Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: Throughout the movie, the Sarmatian knights shout the word "rus" at each other; Bors in particular says it a lot. Does anyone know what significance this word has or what it means?

Answer: At the beginning of the film, we learn that young Sarmatians were drafted into the Roman military for a period of fifteen years. As the Romans lead young Lancelot away from his family, his father yells 'Rus!', the war-cry that is repeated throughout the film. 'Sarmatian' was the name the Romans gave the Rus, descendants of Norsemen who had settled in lands that still bear their name today: the River Rus (in modern Romania), Russia, Belarus, and Ruthenia. Culturally and geographically, these people were the Rus. So when they were inducted into the Roman army, their war cry of 'Rus!' identified them as being fearsome Rus/Sarmatian warriors, warned their opponents that the Rus were coming for them, celebrated their cultural identity, and symbolized their hope of returning home to the Rus. In the film Arthur honors them by yelling it back, signifying the unusual bond between leader and soldier exemplified in the Round Table, Arthur's respect for the Rus warriors, and his commitment to the idea that all men are born free and have the right to their own lives and beliefs.

Rus were a people combined of Vikings traveling between Denmark and Byzantium, and Slavic people. Sarmatians were before that, but from the same area and did intermingle with Slavs, so their blood is more than likely in there.

Rus was not from Denmark.

RUS is the word for Vikings who ruled the city of Kyev, and by the Ryrik family which assembled many Slavic tribes into "Kyev Rus", which is the name of state and foundation of modern Russia. Russia" as a ethnonim is similar to Rus but is not. Russian call themselves "I am Rus, I am ruski", and their language "ruski", but their country is "Russia" and they are RussiaNS, old name coresponding to Latin word "Ratio" (sense, mind) Race -of people...Sarmatians are Serbs, Serbs are Slavs and old Russians.

Ruthenia was the Roman name for what is now Ukraine. The main part of Rus i.e. Kyivan Rus is actually the land and people who are now known as Ukrainians. The Sarmatians were our ancestors.

Answer: Except the Norseman/Rus came much later than Arthur's that's not it. Though more to the point is the Sarmatian /Scythian relationship and their dynamic with the Romans in respect to this timeline.

Norsemen invaded Britain in the 8th century but were around much earlier. Romans recruited from foreign lands and could possibly have recruited from tribes earlier than this. Rus vikings were first recorded around the 8th century but could also have existed prior to this. It is accepted that Viking history was from 800 AD. However the legendary king Arthur was allegedly invented by a 12th century french poet. The Roman Lucius Artorius Caster died around the end of the 2nd century. So it's all speculative.

Answer: Rus in Latin means country or land. The whole movie was based on winning freedom. Fighting and dying to win them their home, their country. Arturius chooses Britain as his land and his countrymen to defend. So Rus in this context, being they are Roman, their battle cry means 'for country', not Rome but Britain. For home.

Answer: They do not yell "rus", they shout as "rochs". In fact at first the pronunciation in the movie shows that. "Rochs" is a Sarmatian term, in fact it means "light" in modern Ossetian, the only remnants of the Sarmatians in modern world. There were three major Sarmatian tribes in history: Alans, Rochsalans (Rochs-alans or Latinized Roxalans) and Iazyges. Second one bears that prefix, and historically not Roxalans but Iazyges were forced to become mercenaries for Rome. So with that yell there is a little mistake in the movie but this is tolerable at the end.

Question: Did John's wife drown or did someone kill her?

Answer: John's wife was murdered when she was drowned by the construction worker. The construction worker was under the control of shadow demons who made him kill countless people. John's wife Anna included.


Question: What is the whole conversation in the first French class between Chris' friend, the teacher and Sarah?

Answer: Translation on the board: "if you would have done your homework, you would understand" Teacher: "I hope you had a good weekend" " (Calls to the students name) Your weekend went good?" Student: "Very good" Teacher: "What did you do during the weekend? Did you go to the beach, or did you find a elegant woman?" "Search for a woman?" Student: "oh did you mean did I get laid" (now you see why he says that) Teacher: "In french, in french! (says students name) " Student: "a lot of... a lot of lay" Girl (sorry I forgot her name): "What a idiot, moron" Teacher: "Well, our new student m'am your french is very good!" (Conversation goes on in English) Teacher: (says what the board says) "if you would have done your homework, you would understand" By the way what they're learning in this French class is L'imparfait tense.

