Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: This is a strange question, but is it possible that Isolde could sleep with both the King and Tristan so many times and not get pregnant? Was there any kind of birth control at this time?

Answer: Without going into detail, two possible birth control options would be the withdrawal method or earlier versions of condoms. It's unlikely that Marke and Isolde were using these methods, because Marke, as a king, would probably want children to be his heirs. But Isolde might have at least been taking precautions with Tristan, especially during the time that she was betrothed to Morholt. There would be trouble if she became pregnant while her betrothed was away. Also, as Tailkinker wrote, maybe she simply did not conceive.

Answer: Yes, it's entirely possible. Even in this day and age, with our relatively detailed knowledge of the processes and timing involved, couples trying for children can sometimes try for months or even years before a successful conception.


Answer: Three answers. ONE: Manuscript medical texts survive from Anglo-Saxon England. These describe folk wisdom and empirical medical tradition handed down from generation to generation. Herbs and herbal products were used as cures and prophylactics. These say little about contraception (they were written by monks or nuns who lived celibate lives) but it could be inferred that women used herbs and herbal products for women's issues (including contraception), knowledge refined over generations and handed down orally that has been lost or forgotten. TWO In the middle ages diet, nutrition and health conditions were such that, in general, people were not as healthy as they are today, so women may have been less "fertile" and less likely to become pregnant after sex. THREE: The legend of Tristan and Isolde is not accurate history. It began to circulate in the twelfth century, but even then it was a story, told to entertain, and this cinema version is a fictional, fantasy re-imagining of medieval life (similar to Game Of Thrones or Lord of the Rings) so such logical details do not necessarily apply.

Rob Halliday

Chosen answer: Unreasonable Doubt aired as the fifth episode, on July 14 2002, with Netherworld airing as the eighth episode on August 4th. One possible explanation is that the networks are sometimes known to air episodes out of their actual production order. In cases like this, the DVD release usually uses the production order, thus placing the episodes in the order which they were intended to be watched.


Mr. Monk Bumps His Head - S4-E11

Question: The man who crashes through the beekeeper's fence and purposefully gets himself stung claims that he was drunk. Later that day, he is back at work. In Australia, where I live, drunk driving is a big enough offence to put you in jail, but the man is never put in jail. Is this a mistake, or are American laws more lenient?


Answer: He wasn't actually drunk in the episode and without solid evidence of drunk driving he would not be placed in jail. Also this was a small town where this individual was "important" so the community police would have to have their "ducks in a row" before taking him in on drunk driving.

Chosen answer: Depends on where you are, your blood alcohol level. Also, having not seen the episode, was he actually drunk?


Question: During the final fight scene after Daniel scores the 2nd point, Johnny goes to have his Kreese check his nose. When he was done, Kreese told Johnny to "Sweep the lick." What did he mean by this?


Chosen answer: He told him to "Sweep the Leg" meaning to concentrate his attack on Daniel's knee. Johnny balked at this since he would be disqualified, but did it anyway out of fear.


If Johnny was disqualified for sweeping the leg then why didn't Daniel immediately win? Why did the fight instead continue with the final crane kick scene?

Actually means to show no mercy.

Answer: Johnny wouldn't get disqualified. Kreese wants him to do 'sweep the leg' to punish Daniel for a while instead of having Johnny go straight for the win. Johnny questions it only as it's not very sporting to sweep an already injured leg.

Johnny COULD have been disqualified, but for story purposes, he received a warning. Then, when he elbowed Daniel's leg, he got one last warning. The referee told him another strike to the knee and he'd be disqualified. The main antagonist being disqualified is incredibly anti-climactic. Nobody wants to see that in a film. You want the good guy to kick him in the face.

Question: Where did Barricade disappear to? The last time we see him was on the highway with Bonecrusher, just before Bonecrusher transforms and attacks Optimus. Did he chicken out and run away after seeing how easily Optimus defeated Bonecrusher?

Answer: Could be either. We won't know what happened to him until the sequel comes out!


Chosen answer: According to IMDB at this link Christopher Meloni was the only actor in this role. Chris Elliott was never in the movie.


Show generally

Question: I seem to remember a parody where Stewie dresses like Maria from The Sound of Music when she sings "I have Confidence." If it is not just my imagination, can anyone tell me what episode and season this was?

Answer: This actually came from the "Stewie Griffin: Untold Story" DVD. It was split into three episodes, and I believe this particular scene came from the first one.


Lisa's Wedding - S6-E19

Question: Do "Bart to the Future" and "Lisa's Wedding" episodes share the same continuity? I only saw second one and I'd like to know if president Lisa is the same Lisa who was in love with Hugh, or Bart who has a band with Ralph the same Bart who used to demolish buildings etc? Or are they just independents predictions without connections? I'm not even asking about Future-Drama, because it'd be weird at this point, Lisa graduating in high school in 2013 and being at university in 2010.

Answer: They are not supposed to be, but there is no way to tell for sure. The only thing that appears to be the same in each episode are the additions made to their house. But some of the other differences could be explained by the fact that one is around 12-15 years in the future, and the other is 30 years in the future.


Question: This goes for Episodes IV, V and VI. What are the little droid things that roll around on the ground in the Death Star?

Answer: These are the MSE (or Mouse) droids, who typically carry out minor maintenance or cleaning procedures but can also be assigned other tasks, such as carrying messages in the event that a comlink system is considered insecure, or leading individuals or groups to a particular area. Because of their occasional security related functions, they are designed to self-destruct in the event of capture, accounting for their somewhat nervous disposition.


