Question: Do they ever say why Mysterio's doing all of this? Perhaps revenge on Stark, making himself into a hero? What's his reason for causing all this chaos?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
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Question: During the final scene, Gerard Butler gets a Russian warship to fire two missiles upon Russian defense headquarters, blowing up the bad guys and ending the saga and movie. How did he do this? (02:02:15)
Question: Why did Matsumoto have O-ren's parents killed?
Answer: The film does not explain, but O-ren's parents must have been involved in some sort of shady business dealings to have incurred the wrath of Matsumoto. When he is killed, O-ren's father is wearing the uniform of a United States Army Sergeant Major (pay grade E-9), which is the top rank of an enlisted man. He must have been working with Matsumoto in some sort of illegal smuggling ring that involved international connections through the U.S. Army that went bad, or maybe O-ren's father wanted more money and he was in the way, etc.
Question: What was the point of Kint using names on the wall and coffee cup if he already had a story he told to the DA that checked out? He started using them before Kujan found out about the person Keyser Soze.
Answer: Kint (Keyser Soze) was toying with the cops, using names within the interrogation room to see if the cops were really paying attention, who were so engrossed in the story of Keyser Soze they did not see what Kint was doing or the clues being offered to them, such as throwing out unrelated bits about him being in a barber shop quartet in Skokie, Illinois, which was on the dry-erase board in the interrogation room. That the cops did not get the clues until after he was released and escaped much later demonstrated how Keyser Soze could control whatever situation he was in, including outsmarting experienced veteran police detectives.
Question: Why does Baroness Bomburst hate children?
Answer: Caractucus Potts uses the Baroness character in the story he tells his kids to add tension and fright. The Baroness is a spoiled, selfish, narcissist whose only true love in the world is the rich and powerful Baron. She probably did not want children in her life with the Baron to distract her from enjoying and indulging in the power and riches she shares with the Baron, and she projects that onto other people who have children. Children, to her, are a huge distraction from her cushy life. Or, she hates children because she cannot have any of her own due to medical reasons, thus, she figures if she cannot have them, then nobody in the village can have them, so the children that are around are in hiding. The movie makes no mention as to why the Baroness hates children, so leaves that up to speculation by the viewer, unless the original book version has her backstory.
Question: I have watched the move both on DVD and on TV. When I watched it on TV the ending was different than the one that the DVD had. The ending shows Emily in a hospital room of some kind - why was this ending shown?
Answer: The movie actually had five alternate endings, ranging from Emily having the dissociative identity disorder to her not having it and living happily with Katherine. Each ending depended on which theatrical market (U.S. or International) the movie was shown. You happened to watch two of the different versions, the one shown on TV and the other on DVD. The DVD has a special section showing all five endings. The Wikipedia article on this film has a section that describes the five various endings.
Question: It's never explained why she couldn't be Wonder Woman without doing that whirling transformation, shouldn't she still have super strength and all those abilities?
Answer: The transformation twirling was invented for the 1970s TV series only, to explain her quick change from Diana Prince to Wonder Woman. However, it would have been nice to do a little spin homage in the movie.
Answer: She does. However, if she were to use any of her abilities as Diana Prince, everybody, including her enemies would be able to make the connection that Diana Prince and Wonder Woman are the same person which could be used to get revenge on her. By not using her abilities in her civilian disguise, nobody would suspect anything at all and she could keep herself and her friends safe.
So it was more a choice that she decided an Ice Skating move was less conspicuous than say, ducking in a phone booth like Superman? If Clark Kent enters a a phone booth, and Superman comes out, don't you think even the dull of mind would get the connection?
That's because Clark Kent has super speed so he can easily run into a phone booth quickly and leave as Superman as quickly too or whenever Clark does need to change into Superman out in the open, there's never around to see him change. It's a plot device that's really effective.
Could one man or gal. We're supposed to just believe almost everyone these two are around can't figure out of the obvious. Characters like Spider-Man and Batman can do this because of their masks, so these excuses just don't pass with me.
Answer: As Diana Prince she didn't have the super powers that Wonder Woman has, although as an Amazon princess she does have greater strength than normal humans. Diana's mom taught her how to transform her ordinary clothes into her Wonder Woman outfit (as opposed to just doing a quick change like Clark Kent does). Her outfit, which her mother gives her when she leaves includes the "golden girdle of Gaea." The girdle provides enhanced strength and heightens her other abilities. As to why she spins, it was a stylized choice to add something extra to the show and hadn't been done in the comics. Although they did change it up a bit due to budget and time. Later, Wonder Woman comic writers would include the spin into the comics, but by then it was generally to put her into her secret identity, not to give her her powers. But as to why Diana Prince doesn't have super powers in the 70's show, as opposed to other incarnations of her; the original TV movie pilot had Diana powerless like the character was during the Bronze Age of Wonder Woman (late 60's) when Diana decided to stay on Earth and became mortal. That series was not picked up, but a 2nd attempt at it, starring Lynda Carter, was and the series loosely based Diana on the first pilot but through magic could transform into the superhero Wonder Woman.
