Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: If Jack Frost was able to change history simply by running over and putting the coat on, why couldn't Scott do the same thing, instead of holding Jack so his younger self had time to put it on?


Chosen answer: Then it would have been the older Scott that became Santa, and also would have created a paradox since the younger Scott would never have become Santa.


IChristmas - S2-E6

Question: Carly became disappointed when Spencer built a magnetic tree instead of getting a real tree. She later gets angry about the tree burning the presents she wrapped, but she later says the tree is her favorite ever. Did Carly no longer care about the burnt gifts?

Answer: No she did not, she learned that presents are not what Christmas is about.


Answer: It's when she wished Spencer was normal it made her realise the true meaning of Christmas.

Question: Who put the cross under Regan's pillow? It couldn't be the demon. (01:12:35)


Chosen answer: Burke Dennings, that's why he was murdered.

According to William P. Blatty, it was Karl who put the crucifix under Regan's pillow.

Question: How come Harry Potter doesn't see the re-incarnation of the Cruciatus curse Voldermort used on a DeathEater that occured right after Cedric's death? Shouldn't it have came out of Voldermort's wand in some form?

Answer: He does hear them. The screams he hears are the screams of pain from the Cruciatus Curse.

Greg Dwyer

Answer: Carl did die of lung cancer, that's why she returned to her family.

Answer: Florida's husband, James Evans, Sr., appeared in a total of 61 episodes during Seasons 1-3 of the series. After creative differences with the show's creator, Norman Lear, mainly over the increasingly buffoonish characterization of oldest son, James "J.J." Evans, Jr., actor John Amos did not have his contract renewed. His character was killed off in an automobile accident in his home state of Mississippi while he was securing steady work in the hope of relocating his family there. Florida learned of his death via a phone call at the family's going away party. We don't know if her second husband, Carl, died or just stayed in Arizona, and it's debateable whether someone who remarries is still called a widow.

Michael Albert

Florida did not learn of James' death through a phone call. It was through a telegram sent in the mail that Florida read during the party.

Norman Lear didn't create Good Times. Eric Monte and Michael Evans did. Norman Lear simply developed it.

Question: Why did Sao Feng keep yelling for more steam in the beginning? Was he trying to smoke out the guys who were underground?

Answer: Sao Feng enjoys his luxury bathhouse and demands that hot steam continually be provided on his command. Barbossa's crew mates, meanwhile, have infiltrated the boiler room directly below and incapacitated the bathhouse workers. When Feng orders more steam, the crew scrambles to figure out how to operate the controls before being detected. Meanwhile, Feng becomes impatient when the steam he wanted has not been provided and angrily yells for more, which the crew is finally able to provide before arousing any suspicion.


Question: When Tapp drops Dr. Gordon off at home, he says "We arrested a dentist last week who liked to play with kids a bit too much. He lived two blocks from here. The sewer lines also run under this neighborhood, too, doctor." I'm assuming this was a subtle insinuation that he was still suspicious of Dr. Gordon. But what did he exactly mean by saying that?

Answer: Hes letting Dr Gordon know that even though he is "well to do" that people of the upper class also have dark secrets and are not always innocent or better than anyone else.

Question: In the beginning of the film, why are the workers putting the gold in tubs of some black liquid?

Answer: That's most likely oil, and they're doing that to smuggle it out. Carrying large amounts of gold over international borders would raise a lot of red flags with the authorities.


Question: Why does Rusty tell Benedict "mini bar" after telling him he's staying at the Bellagio?

Answer: He was making a suggestion on how to improve the room.


Question: I suppose this is more a request for an educated guess than anything. Why can't anyone seem to produce a working Fantastic 4 movie franchise? The first two movies and the first reboot were awful, simply put, and the poor box office returns made future sequels or reboots even less likely. Why can no one seem to get a grip on what makes Fantastic 4 tick?

Charles Austin Miller

Chosen answer: In a nutshell, 20th Century Fox and the people that worked on the respective films simply don't understand the comics and why fans like the source material. It's also worth noting that the 2015 film was made so that Fox could retain the rights, as they would have gone back to Marvel had they not begun production on it by a certain date in 2014. They weren't exactly making the film with the intention of it being great, rather as a rights grab and a money grab, though the film ended up being a major box office flop, so the latter didn't exactly pan out in their favor. There are many fans that would like to see the rights to Fantastic 4 revert back to Marvel Studios, as they would more than likely do the films justice.


