enemy head on?

Answer: It's almost always a single Predator against hordes of armed enemies without backup of any kind; there's nothing in the honor code that says that a Predator should be suicidal. Even with prey exempted from the code (pregnant mothers and ill or disabled prey), they are honorably killable if they become a threat to the Predator.


Answer: We're not sure yet - most people believe it is because Anna Morgan made a deal with the devil to have a child. She shouldn't have been able to have children.


Question: When Harry sneaks into Hogsmeade, he buys a lollipop. Since the lollipop is under the invisibility cloak, why isn't it also invisible like Harry?

Answer: Simple: the lollipop isn't under the invisibility cloak.


Question: Someone said Tim and Lex were altered so that they played equal roles. So Lex got age and computer skills and kept sport interest, and Tim got belief in qualities he did not possess. Plus, in the second movie, the boy kid was ruled out, even though he saved them many times in the book. Where is the equality?

Answer: In the book, Tim had the dinosaur knowledge and the computer skills, whereas Lex had nothing. Since she was the rather useless scardey-cat in the movie, they gave her the computer skills so she could help out at the end. In the second movie, both kids were ruled out; they essentially just had cameos.


You missed what he was saying. There is a boy in the second book who is kinda like Rain-Man and saves everyone's hide on multiple occasions. Just like how Dodson was supposed to be the one trying to get the dinos off the island, not more Ingen people.

Question: Not directly related to the film, but to Eminem's song "Sing for the Moment". At one point he says "you're full of sh*t too Guererra, that was a fist that hit you". Who is Guererra?

Answer: In June 2000, Eminem got in trouble for having a gun at a nightclub. John Guererra was a bouncer at the club that Eminem thought kissed his (then) wife. Guererra alledged that Eminem pistol-whipped him, but Eminem continues to deny the charges.


Question: At the beginning of the film, Will Graham discovered that Hannibal Lecter was the murderer he had been searching for. How was he able to do this? All he did was open a book and the word 'Sweet Bread' appeared on a page. Could some explain this to me?

Answer: The victims had particular body parts removed. Will saw recipes in the book belonging to Lecter for those particular body parts and made a leap of intuition.


Answer: It is revealed through a conversation between Will and Hannibal that Will already suspected Hannibal but had failed to act on his intuition. This combined with the recipes Will sees, that correspond with the missing body parts, highlighted in Hannibal's cookbook and the penny drops.

Answer: "Sweetbreads" is an organ meat (like kidney or liver)...he wrote it in the book as he most likely cooked it.

Answer: When Lecter and Graham were talking at Lecter's desk, Will went into a story about how his son's grandpa was showing him how to carve a chicken. When he showed him a part on the back that he referred to as "oysters" it caught his attention because he hadn't heard that before. Now a few moments later he finds the cookbook which referred to other parts of animals that can be used to make what they called "sweetbread." From the previous conversation at the desk it was safe to say Will was already somewhat suspicious of Lecter because of his analysis.

Question: How are Elves born? Are they born fully grown or are they babies?

Answer: Elves are born as babies otherwise it would kill the mothers. The reason you see no younger elves has to do with the fact that they are "in decline" in Middle Earth. Arwen (Liv Tyler) is the last elf to have been born in Middle Earth and she is 2,777 years old at the start of the War of the Rings.


Question: Are the small spiders in the movie an actual type of spider? If so, what are they called?

Answer: The small spiders are Avondale spiders from New Zealand. They are totally harmless to humans.


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