Question: On Mustafar, why did Anakin think he was on the light side aside from the Jedi if he helped Palpatine earlier but now planned to overthrow him?
Answer: He's confused and becoming corrupted by the dark side. The dark side is making him see everyone as his enemy, including Palpatine.
People who do bad things don't always consider themselves as evil. Hitler and Thanos are good examples...they are doing what they think is best for the world, even if those things are unfathomable and largely considered evil. Anakin thinks he is becoming more powerful and in doing so, can save Padme. In his arrogance and with nobody keeping his emotions in check, he has become arrogant and believes he is the most powerful force user ever. He thinks he can make the world a better place and that the things he has done are to that end. Overthrowing Palpatine is part of the Sith way and would be a logical step for his current mental state.
Question: After Sabor the leopard jumps on the net to kill baby Tarzan, it instead launches him up to Kala, who catches him by the diaper. Why does Kala move Tarzan up and down several times?
Answer: Kala, who was on the floor above the netting, was attempting to pull baby Tarzan up through the space around the pole, but it was too small for an infant to fit through. Kala instead pulled Tarzan by his diaper along the slit between the boards to the end of the floor where she could then reach over and pick him up.
Question: When Chitty goes over the cliff and the wings come out, where does the picnic basket on the back go?
Question: Why did Clara go mental at Doc for saying he was from the future? He'd dropped a few hints! He'd told her he has an interest in science, he had a huge refrigerator in his building, he had another big thing covered up under a sheet, he said he read Jules Verne when he was a boy despite it only been recently published. Was she not even a little bit curious? Doc could have easily stopped her during her rant saying he can prove it but didn't.
Answer: Because she thought he didn't like her and was making a bizarre excuse to avoid her. Come on. 'I'm a man from the future, so we can't be together ' sounds like a pretty flimsy excuse.
Question: In the bonus feature extended scenes look carefully at the beginning of the movie and you'll see someone watching the explosion while wearing the goggle-rig. Can anyone explain why?
Answer: Not a definitive answer, just an "allowable" excuse for this... The time surveillance team is testing their equipment and rigs and it's merely a coincidence that they happened to be in this area at this time.
The Jacket - S2-E3
Question: Does anyone know the actual price of the suede jacket? It's been bugging me all these years.
Answer: It was never revealed as part of the gag. Jerry admits to Kramer it was over $300 and seems to suggest it was over $400. But then Jerry stays silent when George starts to question him about the price and George leaves thinking The Jacket cost over $1,000. Whether or not Jerry remained silent to tease George or because he did in fact pay over $1,000 is also unknown.
Question: When the Cubs are playing the last game against the Mets, the last batter that Henry faces is Hedo. However, Henry has pitched three innings and only nine batters, so if you back up to the last batter Chet faced in the 6th inning, it wasn't Hedo. So how was he the 9th batter Henry faced?
Answer: Since we never see Hedo on the field, it's certainly possible that he's kept solely as a pinch hitter.
Question: Doc Brown's workshop at the beginning of the movie strikes me as highly reminiscent of the one belonging to Caractacus Potts in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, right down to the elaborate food-dispensing mechanisms. Potts also had a dog named Edison in that movie, just as Doc has one named Einstein. Were these similarities intended as a deliberate homage, or are they just similar expressions of the "mad scientist" trope?
Answer: It's definitely a deliberate homage. The similarities between the two characters don't end fact, both share the line "I've finally invented something that works!"
Answer: Not to mention in both movies there is a flying car :).
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Answer: That pretty much sums it up yeah. He wants credit for his work. He felt cheated by Stark that he wasn't given credit for his invention that Stark so lovingly called B.A.R.F. Stark was Iron Man and a world renowned hero, savior of the world multiple times... even literally saving half of the entire universe from Thanos. Quentin Beck wanted to upstage him or make himself into a hero, but had no real ability to do so. So he manufactured conflicts with illusions and special effects to make the world appear to be in peril with a problem that only he could solve. This would allow him to swoop in, appear to save the day and be the only one that could have done it, and have the world praise him the way they did Stark. He's motivated by vanity, jealousy, and a desire for a passive aggressive revenge on Stark.
Quantom X ★