Question: Is it true that, out of all actors who appeared in this movie, only Carlos Gallardo had experience in acting before starring in this film?

Answer: He was not the only professional actor in the film. However, the movie was made on a shoe-string budget, and, to save money, most of the cast were non-professional local residents.


Question: Why didn't Rowan Atkinson reprise his role as Zazu in this movie? Since he voiced Zazu in the first film, why didn't he voice him in this one?

Answer: Atkinson didn't want to do it again because he does not consider himself to be a voice-over actor but rather a visual artist. He said he did not like doing it.


Wine and Roses - S6-E1

Question: When the house is being cleared out, there's a scene in the closet and as the camera is panning around, there's a ball cap sitting on a box with a logo I can't recognize or make out. Does anyone know what the logo is and if it came from an earlier episode or a "Breaking Bad" one?


Answer: It might be the Panavision cap he wore when directing his terrible commercials.

Question: Why does Zamira (Bucho's henchwoman) have no lines of dialogue? Is she mute? Or was it done to make her character enigmatic?

Answer: Having a tough-looking, silent henchman/henchwoman is a pretty common trope in action movies. She's basically there to look tough and mysterious. I wouldn't read into it more than that, especially given how minor the character is. (Minor enough that I had to Google her, because I couldn't even remember her, and I've easily seen this movie a dozen times over the years).


Show generally

Question: I may have this scenario slightly wrong, since I haven't seen it since the show was brand-new, but is there a scene in one episode where Mork (just him-no egg) falls from the sky and into a lake or some kind of body of water? I slightly remember this as a kid but wanted to see if I was right. Anyone know what episode this was from?

Answer: Maybe s02e02, "Mork in Wonderland, Part 2"? Mork started shrinking in part 1 and continued till he became microscopic and fell down a space warp into the lake of another world.


Yes, that was it. I found it shortly after submitting the question, but thank you anyway.

Question: In Kissingtown, if the fortune-teller girl is actually Snow White in disguise, why did she only point out the mirror's location after Virginia gave her money?

Answer: It was a test of Virginia's kindness and patience. Snow White wanted to observe how she would act.

Question: Why would there be a tunnel system with an industrial bathroom beneath a house in a neighborhood? I know John Kramer was involved in real estate with his wife and lawyer before he became Jigsaw, so it would make sense that he probably designed it, I'm just not sure what purpose it would serve.


Answer: It serves as the perfect location for John to set up and play his "games."


But it was mentioned in Saw IV that John was involved in real estate development prior to becoming Jigsaw. So if those tunnels already existed underneath those houses, what purpose would they serve?


Unless the houses were built on a former industrial unit which would explain the tunnels and industrial bathroom. But it wouldn't explain why they were left there when the houses were built.


Question: How exactly did Lecter receive the toilet paper note?

Answer: While it isn't specified in the film, if Lecter was receiving mail by his attorney, the staff at the asylum would be prohibited from opening the letter. I believe it was sent as a letter appearing to be from his attorney.


Question: Since Bagheera knows where the village is, why not just take infant Mowgli there and save everyone a lot of trouble?


Answer: The animals considered man a strange creature and did not understand their ways, like wearing clothes and shoes. They were scared when Mowgli brought them fire. They only knew jungle ways, they figured the humans would eat him, like any small creature left on his own. Plus they knew man as a hunter and killer.

Answer: He does say in the beginning of the movie that a village wasn't close by he knew where it was but it would have taken him several days to get the baby there. Plus the baby was going to need nourishment, or he would have died.

Question: In the movie the vending machine appears to have 5 rows of C4 stacked with 10 blocks each. Wouldn't that much C4 actually level the entire block instead of just part of the building?

Answer: No. C4 is a simple compound explosive, not a nuclear weapon.


Question: When Lamont is struggling to stop the Phurba from cutting his throat, how did he finally manage to get control over the Phurba and use it to stab Khan?

Answer: Mind control over matter.


Answer: He had never gone up against someone like him. A man who not only knew how to harness his abilities, but had mastered them as well, like young Luke going up against Vader. He finally found the strength and the courage to fight and defeat him.

