Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: In one of the trailers Harry is looking into a photo. Does anyone know who is in it?

Answer: His parents, James and Lily Potter.


Question: Does anyone know what that cave thing is that Frodo, Sam, and Gollum are resting in at the beginning of the movie is?

Answer: There are plenty of ruins throughout Middle-Earth, and the area known as Ithilien, where Frodo and co are at that point, is no exception. Once a populous region, it has been deserted for around 1000 years, since the fall of Minas Ithil (now Minas Morgul) and the return of the Nazgul. What Frodo and Sam are resting is no doubt some ruined structure left over from Ithilien's populated days.


Question: Miranda looks and cries over some pictures of her and her husband when she escaped to her own house, and decides to drive out to the creek he said he was going to, earlier in the film. What did she think he was doing there to begin with? She didn't seem familiar with the place when she arrived.

Answer: She thought he was having it renovated. Possibly as a weekend or vacation home. So, she probably wouldn't have had tons of reasons to go out there, at least until it was finished.


Question: What style of black leather jacket does Ethan Hunt wear just before the chase scene near the end of the movie, I've been looking for ages trying to find something similar?

Answer: The costume designer was Lizzy Gardiner, who can be contacted through Sandra Marsh Management ( The IMDb is the best place for questions like this.

Jon Sandys

Question: Why does Kaitlin have the horrible scar on her face after Evan saves the dog? She didn't have a scar before, even though she got hit quite hard.


Chosen answer: The time that Evan goes back and saves the dog, she gets hit in a different way and her cheek is split open - hence the scar. In the "original" timeline, she got hit in the head, not the cheek.

Paul Plesser

Are you making an educated guess? How could you possibly know that she got hit in a different way on her cheek if they don't show that in the movie?

Melanie Lynn Baker

They are not making an educated guess at all. In the original timeline, her brother struck her in the side of the head, she bled/was injured but no visible scar. In the altered "blackout" timeline when he goes back and tries to save everything/fix it, somehow it shows Kayleigh getting hit in a different spot. When her brother swung, it smacked her in the side of the face instead of the head, splitting her cheek wide open, leaving a visible injury/scar later on. It was most definitely shown to us.

Answer: They are not making an educated guess at all. In the original timeline, her brother struck her in the side of the head, she still bled and was injured but no visible scar. In the altered "blackout" timeline when he goes back and tries to save everything/fix it, somehow it shows Kayleigh getting hit in a different spot. When her brother swung, it smacked her in the side of the face instead of the head, splitting her cheek wide open, leaving a visible injury/scar later on. It was most definitely, 100% shown to the audience, when her brother struck her differently. Lol.

Answer: First of all you need to remember that this sequence started right after Evan makes that big scene by using some sharp object on those two criminal brothers in prison to get his journals back from them. Now later when Evan is able to save the dog, he wakes up in his bed and starts bleeding as a repercussion from storing all those years of memory of this new reality at once, but the flashes that are shown when he wakes up are actually the flashes about how the reality changed after he saved the dog and Kayleigh's brother dies instead. In one of those scene it is shown that the grown up mentally disturbed Kayleigh asks for a lift and those same two criminal brothers are shown in the car she gets inside. So we can assume that the line of business she is shown in later and those scars she has is actually due to her getting along with the wrong people.


You can actually see in the scene where he saved the dog, Kayleigh's cheek was split open.

Question: Where can you buy an umbrella hat like the one that Jim Carrey wears during the Niagra Falls story? Anyone know of a website or something similar?

Answer: You can buy a hat like that at many novelty stores, such as Spencer Gifts in the US. Just google umbrella hat and you'll find something.

Show generally

Question: How old is Ella (Mark and Elizabeth's daughter) supposed to be? she looks about 5/6 but as she was only a baby when Mark died in series 8 we are now on the 10th series... Elizabeth also said that it was still to soon after Mark, even she wouldn't think 5 years is to long to wait?

Answer: The writers of ER "aged" Ella. She is only suppose to be 2 or 3 but they have made her older, 5 or 6. They often do this on soaps too. They probably just didn't want to have to deal with a baby anymore.

