Question: Where did Star Lord get AA batteries for his Walkman?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
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Question: Will's primary motive for rescuing Jack is so that he can trade the Black Pearl for his father. But why would Davy Jones want the Black Pearl at all, he already has a very good ship? Why does Will think this is the best way to rescue his father?
Chosen answer: Will says he needs the Black Pearl to free his father, he's not planning on trading him. The Pearl is the fastest ship in the Caribbean, so chances are he's planning to take the Flying Dutchman by force, and free his father that way.
Question: In the original Superman television series, Superman created a duplicate of himself so that he could be in two places at once. However, as one went to pull the bars out of the wall, he had to have the other help, as the strength of one was half that of the original. That said, how is it that both Clark and Evil Superman have the same strength of the whole being after being split?
Question: How did they do the trick where Mary takes the lamp and all of the other things out of her bag?
Answer: A false bottom in the bag and a hole in the table with a false background under it so we can't see the person handing the items up through the bag.
Question: A number of times it is mentioned that the outfit is unarmed, yet several times, Frank has a rifle, or a pistol, and once Klinger had a grenade, and the guards and Klinger, while on sentry duty, has a rifle. Was this standard, or is this a mistake?
Answer: Even an Army field hospital would have SOME weapons for self-defense if the enemy attacked. What's meant is that it's not a combat outfit, and therefore wouldn't have enough weapons to actually attack anyone. (It's also mentioned a few times that the Officer of the Watch is supposed to carry a pistol at all times, but Hawkeye refuses to do it when he's in charge and Colonels Blake and Potter don't enforce the rule).
Answer: The Geneva Convention allows even doctors to carry a sidearm to be used in their self defense or the defense of their patients, however it is rare to do so.
Answer: As an old medical unit staffer, my experience is that med units have combat units assigned to defend them. Usually it was marines.
Answer: My old doctor (now deceased) served in Korea during the War. He was required to carry a sidearm anytime he was not in the hospital.
Business Guy - S8-E9
Question: In the episode, Peter threatens to fire Lois, and she responds with "you wouldn't" and Peter then replies with "Oh really, does the name Lacey Chabert mean anything to you?" which in turn makes Lois go wide eyed and reply with "OK, I'll behave" and Peter then goes on to add "Yes you will" Can anyone explain this joke if it is a joke to comprehend?
Answer: Lacey Chabert was the actress who originally voiced Meg in early episodes. She left of her own accord due to being in school and other acting work; Seth MacFarlane has stated there was no tension with her leaving, but it makes for a handy joke for the show.
Question: In what episode was the tune that became the theme for Mayberry RFD originally used? I remember it was B/W and had something to do with a bank robbery and the old guard Acer.
Answer: The episode with the bank robbery and old guard named Asa is from season 3, episode 13 "The Bank Job," but the music can be heard much earlier than that. The theme music for Mayberry RFD is named "The Mayberry March" and a few bits here and there can be heard in several episodes of season 1, such as "Bringing Up Opie," though, in season 2, episode 4 "Mayberry Goes Bankrupt" about half a minute of the music is heard while Frank's house is being renovated.
Question: How is Eddie, as Venom, able to have his mask move on and off his face? Also, how is Harry able to do it too?
Answer: Eddie's suit is an alien symbiote that forms a telepathic bond with its host, much like it did with Spider-Man earlier in the film; it can remove itself from parts of the host at will (such as the face) or change form to take on the appearance of normal clothing, such as a jacket. Harry's mask has a hinge at the top that allows him to raise and lower it as necessary.
Question: Does Nash call Tom Brant by his real name when at the train tracks when Brant (aka Jason Statham) tries to attack the killer. I thought I heard Nash say "Jason, calm down Jason"?
Answer: Yes; he definitely says Jason.
Question: Was there a specific reason why Dan Aykroyd and Macaulay Culkin never appeared onscreen together throughout the whole movie except after Thomas J's death?
Chosen answer: Most likely because there was no reason for a scene of them together to tell the story. It is assumed that because Thomas and Vada are friends, that Harry has interacted with Thomas many times before. There could have been scenes filmed with the two actors together that was later cut from the final film. This often happens to quicken the film's pace, shorten the running time, etc.
Answer: Harry seemed to ignore Vada a lot of the time, would suspect her friends were included in him doing that also.
Question: Jack steals a ring at Tia Dalma's when he is getting a jar of dirt from her in dead mans chest. Is this ring ever brought up again/mentioned/used? Possibly in a later movie?
Chosen answer: There is no indication that the ring will play any part in future story lines. Jack's taking the ring is just a means to show his character - he is a pirate and there is no honor among thieves. If he wants something, he feels entitled to take it, even if it is from a comrade of sorts.
Answer: There is significance to the ring Jack took. According to the wiki, the ring was originally a gift *from* Jack, to Angelica (who we meet in the 4th movie- On Stranger Tides). She traded that ring (the ring of Thieves) to Tia Dalma in exchange for the Ritual which would help her in her quest to find the Fountain of Youth (the plot of the fourth movie). Not to mention, when Jack takes the ring, you see Tia Dalma's locket, the one which Davy Jones also carries, which foreshadows quite a lot. Lots of significance to that small scene.
Question: In Snape's memory that Harry sees in the Pensieve, why does younger Snape take his exam outside with him instead of handing it in?
Answer: He hands in the answer paper and takes the questions out to read them again.
Question: Do the symbols / markings on Ardeth Bay's face mean anything?