Answer: He mentions in the movie that he sees Jesse as a trailer trash low life and didn't think he was good enough to date his niece.

The Harassed - S10-E12

Question: There is a laugh track sound about the mention of Julia's book, "Day-Trade Your Way Out of Debt." I've heard of day-trading but don't really understand it. What is funny about the book title?

Answer: Day trading is a risky form of speculation where one can lose a lot of money, and is not a good plan to get out of debt.

Brian Katcher

Question: How exactly was Adam supposed to win the game? We know the Doctor had to kill Adam before 6 to live, but how was Adam meant to get out? Was he there solely for the Doctor to kill or was there a way out for him that I've missed?

Answer: Amanda was supposed to put the key around Adam's neck rather than just on his chest. If she had done so as instructed by Jigsaw, he would've been able to unlock his shackle and leave the bathroom. Adam was a voyeur, the irony being that if his key had been placed correctly around his neck, all he would've had to do would be to look around to find it. Adam's tape states, "what do voyeurs see when they look into the mirror, " so, again, it's a hint that all Adam would've had to do was look at himself. I noticed as well, Jigsaw says, "the key to that chain is in the bathtub." /IS/ in the bathtub. Not /was/. So Jigsaw probably thought Adam could still get out. He says, "so many people are ungrateful to be alive. But not you. Not anymore." So it's like, 'I have taught you this lesson, now you can go free because now you'll appreciate your life unlike you did before'.

Answer: Adam simply had to either unlock his chain with the key, if it hadn't gone down the drain, or cut his foot off to get out. Or he could've pulled an Eric Matthews with the toilet lid and try to get out that way, but that idea wasn't introduced until Saw III. Let's say Lawrence killed Adam before 6AM. Lawrence would win his game, yes. But he's missing a foot, and the door is still locked because Zep or someone would have to unlock it still. But would Zep or John have to help Dr. Gordon and provide medical attention? Ignore Saw 3D for a second and focusing solely on the first film, I'd say I don't think either of them would do so. Lawrence would be left to get help for himself. Imagine if Mark or Paul beat their tests. Would Jigsaw get them help? He didn't try to help Amanda. He let Amanda fetch help for herself. This also shows that Dr. Gordon was supposed to have died at the end of the first film.

Answer: Adam was never supposed to win, I don't recall which movie, I believe it be the 5th where John is talking to Amanda and says how her games were rigged and impossible to win, and Adam and Lawrence were part of Amanda's game.

Even though Amanda (sort of) sabotaged the game, it didn't make it impossible for him to escape. He could've sawed off his foot like Dr. Gordon did later in the film or could've broke his foot with the toilet lid like Eric Matthews did in Saw II.

It's never mentioned in the films that tossing the key in the bathtub was any kind of sabotage. What is said on the commentary or in the script, but doesn't make it into the final cut, has no relevance for the movies.

Answer: It's mentioned multiple times throughout the movie how unambitious and apathetic Adam is, and how angry he is at the world. His game is to actually escape, which he fails because he's quite content to let Dr. Gordon go and get help instead of trying to do something himself. He was meant to be able to roam freely around the room, and that would probably have made his and Dr. Gordon's relationship and interactions a lot more severe and hostile. The reality of it is simple: Saw is a rushed movie. It's fun to speculate and theorize, but the truth is that by the time they got to editing, they had already lost a chunk of footage after only having 18 days to shoot.

Answer: The body was fake, made by the scientists at Hawkins Lab in an attempt to cover up his disappearance and the existence of the Upside Down.

Question: When Ethan is tied to a chair and Max is attempting to view the first tainted NOC list, there's a device the shows rising numbers which we are to assume is a bad thing. "26, 27. So far so good." What do these numbers signify? How are these numbers tipping off the CIA? (00:46:00)

Answer: The device was a radio scanner, the numbers represented the strength of the signal which the disk was transmitting to alert the CIA to its location.


Question: What did Claude say in French to Jacques when he choked him for allowing Serafine and Andy to go through the door?


Answer: Claude says in anger while choking him, "Depuis quand tu laisses partir mes invites, Jacques?", which in English translates to, "When did you let my guests go, Jacques?"

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