Question: What did Captain Nemo mean when he said, 'I found out what I wanted to know'?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Maybe I just missed it, but why did Nicky suddenly abandon Jess in New Orleans by asking the driver to take her to the airport while he gets into another car? When they meet again a few years later in Buenos Aires, he tries to explain himself to her, but she stops him.
Answer: He doesn't want a love complication.
Question: Where are the other members of the Warriors? When they get back to Coney Island, it's just them, the ones who went to Bronx. Was their gang that small? 10 guys.
Answer: How would the rest of the Warriors know where to show up? The members on the run all night couldn't exactly stop to make a phone call.
Answer: That's the entire gang. They are a small gang but well-respected due to their toughness.
Question: How was the scene in which the Nazi mechanic, played by Pat Roach, is killed by the propeller of the Flying Wing filmed? As seen in the film, the spinning propeller is practically right in his face when Pat turns around.
Answer: Probably a combination of practical special effects, including camera angles with forced perspective that can make an object or person appear closer, further away, larger, smaller, etc. Often, rear-screen projection is used where the actor stands in front of an image projected onto a screen. The real propellers could have been replaced with something that would create a blurred spinning effect without endangering the actors.
Question: How did Captain Von Trapp know that Maria sat on a pine cone?
Question: Why did Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sharon Stone dislike each other when making this movie?
Question: Why does the fuel tanker truck not explode or burst into flames after it crashes down the mountainside?
Answer: Vehicles do not typically explode in collisions, even a fuel tanker, which may have been empty. Car and truck impact explosions are mostly an overused movie trope. The Mythbusters covered this in a movie myths episode. Spielberg avoided a clichéd fiery ending by instead showing the truck's destruction with close-up interior shots and focusing on Mann's quiet reflection in the aftermath. Also, this was a low-budget, made-for-TV movie. Explosive special effects are expensive, dangerous, and do not always go as planned, requiring multiple takes.
Question: What did Kevin's parents do for a living to afford that house and a trip to Paris for nine people?
Answer: It's never revealed in the film, but director Chris Columbus recently did an interview in which he said that he and John Hughes had discussions about it and imagined Kate is a "very successful fashion designer," and Peter worked in advertising (though Columbus said he couldn't remember if they had a specific job in mind for him).
Answer: Adding to the other answer, it was a trip to Paris for more than 9 people; it was Peter's brother Rob who paid for a total of 15 plane tickets to Paris. Two tickets were purchased for 2 of Rob's kids: Heather and Rod (3 other siblings are in Paris), as they were still in school in the States. Six tickets for Uncle Frank, Aunt Leslie, and their 4 kids. Seven tickets for Peter, Kate, and their 5 kids: Buzz, Megan, Linnie, Jeff, and Kevin (his unused ticket was accidentally tossed in the trash during the pizza dinner mess).
Question: What is the episode where a man discovers that the computer he created has fallen in love with him?
Answer: "From Agnes—With Love" (s05e20). However, the man (James Elwood) didn't create the computer (Agnes); he was just brought in to fix a problem with it.
Answer: There is an Outer Limits episode, "Mind Over Matter," S02E05. Sam Stein invents an AI computer which allows a person's mind to connect to another person in a VR world. The AI, named CAVE, learns about human emotions each time Sam's mind is connected. It learns he is in love with co-worker, Dr. Rachel Carter. After a traffic accident, she is in a coma. Dr. Stein hooks her mind into the machine and observes her in the VR. He also enters the VR to calm her and explain what happened. Each time they are together, another Rachel Carter figure appears and tries to get between them. Stein and Carter theorize it's CAVE. The AI has developed a jealousy emotion. They believe killing AI Carter would end the infatuation. When she attacks again, Stein strangles her to death. At that moment, Carter's real body dies. CAVE explains she has been the Carter talking to him and the Carter chasing them was the real one. CAVE tricked him so he could get rid of her competition and have Stein to herself.
Question: How did the Joker's henchmen get to the top of the church? We don't see them enter the building. The only thing I can think of is they were dropped off by the helicopter, but then why wasn't the helicopter still there when the Joker, Batman, and Vicki Vale reached the top?
Question: What did Robert Philip mean when he told Giselle that she's acting like she escaped from a Hallmark card?
Answer: Hallmark is a fairly common greeting card brand that is known for being extremely good-natured. He's basically saying she's acting almost unnaturally... perhaps even annoyingly... sweet and kind.
Question: Why did the officer in the flashback beat Michael to the ground?
Answer: Because they were all angry and frustrated, Michael killed multiple locals and was also responsible for the death of their fellow officer, McCabe. They were taking out their rage on him. Completely unprofessional, but also arguably understandable. Additionally, this question is a duplicate entry; it was posted twice today.
Question: Why wasn't Daniel Radcliffe hired to play young James Potter as well? It was stated numerous times that Harry was similar to his father, so why did they hire someone else to play young James?
Answer: I think it would have been too confusing to use the same actor, who plays the main character, to play a younger version of the father. Similar is also not the same as identical, and to put Daniel Radcliffe through hours of make-up would be too cumbersome if one can simply hire another actor.
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Answer: To see what kind of men they are, especially Ned Glass. They held on to the sub against the harshness of the ocean. They did not scream, cry, or beg for mercy.