Question: Why did Selvig free Thor, since he doesn't like him at that point?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
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Question: At the Jedi Temple, why does Commander Appo aim his gun at Senator Organa and try to kill him?
Answer: When Organa is trying to investigate what's going on at the Temple, he's simply just stopped by the troopers at first. They don't want him to witness what they are doing. At first he is just going to be turned away and threatened. When the Padawan attacks them and they kill the boy, Organa is now a first hand witness to the Troopers slaughtering the Jedi children. So then he becomes an enemy and they have to try and dispose of him. It would not have been good for them to just to out right kill a Senator on their own so that's why there were just going to turn him away.
Question: During the big fight scene near the end, one of the henchman Will Smith fights lifts a wrench to strike, only to randomly die for seemingly no reason. He screams, some sparks shoot out of his ears, and he's dead. What killed him? I've seen some people say he electrocuted himself on the equipment around him, but that's not true - the wrench is nowhere near hitting anything. Did he just... randomly blow a fuse or something?
Answer: He's some sort of robot or cyborg, and he's shorted out from the damage he received in the brawl.
Answer: In the original script, Jim West simply sidestepped the menacing MetalHead henchman, who plunged through the doorway, falling to his death. Apparently, this wasn't a spectacular enough way to end the brawl, so the scene was revised to add the huge machine wrench and electrical sparking effects. West intentionally hands the wrench to MetalHead, who grabs it with both hands and raises it to strike; he then shorts-out with electrical sparking effects before falling out the door. I believe the implication is that, when MetalHead grabbed the wrench with both hands, it completed an exposed electrical circuit that caused him to quickly short-out.
Question: Why do we never see Sarah or Henry in school?
Answer: Film makers have to make choices about what can be shown in a movie. They are limited by the running time of the film, what best serves the overall continuity of the plot, and also the logistics of setting up and filming many different scenes. Sometimes scenes are filmed, but later are cut out entirely. If showing Sarah or Henry in school does not directly serve the storyline, then there is no reason to have it in the film.
Question: How come Connie knew Michael killed Carlo, but she believed Fredo drowned?
Answer: When Connie says the part about "Poor Fredo, drowned, but it was God's will...Michael, I love you. I'll always help you," she is really telling Michael that she knows he had Fredo killed, but she forgives him.
Answer: Fredo lived for a long time after his betrayal of the family, plus when their Mother died Michael hugged Fredo in front of everyone after Connie talked to him about forgiving Fredo. I believe that Connie believed that Michael had forgiven Fredo that day and it was an accident. Anthony was supposed to go with them that day and she is the one that stopped Anthony from going, so I also think that plays into why Connie believes it was an accident as well.
Answer: It's less that she believes it than that she chooses to believe it. In the first film, she's naive about Michael, her father, etc., and so doesn't understand the realpolitik behind Michael's killing of Carlo. By the third film she's become much more inured to the family business (as well as more cynical and world weary), and so accepts the "official" explanation for Fredo's death even though she knows, deep down, it isn't true.
I'd add that by the time of Fredo's death, Connie knew Michael had grown more powerful and was becoming more dehumanized. She feared him enough to know to never confront him directly. After her husband's execution, she knew that any disloyalty to the family would be severely punished. She was also totally dependent on him for money and would not risk losing that.
Question: Did they ever look at the hole in his pocket that the knife supposedly slipped out of?
Answer: If you're referring to the jurors, no. We see the entirety of their deliberations. If you're referring to the prosecution or defense, that is unknown. Given, however, that none of the jurors brought up the question, it's likely there was at least a check of his clothes to verify he had a hole in his pocket.
Given how easy it would be to simply tear a hole as an excuse, even if it was there, it wouldn't be much in the way of corroboration.
Question: In the scenes where Rick lights a match to use on a stick of dynamite, he does so by striking the match against either his own ear or the ear of Ardeth Bay. Is there an explanation to how he does this?
