Question: How are Captain America, Black Widow, and Black Panther talking to Proxima Midnight through the Wakandan cloaked shield? What's she looking at? Trees?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: At one point in the movie the fed introduces herself saying she is with ATF. Does ATF handle Treasury? I thought Treasury was handled by the Secret Service. Is this a mistake or am I misinformed?
Chosen answer: You are correct, the ATF does not handle currency. This is a mistake, either in the script or made by the actress. She correctly identifies herself as a Treasury agent throughout the film but does say in one scene she is an ATF agent.
Question: Why does Alex's House have an elevator/dumb waiter? I've never heard of a house having any type of elevator or dumb waiter.
Answer: Many older, larger homes were originally built by wealthy owners and it is not uncommon for these homes to have an elevator or dumbwaiter for the help's use. Even though it is rare for a homeowner to have a butler today, many of these older homes still find use for the dumbwaiter/elevator the butler would have used.
Question: How can the plane take off from this country airport when they seem so worried about a short landing?
Answer: The plane would not be able to take off from that small airport.
Question: What was the reason for Eggs' gross behavior at the ball, such as licking a woman's hand, and eating some cheese topped with a ladybug?
Answer: He was raised by the Boxtrolls so he would have picked up not only their behavior and mannerisms but also their eating habits. To Eggs, the way he is acting is completely normal but to everyone else completely disgusting.
Question: If Cordelia didn't actually wakes up from the coma how did everyone besides Angel see her? No one said "weird, we talked to and hugged her and all".
Answer: Everybody including Angel saw her. After helping them and then being left alone to talk to Angel, Cordelia says that the Powers That Be let her come back one more time to help them. After Angel gets a call saying that she died, he realises that it was her spirit that was helping them the entire time.
Question: Why is Stanley Ipkiss wearing different pyjamas the morning after his second transformation of the Mask? He was wearing the original ones when he put on the Mask the second night.
Answer: Because his pyjamas got torn when he was at the Coco Bongo - when he's shot at as the Mask, the piece of his tie that falls off transforms back into his pyjamas.
Question: Why attempt Russian accents in a film that is purely Russian? The star, Harrison Ford, doesn't even pretend to be Russian. Why should anyone else?
Answer: Harrison Ford does attempt a Russian accent in this film. It's a very slight, very bad attempt but he's definitely trying. Audiences come to expect accents in films such as these for a heightened sense of immersion. Hearing American accents from supposedly Russian characters can sometimes be jarring to an audience, even if the characters are speaking English. This of course isn't always the case and plenty of films have actors speaking in their natural accents while they are playing foreign characters. The director of this film chose to have his actors speak with Russian accents, with extremely poor results pretty much all around.
Question: Why did Finch get upset when Creedy brought up his mom being a prisoner at some facility?
Answer: It is implied that Finch's mother (and, indeed, his whole family) was actually killed during the Norsefire Party's genocidal rise to power several years earlier. Although both Creedy and Finch are now members of the Norsefire Party, Creedy suspects that Finch may still harbor a grudge against the Party and is, therefore, untrustworthy. In this scene, Creedy is needling Finch about his mother's death, attempting to provoke an angry response. Creedy is testing Finch's loyalty.
Question: When Eddie goes to see Dan about the test results, Dan says that the symbiote is damaging Eddie's organs but Venom says it's part of the symbiosis. Was Venom really damaging Eddie's body? If not, what was he really doing?
Answer: Venom was using Eddie, much like Riot, to invade Earth. Venom was damaging Eddie's body until he grew to like him, which is why he said he could fix it while Dan was telling Eddie all of this.
Question: What episode was J J beaten and lost her baby?
Question: At the diner, why was Rizzo mad at Kenickie? She seemed to be mad at him about something and I get the feeling that it wasn't because of how he ate his burger.
Answer: He was being a jerk and insensitive. But really she was worried she was pregnant and that made her have a short fuse.
Answer: Kenickie said Rizzo had the personality of a wet mop. After Rizzo said "Don't start with me!", Kenickie put his arm around Frenchy and said "Eureka, how about I finish with you." which means that Kenickie was going to break up with Rizzo. Rizzo thought that Kenickie put his arm around Frenchy because he was going to dump her for Frenchy. He didn't, though.
Answer: No, earlier on there was a big argument between Kinickie and Rizzo that was cut from the movie and that's why they were upset with each other in that scene.
Is there a clip of it?
Question: How come Marilyn can't let her daughter go out as a hippie for Halloween?
Answer: Most likely because at the time, Hippies represented the counter-culture, which is/was in direct opposition to the conservative generation of the mother and not something Marilyn would want associated with the Lovells family given their high profile.