Question: I've watched all 7 Saw movies recently and there is something that I still don't understand. Dr. Gordon was supposed to kill Adam within 6 hours in order to win the game and therefore, maintain his life. However, he never did that. He shot Adam in his shoulder and, even though it didn't kill Adam, the 6 hours had already passed anyway. I know that Zepp was the one who had to kill Dr. Gordon, but the truth is that Dr. Gordon never really did what he was supposed to do in the game. So why does Jigsaw still save him and make him his new successor (as seen in Saw 3D)? If we are objective, he didn't follow the rules of the game, so he should have died like all the other ones who didn't pass their traps.

Answer: Jigsaw wants his victims to appreciate their lives. So while Dr. Gordon may not have completed his intended objective, by sawing off his own foot in order to escape, he won his game and earned Jigsaw's respect. The saws being provided to Adam and Dr. Gordon also demonstrated that they could escape if they were willing to saw off their own feet.


Answer: An idea could be that Lawrence was never supposed to kill Adam. Instead, John could have wanted Adam and Gordon to build a relationship with each other within the time that they're given. However, even without my idea, Gordon showed John that he would go to extreme heights to save his life and his families', which ultimately was something that Adam lacked, earning John's respect and trust in the process. We also find out in Saw 3D that Dr. Gordon has been alive this whole time and was now on John's side and was working for him now.

Question: After the blackout, why did the the patrons go through a panic of grabbing chips? Money's understandable, but wouldn't they still need to take the chips to get exchanged? Surely the people who exchange it would know that they were taken during the riot.

Answer: It would have to be proved that the chips were taken and not won. Customers could just hold onto them and cash them in later and over time, claiming they won them on different nights.


Question: At the end of the first segment, the one with Vic Morrow, has it ever been determined what his character's ultimate fate would have been if Vic had lived?

Answer: Morrow was supposed to return to his own time frame after redeeming himself by saving the two Vietnamese children from the raid on their village.


Question: Who or what exactly are Hancock and Mary and why does being in close proximity to each other cause them to weaken?

Answer: This is answered in the film. Mary and Hancock are a species that grew with humans and were worshipped as gods. Why they lose their power around each other is unknown.


Question: In the post-credits scene what was it under the bed?

Answer: In the post credits scene, a silhouette of Davy Jones is seen entering the bedroom and Will awakens, assuming it was a dream. What is under the bed is a small puddle of water and some barnacles that presumably fell off Davy Jones' body. The scene is trying to imply that Davy Jones is back.

Casual Person

Question: I just watched the movie and now I just have one question; wasn't it Tia Dalma who gave Jack the compass? In Dead Man's Chest she asks him if the compass he bought from her can't lead him to Davy Jones' chest. But in the newest movie a captain gives the compass to Jack.

Answer: Jack could've been sent by his former captain to obtain it from Tia Dalma.

Answer: Jack was quite young when he first come into possession of the compass. In the following years he could have lost it, bartered it, had it stolen or whatever before it came back into his possession by way of Tia Dalma.


Question: In the first combat scene, we see the big climbing net already in place. Who put the net up in the first place and how would that have been done? And why would the Japanese not simply cut it down after the first fights when the US troops retreated?

Michael Ebner

Chosen answer: US troops put the net up (in reality the ridge isn't as tall). The Japanese were fighting a defensive battle from heavily fortified positions on a reverse slope, and it suited them to have the Americans attacking from that point. The Americans also used ladders on other parts of the escarpment.

Question: So what are these tournaments called in China? I'm trying to find one similar to them but am having a hard time.

Answer: There are known as Wushu tournaments. Wushu means martial arts in Chinese.

Question: Is Joker's girlfriend the same girl who is with Cruz in the car when he gets attacked?

Answer: No.

Question: Does a letter of marque absolve one person only or anyone who signs on it (for example Will, Jack and Elizabeth) can be absolved by just one letter? I don't understand how many letters are there or why Will agreed to find the compass if the governor said the letter(s) would only save Jack.


Chosen answer: The letters of marque need to be signed by the person being absolved and by the king. It can't be signed for more than 1 person. But, more letters can of course be given by the king if need be. BTW, in real life a letter of marque would make a ship property of the crown, not a person.


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