Question: In the part of the movie when the science teacher and Drew Barrymore are sitting in the staff room, what does their conversation mean? Science teacher says, "Donnie Darko." and Drew Barrymore says, "I know." What significant plot does this have?

Answer: According to the audio commentary, "they're being manipulated and they are aware that something is going on with this kid and are laughing about it." Director's commentary is very interesting.


Question: Maybe I just missed something, but what's going on with Dunbar's military superior that he meets at the fort out west? He seems to think he's a king or something, referring to the frontier as the "realm" and Dunbar's travel companion as a "peasant." At the end of the scene he salutes Dunbar very sarcastically and then shoots himself. What does any of that have to do with the story?


Chosen answer: It shows that the officer was mentally disturbed, and he was the only one in the fort who knew about Dunbar's assignment. It sets the story up so that Dunbar could live with the Indians without the Army interfering with his life (No one expected any communications to or from Dunbar).


Answer: So why was his journal so important to him? He knows lots of soldiers and many other whites are coming.

Answer: Because it documented his time at the fort and with the Indians and also what he learned from them during the period when he arrived before the Army did show up - This would have been crucial if there had been any trial which there was not as the Sioux rescued him from the situation.

Question: Jack Sparrow was never cursed by the "aztec gold medallion" until near the end of the movie, he grabbed one gold medallion. At that time, he and Will started to fight the cursed pirates and it has been shown to all the watchers that he, Jack cannot be killed, after Barbossa stabbed him. Knowing that the cursed pirates were looking for William Turner's blood (he wasn't cursed, nor was Elizabeth Swan) to disenchant the curse, how come Jack Sparrow cut his hand too? If Jack is cursed, how can he bleed?

Answer: It's shown on at least one other occasion (when Elizabeth stabs Barbossa) that those under the effects of the curse do bleed when stabbed. They have to in order to lift the curse, which requires a sacrifice of blood from each person affected by it, or, in Bootstrap Bill Turner's case, a close blood relative (namely his son).


Question: Why did Vermeer's wife call the painting obscene? I'm sure there's more than 1 interpretation of it.

Answer: As with most paintings, there are undoubtedly different interpretations - everyone has their own views. In the movie, Vermeer's wife felt that it was obscene - that's her interpretation. A number of art critics have commented on a 'subtle eroticism' in the painting, and this may be what is being alluded to, using Catherina to carry the message across. It's worth pointing out that a number of Vermeer experts have disagreed quite vehemently with the portrayal of Catherina in the film - surviving historical evidence would seem to indicate that Vermeer's marriage was a happy one.


Answer: Because her mouth was slightly open.

Answer: Because it was a picture of a servant.

Answer: The 6th of May.


Question: I haven't seen the whole movie and I was wondering why they were calling the one boy "FedEx"?

Answer: He doesn't look like the other 11 kids, so his siblings told him he wasn't really one of them, but had been dropped off by the FedEx man.


Answer: According to the books he's a boarhound.


Show generally

Question: What was the name of the episode (I think it was in season 9) where Abby, Susan, Carter, Kovac, and Gallant open a bag that a hooker brought in and start playing around with the toys inside? They got sent to a seminar on sexual harrassment, but the lecturer never showed up, so they spent the whole day sitting around and talking.

Answer: It was in season 8, it was called Secrets and Lies. It first aired on 3/07/02.


Question: In the resurrection scene, the stone rolls away and Christ walks out of the tomb. According to the gospels, didn't Christ arise and leave the tomb, then an angel rolled away the stone? The gospels later say that he appeared in a room where the apostles were, even though the doors were locked. This is one basis of the constant Christian teaching that the resurrected, glorified bodies of Christ and the saved in heaven are no longer subject to the laws of physics.

Answer: The gospels don't say anything about the order in which the events happened. In each case, the stone is found rolled away and Christ already risen (as in Mark 16:3-5.