Chosen answer: The tattoos on his forehead are the Egyptian Hieroglyphs that spell "Underworld", and the ones on his cheeks are the Egyptian Hieroglyphs for the word "truth." All Medjai males get these tattoos as part of the coming-of-age rite, when they turn sixteen, of which the most important is the tattoo on their right wrist (which Rick O'Connell also has) that marks them as "warriors for God." Other tattoos specific to Medjai males are on their arms, forearms, hands, pectorals, shoulder blades and beneath the navel - the tattoos on the nose and chin are no longer used, since the time of Seti I. Medjai females only get the wrist tattoo when they come of age, but are not marked with any of the other symbols that are particular to men. Fun fact: If the Medjai - male and female alike - shows any sign of pain or cries during the tattooing process, it is considered that they have brought shame to their family.
Question: Not sure if anybody will have an answer to this, but I would appreciate any good guesses. I read the book and it describes Remus' suitcase as having the name "Professor RJ Lupin" in "peeling" letters, so the letters have been there for a while. Did he teach at Hogwarts in the past, or could there be smaller magical schools in Britain?
Answer: Lupin did not work at other schools as none would have allowed a werewolf to teach children. Only Dumbledore ever offered him a teaching position. Regarding the title "Professor" on his suitcase that had appeared to be there for some time, I believe this is actually a movie mistake. He did not previously have this title for any reason.
Question: What is the English translation of the panzer song when Hessler meets his commanders?
Answer: I believe that in the film, the men are repeatedly singing only the first verse. However, I have found the complete translation of all five verses and posted it here: "The Panzer Song (Panzerlied) " 1: Whether in storm or in snow /Whether the sun smiles on us/ The day blazing hot /Or the night ice cold/ Our faces are dusty/ But our spirits are cheerful /Yes, our spirits are cheerful/ Our tank roars Into the windstorm. 2: With thundering engines /As fast as lightning/ We engage the enemy/ Safe in our tanks/ Far ahead of our comrades /In battle we stand alone/ Yes, stand alone Into enemy territory. 3: If an enemy tank /Appears in our sight /We ram throttles full/ And close with the foe! /We give our lives freely /For the army of our realm/ Yes, the army of our realm/ To die for Germany Is our highest honour. 4: With barriers and tanks/ Our opponent tries to stop us /We laugh at his efforts/ And travel around them/And when the guns threatingly/ Hide in the yellow sand/ Yes, in the yellow sand/ We search for paths /No-one else has found. 5: And if some day /Faithless luck abandons us /And we can't return home/ The deadly bullet strikes/ And fate calls us /Yes, fate calls us /Then our tank is An honourable grave. Source:
Question: At the trial, first, we are told that all the women died in the church, but then a woman survived - we are not told how - and she appears to be quite old; then we are told that her granddaughter wrote the book about it. Was the granddaughter in the church, as well, and survived somehow? I'm confused.
Chosen answer: There were two survivors: a woman and her daughter, who was named Ilana. It was Ilana's memoirs of her and her mother's experience in the camp that were published. Ilana, the daughter, may have helped with the actual writing based on her mother's memories (since Ilana's own memories could be bleak, as she was just a child).
Question: I was wondering why of all the orders of the Roman Catholic Clergy that an Archdeacon is the main caretaker of Notre Dame. Archdeacons are a rare order of Roman Catholic Clergy even during those times. Notre Dame is a cathedral, right? So why doesn't it have its own Bishop/Archbishop/Cardinal? Where was he? I highly doubt that an Archdeacon would exercise that much authority on a Judge like Frollo thereby bypassing that of a higher order such as a Bishop who is supposed to be the central administrator of Notre Dame.
Chosen answer: From Wikipedia: "In the High Middle Ages, [the archdeacon] was the most senior diocesan position below a bishop in the Roman Catholic Church. An archdeacon is often responsible for administration within an archdeaconry...which was the principal subdivision of the diocese." As such, in the Catholic hierarchy, the functional and administrative tasks of running the cathedrals would fall to the deacons, while the bishops would govern the pastoral and liturgical functions.
Question: What is the restaurant Annie and Walter are sitting in that looks out onto the Empire State Building?
Answer: That would be the Rainbow Room which is located at 30 Rockefeller Plaza (Annie rushes out the door and gets into the taxi), the iconic skyscraper in Rockefeller Center.
Question: Is there a reason that Coach was only in the first couple of episodes? It almost seems like they used him in place of Winston, I'm guessing because of a scheduling conflict. It's just really weird that it seems like Coach is going to be one of the main characters and yet Winston comes and Coach is just gone.
Chosen answer: Damon Wayons, Jr., who played Coach, took the role because he believed his current show, "Happy Endings" on ABC, was going to be cancelled. When it was renewed, he had to leave the cast of New Girl. He returned later in the series after Happy Endings was actually cancelled.
Love Hurts - S1-E21
Question: Piper and Leo switch powers so Piper can heal him. Leo ends up dying but Piper finds the trigger to the healing power after his death. How come she is able to bring him back to life when in later episodes it is revealed that Leo's healing power cannot bring the dead back to life?
Chosen answer: It probably meant that it couldn't bring humans back to life, magical or not. As a Whitelighter, Leo is technically not human because he's already died as a mortal. The only way to heal a Whitelighter from the poison that "kills" them is to be healed with the healing power of a Whitelighter.
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Answer: Likely he didn't, but instead was able to use an alternate power source that he found or was introduced to during his time in outer space.
Phaneron ★