Question: What is the strange plopping type noise that is heard a few times in this episode? I think it is first heard when Sean, the Irish B*****d is introduced.
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
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The Secret Box / Band Geeks - S2-E14
Question: Someone wrote that the song Spongebob sings at the end is part of a real song, "Wings of the Wind." But when searching for this songs' lyrics at Google, they don't include the lines Spongebob sings. On other websites, the song is identified as "Sweet Victory" and the singer was David Glen Eisley. Could someone please clarify this?
Answer: The song was Sweet Vitory by David Glen Eisley. Not Wings of the Wind. Wings of the Wind might have been a remake that didn't include the part you were talking about.
Question: Does anyone know why Ashton's name didn't appear in the credits?
Answer: When and where an actor's name appears in a movie's credits affects his (or her) leverage in future contracts. It's not uncommon for a big-name actor taking a relatively small role to not appear in the credits rather than lose money on the next project.
Question: Is there any trivia behind the fact that the Baudelaire's home is in Boston, a detail not mentioned in the book?
Answer: No. It's just the town they picked. The only reason they picked a specific location at all was because the house had to be somewhere since they get a letter at the end.
Question: I know that the infamous third arm shot in the helicopter can be explained by being able to morph another arm, but has James Cameron or any of the actors from the film ever commented on the extra arm?
Chosen answer: A member of the production team mentions on the Ultimate Edition DVD commentary that this was indeed an intentional effect.
Question: In Highlander The Sorcerer, Conner had adopted a son. Anyone know what happened to him as in Endgame, Conner gets killed?
Answer: It's hard to say. Since the series totally ignores "Highlander 2" some assume that they also ignored "Highlander 3." But if you don't like that idea, you can probably assume he's off at college with his own life, or maybe even been killed by Jacob Kell.
Question: When Zatara goes to Mr. Morell's house to find out information about Dantes and about the others that he wants revenge on, why do they keep showing Morell's granddaughter looking at Zatara? Does she realize that he really is Dantes or is it some other reason?
Answer: I believe it's just because there is a dirty smelly man that she doesn't recognise visiting her ailing grandfather, she just wants to keep an eye on things.
Question: In many reviews I've read of this film, folks say that, at the end, it is revealed that the bet between God and Satan for the first to reach 100 billion souls was all a joke by God on the devil. I have seen this film five times and never once (even after reading these things) did I hear/see anything that even remotely indicated that the contest was a joke. Can someone please fill me in on this?
Answer: It's a joke because the souls already belong to God. It's mentioned during the jail scene. So the question is irrelevant, as God already has well over 100 billion souls in any case, and the devil can't gain them back.
There is no jail scene in this movie. You're probably thinking of the remake.
The Big Superhero Wish - S4-E3
Question: I know that Crocker's villain parodies Dr. Octopus and Vicky's villain parodies Wolverine, but who is Francis' villain supposed to be?
Answer: There is no specific character he is parodying, just brute characters that take animal names and costumes, like the Rhino.
Question: Is there an official explanation to the ending of the movie? Some people say that it was Travis's dream sequence, and others say it was Travis going back to his manic depressive self again. What caused Travis to get so startled when he was looking at the rear vision mirror? Did Scorsese deliberately make the ending very vague or is there supposed to be an explanation to the ending?
Answer: This is just my opinion. Remember Iris's line "Have you ever tried looking at your own eyeballs in the mirror?" or something to that effect. Well, Travis sees the madness reflected in his own eyes, doesn't like what he sees (as it reminds him of what he has done, what he might yet do).
Answer: There is. Both Scorsese (in the audio commentary) and screenwriter Paul Schrader in multiple interviews establish that the ending is not to be taken as a dream sequence or anything of the sort. I love the previous answer, by the way, it does nail what has also been stated; while Travis survived this time, it's very likely there will be a next.
Question: On IMDB's trivia for this movie, it says that whenever a character's eyes blink, they never blink together, but one at a time. Is this true? If so, why would they do this?
Answer: If you'd ever had one of those dolls that when you lay it down the eyes close, you would know that they never close at the same time. One always seems to stick a little.
Question: After the Transporters BMW gets blown up he goes back to the house and starts beating everyone up. Whats the song that plays during the the whole scene? I don't think it's on the soundtrack.
Answer: It's not in the soundtrack. The song is "Fighting Man" by "DJ Pone & Drixxxe".
Question: Does anyone know if there is a soundtrack (CD) for this movie available anywhere?
Answer: I doubt it as, the film was made during Parker's college years, but every song asis available as an mp3 at
Answer: You can now buy it via the link - it became available in May 2024:
Question: When Rosalee and Tad are on the plane and Rosalee is looking out of the window at the start of the scene (I think), what is the song playing? I briefly remember lyrics similar to, "I stay behind and watch the credits roll by.", or something to that effect.
Answer: It's Somebody by Bonnie McKee.
Question: There were two flashbacks of how Raymond Shaw killed one of the soldiers. One scene it showed him suffocating him in the desert with a piece of plastic. In another scene it shows him choking him with his hands in some kind of observation room. Was the desert 'killing', a dream combining the truth with the brainwashing?
Chosen answer: Perhaps the piece-of-plastic killing was a "test run" by the brainwashers to see if Raymond would actually react to their commands. You can see other soldiers lying down wearing "halos", hinting that this happened at a different time and place than the observation room choking.
Answer: The plastic bag killing was part of the dream. Many things in the dreams are off. For example in the dream he sees himself handling the pistol while lying in a bed. When we see his actual memory, he is standing, and Shaw hands him the gun, which he immediately uses.
Question: I have not seen this film but have heard that at one point Jack Black sings the Bruce Dickinson song 'Tears Of The Dragon'. Is this true? There is nothing on the IMDb.
Answer: The song isn't on the soundtrack, and I can't find anywhere in the film where Jack sings lyrics that even sound like Tears. I don't think it's true.
Question: Did Joe kill the guy in the hotel that he stole the money from?
Answer: Probably not. The man was a masochist who derived sexual pleasure from being physically abused. Joe apparently crammed the phone receiver into the man's mouth and left, unknown if he died from it or not.
Question: How was the underwater shark attack scene done? Things I want to know are : How come the shark didn't attack the actor? And how did all the make up stay on the actor UNDERWATER? Does anyone (also) know how long filming this scene took?
Chosen answer: After the original zombie extra fell ill, the shark handler was made up to play the underwater zombie. The shark was tame, or at least enough to not attack the handler. The makeup would have been latex/oil based, so it would not have been affected by the water. I remember from the commentary that the filming took 1 or 2 days.
Question: Does anyone know what happened to Cassandra after Dr. Frasier died?
Chosen answer: Cassandra is not mentioned in any of the episodes after the one where Dr Frasier dies. The show does not tell us what happened to her.
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Answer: I checked my subtitles and it reads "cork pops". It seems Sean is a typical Irishman and enjoys copious amounts of drink. When the Friar is intoduced you can see him on the left of the group and it looks like he is opening a bottle.