Question: What's the name of the island that Jamie Foxx thinks about when work gets rough?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
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Question: Was there any specific reason or symbolism why Volume 1 and 2 contained so much of the colour yellow? The Game of Death suit, the subtitles, the Pussy Wagon, the desert, House of Blue Leaves, The Bride and Elle's hair. I'm counting blonde as yellow obviously.
Answer: In much of Asia, yellow has meanings associated with death. It can have to do with cowardice, such as how the Bride was killed. It can be a symbol against evil (obviously Bill). It is also a color of death, of which there is much of in the film.
Question: Does anybody know what state this movie takes place in?
Answer: The director states in the commentary that supposedly "this is a nice private school in Long Island."
Question: Does anyone know the alternative endings for this movie? I can't wait until the DVD. Was this the ending the M. Night Shyamalan wanted in the theaters?
Chosen answer: According to Shyamalan, the ending we saw was the only ending created for the film. He has stated numerous times that the rumors of any alternate endings were untrue.
Answer: The only "alternate" ending was one of the movie ending with Ivy climbing over the wall. There was a stolen script, and M. Night Shyamalan didn't want the movie spoiled by it being leaked, so he added everything after that originally intended ending.
I watched a version of the movie that had added scenes, not necessarily an alternate ending, and have been trying to find it ever since. It had, for example, a scene where Ivy finds huge chimes hanging in the forest that give voice to "those we don't speak of." Any info on that?
Question: What was the point of Theo in the movie? She was such a small character and didn't really benefit the plot.
Answer: She is the college-slut stereotype. She serves to advance a few jokes and to get the key to the gate from Dwight.
Answer: Theo is Catherine Zeta-Jones' character from The Haunting, although her SM2 counterpart is much more slutty. So, there is some reference to her being in the film than just being a random character thrown in for some comedic value.
Question: I heard that Trelawney's prophecy was worded different in the movie than in the book. Does anyone know what the change was and/or how it could change the plot?
Answer: The prediction in the book is, "The Dark Lord lies alone and friendless, abandoned by his followers. His servant has been chained these twelve years. Tonight, before midnight, the servant will break free and set out to rejoin his master. The Dark Lord will rise again with his servant's aid, greater and more terrible than ever before." It doesn't change the plot at all in the movie. It was just reworded to make it shorter.
Question: In the opening shot, the camera lingers on LeStat's tomb for just a second. What did the door say? The picture on VHS is to grainy for me to read if it is paused, and the shot goes too fast.
Answer: All I can read is the name, Sebastian Fairchild. The rest of the text is too small and the camera angle is too far up to be readable.
Question: If all the villains have known the Rangers true identities, why didn't they just reveal them to the public? Zordon stated in the first episode they would lose their powers if their identity was revealed. It couldn't of been an "honour" thing, as they've all shown they are willing to use cheap tactics to get ahead.
Answer: Several people have found out their identities. Tommy's brother, one girl's (can't remember which one) father, etc. I Zordon just meant that they can't go around telling everyone. It would be like bragging, and he would take their powers away.
Question: What was the song being played during the montage showing Highland winning the football games and Gil dancing in jail with Eddie Griffin?
Answer: That's SR-71 covering Gap Band's "Let It Whip."
Question: I've been looking everywhere on the internet for the full length version on 'Many Meetings' to listen to online. Does anyone know where i can find it?
Answer: Actually, the full length version has a copyright; therefore, it would be illegal to post the full version online without permission. The only way I know of getting the song would be to buy the soundtrack CD.
Question: What is the name of the song in the trailer and who sang it?
Answer: In the trailer the song is Red Tape, by Agent Provocateur.
Question: Apparently the character Noob Saibot also appears in this film but I can't find him anywhere. Where does he feature?
Answer: Noob Saibot is not in this film. He makes an appearance in Mortal Kombat: Annihilation as the warrior who emerges from General Ermac, the red-clothed Lin Kuei warrior.
Question: I used to have a book that was a sequel to "E.T." called something like "The Green Planet." I am not sure what it was about, does anyone know about this book?
Answer: The book was about E.T. returning to his home world and pretty much shunned for getting left behind. He comes to believe that Elliott is growing up and in doing so forgetting about him. E.T. decides he can save Elliot from growing up and forgetting about him by building a ship and returning to Earth.
Question: In many scenes, Monk will reach out and touch something with one finger. What is he doing? I thought at first he was straightening things, but he touches things that don't move too.
Chosen answer: Occasionally, people with advanced OCD's are possessed of an uncontrollable urge to simply touch various things, or press their nose/lips/etc. against them. It's no more or less sensible than the other behaviours the syndrome causes. See David Sedaris's essay "A Plague of Tics" for an hilarious look at it.
Question: Other than the prominent portrayal of Jesus' mother Mary, what Catholic influences did Mel Gibson put into the film?
Chosen answer: There are not as many as have been rumored, but a few prominent ones include the portrayal of the devil, the stations of the cross, and the miracle of the floating cross.
Question: I am told that characters, events, objects, etc. that did not appear in the four Gospels, but from Christian tradition were incorporated into the film. What are they?
Chosen answer: The following are things in the movie that are not mentioned in the Bible: the snake in the garden, Jesus being dropped off the wall by his chains, the woman offering him drink during his walk, the cross hovering above the ground, not all of the dialogue between Pontius Pilate and his wife is documented, Satan himself was not mentioned during the crucifiction accounts, Mary Magdalene is not confirmed to be the woman caught in adultery, only speculated. There are a few more which likely happened because of the historical documented process of crucifiction. Additionally, some are not Christian tradition but rather artistic interpretation.
Question: The Burly Brawl doesn't make sense in this movie. Neo as "The One" knows he can win a fight against hundreds of Smith agents , but he does not need to fight. He is not defending anyone at that moment, or fighting for his own survival. Since he is now a super hero, he could simply fly away. Besides he had the important mission of looking for the keymaker in order to save Zion in the real world. The burly brawl was only a waste of time for him. Am I right?
Answer: Technically, he could have flew away sooner...but the Burly Brawl is a sort of introduction to him of the millions of Smiths. He probably thought if he could just destroy the first 5 or 6 then they would be gone forever. After several hundred start attacking, he doesn't really get a decent chance to get away before the end of it. He keeps having to fight them off to get away, and as soon as he can, he does.
Question: In the scene where Rusty prepares Linus for his conversation with Benedict as a Gaming Commissions person, Rusty says something like, "And whatever you do, under no circumstances...", and then gets interrupted. Does anyone know what he wanted to tell Linus?
Answer: In the commentary with the actors, Brad Pitt says that they tried a variety of lines, but none seemed to fit, so they just left it.
I thought it was a nod to Fight Club.
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Answer: The Maldives.