Question: In the scene where Neo fights the Frenchman's vampires, he is able to control some of the weapons on the wall and brings them to his hands. How is he able to do this, and why doesn't he just remove the weapons from his enemy's hands?

Answer: Neo has developed a form of telekinesis - the ability to move things with the mind - and uses this to bring the weapons to him. This is the same ability that allows him to stop bullets. As to why he doesn't simply take the weapons from his enemies, this would require tearing the weapons from their hands, which might be difficult - I don't think we ever see Neo using his telekinesis directly against sentients, so possibly he can't. Taking weapons from the walls, which won't put up a fight, and engaging the enemy in direct combat is an easier option.


Answer: Within the Matrix, Neo is manipulating the very computer coding that is the foundation of the cyber-world itself. Neo could not only stop bullets and fly, but he could at first erase or overwrite this coding at will, resulting in the instant destruction of his enemies (as seen in the first movie, when Neo overwrites Agent Smith's coding and utterly disintegrates him). The artificial intelligence of the Machine Mind, however, was constantly revising and self-correcting its code (as seen at the beginning of the second movie, when Neo realises the Matrix Agents are even stronger than before, and he muses, "Hm...Upgrade."). The Machine Mind was upgrading all the time, trying to keep up with Neo's abilities; thus, we see Neo still stopping bullets and defying cyber-gravity in the Chateau Brawl, but one of the Frenchman's baddies manages to actually injure Neo with a sword, drawing blood from his hand. This makes it apparent that Neo was always playing a game of chess with the Machine Mind for control of the Matrix code, and the Machine Mind sometimes got the upperhand. The Trainman's coding, for example, was unbreakable, and Neo was helpless against him in the Train Station scene. Outside of the Matrix, in the Real World, Neo's abilities are harder to explain, as they appear literally supernatural.

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: He is in a computer simulated world and is the chosen one because he can use his will to control and manipulate it, like moving objects and flying.

Question: Near the half-hour mark, Gary Oldman pulls out a small box of green-and-yellow pills and takes one. What exactly is it?

Answer: Some kind of (unnamed) drug. Just to show how nasty the DEA agent is.


Question: Benedict goes down to the security center after receiving the call from Rusty that it's being robbed. Benedict tells Mr. Walsh to "make the call" and the "SWAT" team comes in. They tell Benedict to cut the power, then an explosion is set off, and so on. But what Benedict and everyone in the security center are actually seeing is a staged event, though it's all happening at the same time. Even if the "eleven" had timed it down to the last second of how things were going to happen, it would have been lapsed due to the few seconds wasted when Danny and Linus had to change the batteries in the trigger for the vault. So, I guess my question is, what are the chances that the tape and actual events would run in time together?

Answer: The battery-related delay doesn't matter - Rusty doesn't call Benedict until after the vault has been successfully breached. Up to that point, Livingston is simply running a looped image of the undisturbed vault. Only once Benedict has reached the control room does the tape of the fake vault start running. This just shows the preparation of the bags and the robbers generally wandering around the vault. Danny and co, down in the vault, would know how roughly long to leave it from the start of the tape to sending the bags up, and they know that the tape will start within a few minutes of them breaching the vault, so that's no real problem, timing-wise. The fake SWAT team show up and head down the liftshaft to the vault area. They then tell Benedict to cut all power to the vault, which he does, and all his screens showing what's going on go blank. During that time, they throw an explosive into the vault and it detonates. When Benedict brings the power back up, he's not looking at the tape any more - he's now seeing real images from the vault cameras. At no point is split-second timing required, nor do they have to worry about the tape being out of time with real events.


Chosen answer: From the Watcher's Guide Vol. 2. GILES: "-the house where we're all sleeping. All your friends are there having a wonderful time and getting on with their lives. The creature can't hurt you there." XANDER: "What? Go where? I don't understand." GILES: "Oh, for God's sake, this is no time for your idiotic games." ANYA: "Xander! You have to come with us now! Everybody's waiting for you!" XANDER: "Honey, I don't - I can't hear you..." ANYA: "It's not important. I'll take you there."


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