The One With Five Steaks and an Eggplant - S2-E5
Question: In an episode not long before this, Monica said that she is 26 years old. At the concert, she meets a young man who she used to babysit, and he is now a lawyer. Is she old enough to have babysat someone who now has that career?
Answer: It is never really made clear what the age difference was when she babysat for him. She mentions at one point that he was eight, but that is about it. It isn't stated how long he has been a lawyer, so perhaps he became a lawyer, and gotten a job at the firm he works for fairly recently.
Mr. Monk and the Election - S3-E15
Question: Mr. Monk, given all his quirks, is apprehensive to enter the voting booth and even comes back out due to his anxiety. My question is; do you have to be in the booth to vote? He had a paper ballot and there was no voting machine inside the booth. I saw a table and chairs in the background, so if Monk chose to, could he (or anyone) fill out the ballot at the table, in the open?
Answer: Yes, with a paper ballot, Monk (or anyone) can choose to fill it out at the table as long as they are not concerned about the lack of privacy.
Question: Did anyone know who killed The Husband's wife? It never shows or mentions who murdered her in this episode.
Answer: It's never known who was responsible.
Question: Why can't the kids tell the reporters that they found Chester Copperpot's remains at the entrance of the cave since he's been missing and dead for years as seen in the newspaper at the beginning?
Answer: Even though it's never seen, they might have told them eventually.
Question: When the Debutante examines herself in the mirror, why does she center on and support her breast just before doubling over in pain?
Answer: She was most likely giving herself a breast-self examination. Doing this would enable her to feel for lumps, distortion or swelling which if felt early would mean that she might have early stages of breast cancer and could get it checked immediately.
Her breast was sensitive and painful because she could sense that something wasn't right with her.
So the alien embryo inside of her body was giving her cancer?
No. It wasn't giving her cancer. She probably does a breast-self examination periodically to insure that there's nothing wrong with her breasts.
Plus, it wouldn't make any sense for an alien embryo to give her cancer since after giving birth to an alien hybrid she would immediately die.
Answer: She could feel discomfort in her breast as she moved her hands down to her stomach.
Question: How did they work out Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev were the bombers?
Answer: The Tsarnaev brothers were telegraphing their complicity in the bombings by their crimes as they were trying to escape Boston police, such as shooting the campus cop, carjackings, and throwing pipe bombs at the cops during curfew and a dragnet/door-to-door search in the area. Shootouts and throwing bombs at law enforcement officers after a deadly bombing would attract the attention of local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies.
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Answer: It's not a cloaking shield. It's a defensive barrier. There would be no need to have a cloaking shield within the city because anybody that's inside the city would seemingly already know that Wakanda is hidden.
Phaneron ★
The cloak is to hide the city. If Cap flew in and only saw trees...what is the Black Order looking at and talking to?
The cloaking shield is what hides the city from overhead view, so aircraft that fly over can't see that there's an advanced city hiding within what is believed to be a third-world country. The barrier around the palace is to prevent enemies from attacking. That's why the "space dogs" are being torn apart when they try to go through the shield. When it becomes apparent that they can get through the shield when they attempt to do so in large numbers, Black Panther orders a section of the shield to be opened in order to bottleneck the forces in so that they can't surround the palace and penetrate the shield from a side that's not as well guarded.
Phaneron ★
This wasn't an overhead view. They were flying low and in a straight line into trees that on the other side hid buildings that were the same height. They weren't looking down.
Irrelevant. The simple fact of the matter is the Wakandans build that shield, and they can do anything they want with it. Perhaps the cloaking part is discarded to boost the shield's defensive capabilities.
That's an illogical answer: they can do what they want. Perhaps? Where is that in the movie? These are guesses not answers.
Are you saying they don't have full control over their own shield that they designed and can manipulate very specifically, as seen in the movie?
"Perhaps the cloaking part is discarded to boost the shield's defensive capabilities." - where is that in the movie? This website would not exist if every response was "they can do whatever they want".
It is when we are talking about future technology in advanced civilizations. This entry is also a question, not a mistake. There is a simple explanation for it, so that is the answer.
This is a theory not an explanation. An explanation would be backed up by facts from the movie.
There isn't an in-film "explanation", but that's a distinction without a difference. If in a movie we see someone in one place and then several scenes later we're shown them somewhere else, there isn't an "explanation" for how they've got there, but there might be plenty of perfectly reasonable theories about how - drove themselves, got a ride, took the bus, etc. This is a wholly fictional technology and the "facts from the movie" are that people can talk through it, just like they can choose to open specific narrow sections. So we take at face value that it's possible, because there's no in-film reason to assume it isn't possible.