Answer: He's lighting the match on his beard-stubble by raking it down his face. He's not striking the matches on his ear. It's not practical at all (and in fact, it's basically impossible unless you have beard-stubble like sandpaper), but it's just a cute way for the movie to show how much of a bad-a** he is. In reality behind the scenes, they actually had a strip of matchbox taped to the actor's faces that they were striking the matches on to light them. But with the right camera placement, it looks like they're lighting them on their faces.
Answer: Matches in those days were friction matches, with added red phosphorous so you could light them on basically any surface, as long as you generated enough heat. Some prefer the bottom of their boots, or a wall, but others light them on their own body, or someone else's.
Bare skin does not provide the necessary friction to light a match. It's possible to light one using one's fingernail by flicking it hard against the match head, but not with skin. There has to be a hard textured surface to create a spark.
Rough stubble?
Those matches are known as 'strike anywhere matches', because of the phosphorous coating on the matchhead they can be used on any suitably frictional surface. That's why Rick used Ardeth's stubble beard to strike the matchhead against.
Answer: I don't think he was rubbing the match on bare skin, more likely the edge of where the beard grows. The rough hairs would make the area of skin able to produce enough friction to light the match as long as it was rubbed fast enough.
Question: When they get chased by the other kids Charlie asks Jack (the living snowman) to turn them to ice to which Jack replies he "doesn't even got pickets". Was this some sort of joke? Could someone enlighten me?
Answer: He says "I don't even have pockets." He's just saying he doesn't have the power to zap them into ice.
Question: Can anyone explain the dates in the first movie? I am very confused. The Terminator arrives on Thursday May 12 at 1:52 AM. The first killing is on Friday (although there is no indication that more than a full day has passed. Lastly, Sarah's timecard says it is 5/19. This would also be a Thursday (although we know it is a Friday). Has a week really passed? Makes no sense.
Answer: It takes the terminator time to gather weapons and find each victim so yes, time has passed. Easily several days.
Question: After finishing the game, did Spencer, Fridge, Bethany, and Martha still have detention or did changing the timeline prevent them from their punishment?
Answer: They still had detention. The only thing that changed was Alex. But since they had become such close friends, detention would hardly be a punishment for them anymore.
It seemed like they just simply walked out of detention. I mean, did they finish their detention or did they have to continue on a Saturday?
The movie doesn't explain. But regardless, it also really doesn't matter.
They probably didn't go back on Saturday. When they go back to school, Spencer acts like he hasn't spoken to Martha since their adventure, while Bethany says she's been texting Martha 'all weekend'.
Question: Does anyone know which scenes Nick Castle is playing Michael Myers? I know he is Myers when Laurie tries to shoot him through the window and the after credits breathing was his. But is it him any other times?
Answer: You didn't mention the opening scene; I'm sure you know it's him up till he gets his mask back, right?
No, it's not. That's James Jude Courtney playing Michael in the unmasked scenes.
Answer: Based on multiple things that I've heard, those are the only two times Nick Castle is on screen. He was mostly just there to help James Jude Courtney get the mannerisms down.
I had read in and other Michael Myers Instagram accounts that I follow, that was Nick Castle in the closet when the baby sitter Vicky opened the door.
Question: What happened to Dave York's wife and daughters after his death? Do they ever find out about his evil motives?
Answer: It is never mentioned, but it stands to reason that eventually they did find out. York's crimes most certainly would have been made public, he is solely responsible for several murders including the murder of a police officer at the beach. There would be very little reason for the government to cover up his crimes since he was acting as a rogue agent.
Question: Can someone reiterate the reason the Oracle gives for why her face is different?
Answer: It is explained (partly in "The Matrix Revolutions" and partly in the video game "Enter The Matrix") that the Oracle was forced to change identities and go into hiding because the Merovingian had acquired the Oracle's termination code. Oddly enough, it was Rama and Kamala Kandra (the Indian couple seen in the train station) who betrayed the Oracle, giving her termination code to the Merovingian in exchange for saving their daughter, little Sati, from deletion.