Question: I have the original VHS version and I've noticed that some cuss words have dubbed over on the DVD. Yet The original VHS is still rated PG any reason why, other than the fact to make it more of a family film.

Answer: The original film was released before the PG-13 rating existed (it was one of the films responsible for its creation). Producers decided to remove some of the language and violence for the DVD release to avoid complaints about the PG rating.

Question: This movie is quite violent and carries a PG rating, further is is located in the "Family Section" of my local video store. Can someone explain the conflicting aspects of this?

Answer: The movie is famous for the uproar it created over its violent content, and was one of the films responsible for the creation of the PG-13 rating. As the PG-13 rating didn't exist at the time of Gremlins' release, but its content wasn't serious enough for an R, it was rated PG.

Question: I'm guessing that Evan can travel back to "memories" an infinite amount of times as he has been to the junkyard and the basement memories at least twice, but what I don't get is why, after he saw the horrible repercussions of giving Lenny the shard which led to the psychotic brother's death, why didn't Evan just NOT give Lenny the shard, but still give the bro the moving motivational speech that made him rethink the burning of the dog? Then the dog would be safe and the bro wouldn't be killed traumatically, damaging Kaylee? Why didn't he keep that bit that seemed to work out, but not give Lenny the weapon?

Answer: The point of the movie was that, no matter what he did and how he tried to change things, they always ended up bad. If he went back and did that, something unforseen would have happened to make things terrible. Evan realized that everything bad that happened to them was because of him. He then decided the only safe way to make things right is if he just took himself out of their lives all together. That's the logic the filmmakers went by, if you don't want to accept that, then you will just have to consider it a plot hole.

Question: After Luke discovers R2-D2 in the desert on Tatoine, he says "Sandpeople, or worse." What is "or worse"?

Answer: Krayt Dragons. They're what Obi-Wan mimicks to scare the Sand People away. See


I want to add that Obi-Wan's scream had been replaced twice in special editions. The original audio sounds like it could've been from a dragon for sure, but not the updated ones.


Question: I want to sit down and watch all the Jay and Silent Bob Movies, so can someone PLEASE tell me all the movies in the order you're supposed to watch them. Thanks.

Answer: There are two ways: (1) the order in which they were released: Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Clerks II; or (2) the chronological order: Mallrats, Clerks, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Clerks II. There's only a very short time between the events of Mallrats and Clerks though, and any crossover is limited to incidental references, so it doesn't really matter.

Cubs Fan

Question: During the trash compacter scene, Luke gets sucked under by the one-eyed monster thing, which leads to Han and Leia trying to find him. But if the water's only about knee deep, why is it so hard for him to be found?

Answer: Presumably because the monster has pulled him through the lair of whatever they are standing on into whatever space the rest of the body of the monster lives in. Obviously, the monster doesn't live in the part of the part of the compactor that does the compacting or it would be already compacted.


Question: This is in regards to the tournament in this movie and in part 3. Is it compatible to tournaments in real life? In real life, are they physically hitting each other or do they pull back on their punches? What do they do in the tournaments in both movies that is not allowed in a real life tournament?


Chosen answer: Without knowing the exact style of karate, it is impossible to answer. I perform in martial arts tournaments but we wear various protective gear and are prohibited to strike at targets like knees (as in the movie) but are also prohibited from "excessive" contact on legal targets. My brother-in-law, though, does another style - and he won a match by kicking a person so hard he broke ribs and the other participant couldn't continue - so my brother-in-law won the match. Different styles differ. Back in the 70's and 80's "Point sparring" was very popular. This is where the contestants pull their punches only making light contact. This was considered a good skill to have as it taught one control their punches and to learn distance. It was very boring to watch and with the development of safer protective gear point sparring pretty much went away.

Zwn Annwn

Question: In the scene just before Sirius Black is killed he says "Good job, James." Is there someone else named James or is he mistakenly calling Harry by his father's name?

Answer: Sirius is mistakenly referring to Harry as his father, James Potter. After everything Sirius has been through, he is rather emotionally unstable and immature. He has tended to see Harry as a peer and replacement for his dead friend James, rather than acting like Harry's godfather.


Question: Why does Carmen answer Juni's question by saying "my feet stink?" Is this a reference to another movie?

Answer: In the 2nd Spy Kids film, when they can read each other's minds, Juni proves it by thinking Carmen's feet stink, at which point she smells her shoe and agrees.

Question: Why does Wallace change his tune suddenly when offering the Haynes sisters a drink on the train, considering that a few seconds before he was not too pleased because Davis had given their tickets to the sisters?

Answer: While initially not pleased their tickets had been given away, Wallace used his war injured arm to gain passage (a running gag in the movie) and once on the train it no longer mattered that they did not have tickets. Besides, they were very pretty girls that they already knew and liked.


Question: When Harry and Hermione go back in time to rescue Sirius and Buckbeak, does Dumbledore know that they are rescuing them? It's just that earlier the execution happened quickly, but when they go back in time, Dumbledore seems to be distracting the executioner and Fudge so that Harry and Hermione can do what they need to do.

Answer: Yes Dumbledore knows that they are rescuing Buckbeak and Sirius, because (and this is a little complicated) he is planning to tell Harry and Hermione (the Harry and Hermione who have just left Hagrid's Hut, not the Harry and Hermione who are now rescuing Buckbeak) to go back in time and rescue them, so he is presuming that a future Harry and Hermione would currently be rescuing Buckbeak. Hope that doesnt play with your mind too much!


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