Question: How was Thomas Aquianes able to track down Christine in New York city? He was never told where she was born and for all he knew, she could've been born anywhere?
Answer: The Vatican is aware of the birth, somewhere in the world, of Christine (though not knowing her identity at the time), and the Satanists are present at her birth and know that she is "the one." It's safe to assume that the Vatican, and the Catholic Church in general, has spies/informants in the Satanists' society, and were able, in the intervening 20 years between Christine's birth and the events of the film, to track her down to New York and send Aquinas there (the fact that he was sent by the Vatican is established).
Question: How do you know that Clarice meets Lecter on 23rd June?
Answer: Clarice, as a professional law enforcement officer tracking a serial killer, will make the date so she can get whatever information from Lecter she can get. She also knows from Dr. Lecter's criminal profile that he is a stickler at setting/honoring appointments, to the point he would kill and eat his tardy patients. Not that he would kill and eat her, but she also has established respect and rapport with him, so under those conditions she will make the date.
Question: How did Gomez and Fester Addams get back up to the first floor from the vault? All they enter was the slides.
Answer: No doubt the Addams house had one of many secret, confusing passageways to get to the higher floors (and other parts of the house) from the vault that the viewer obviously is not privy to.
It made me confused that if there's another secret way up to the house other than the slides or the bookshelf even though Fester had trouble finding which chains to pull but couldn't find the right one, If there was another way into or out of the vault and that means Fester had to know there was if Gomez was with him than Fester would have try the other one too instead of the bookshelf.
Question: Why was Merry's hand burned when he stabbed the back of the witch king's leg?
That's caused by his breath and I don't think he breathes from his leg.
How was Merry even able to stab the witch king's leg anyway? It's been said that no man can kill the witch king.
Going back to the books for more explanation: First: it wasn't a protection. It was a prophecy/prediction by Glorfindel a millennium earlier. Second: the weapon Merry had in the books was a barrow-blade recovered by Tom Bombadil while saving the Hobbits from the barrow wights and had been enchanted directly against the Witch King. Since the scene (and Tom) were not in the film, they went with a more specific interpretation. The Witch King was not killed by a man, but by a Hobbit and a woman.
Answer: Because of what the Witch King is made of, his blood (or whatever) burns the skin of a mortal. Maybe even being too close will cause burns.
Question: So how exactly did Max Cady slip past Kersec's security system and get into the house? Did he kill the maid outside and then just walk in disguised as her?
Answer: He snuck in during the day and hid, before Kersec's teddy bear security system was set up. Sam Bowden realises this when he wakes from a nightmare. Its how he was able to poison the dog which hadnt been let outside. Max Cady killed the maid in the pantry with the same piano wire he later attacks Kersec with.
Answer: Kersec suspected that Cady might attempt to break into the Bowden house if he thought it was empty. His plan was for Cady to break in and then be shot dead as an intruder. He likely lessened the security to allow Cady to break in. Cady killed and then impersonated the housekeeper to get in.
I like your answer but I'm a little confused by the "lessened the security" part. If I'm not mistaken, every possible point of entry into the house at least from the ground floor was connected to the bear via the fishing line, so Kersec would know if a point of entry was disturbed by the bear moving. Where would Kersec lessen the security from that standpoint, especially since his setup was supposed to be foolproof?
Kersec wanted Cady to be able to break in so that there would be a plausible reason to shoot him dead. The idea is to make it look like his death was a result of self defense. I'm only speculating that Kersec made it easier for Cady to break in into the house. Being as it was his security system, he would know how to make it possible for Cady to get in.
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Answer: Most likely because Jane convinced him to.
Also Selvig and Jane want to understand the Einstein Rosen bridge. They think Thor might be helpful and they don't trust SHIELD. And Selvig is starting to think there is a connection between the weird science stuff and the Norse tales from his childhood.
I don't think so.
Jane convinced Erik that Thor likely had some knowledge of the phenomenon they had seen. The photos they recorded showed him within the Bifrost anomaly.