Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: In the flying lesson scene, what happened to Neville's broomstick? Was it bewitched? It did remind me of the scene where Harry had trouble with his broomstick.


Chosen answer: In the books they explain that the brooms for their lessons were old and getting worn, and some of their flying charms weren't working like they use to. Neville was exceptionally nervous about the flying lessons as he had never flown before. The combination of the crappy broom and his nervousness made the broom lose control.

Question: Voldemort asks the Death Eaters why they never came to his aid during the past thirteen years. But wasn't Lucius Malfoy working for him when he gave Ginny the horcrux diary in "Chamber of Secrets"?

Answer: Voldemort believes that his most loyal followers are in Azkaban, those that denied him or believed him dead are the ones still free. The followers that showed up that night either didn't look for him due to believing him dead, believing he lacked any true power, or due to them playing the innocents that were mind controlled into following him. Lucius was not working for Voldemort when he gave Ginny the journal, he wasn't even aware of what the journal truly was. Dumbledore stated to Harry that he believed that he was simply trying to get rid of a dark magic item that he had lying around and he gave it to Ginny due to his hatred of the Weasley's, specifically of Arthur. Dumbledore states that if Lucius had known what the journal truly was that he never would have given it to Ginny.

Chosen answer: He speaks in the book, actually, such as explaining that he flipped a coin to decide if he would participate in the game. He never felt emotion because of damage to his brain before he was born, which is why he's such a psychopath, but he didn't volunteer for the game. He was just part of the class that got selected, and had been forever. He actually had his own gang, who he kills at the beginning of the book.

Chosen answer: While no specific date is given, Mel Brooks wanted to do a tribute parody to the classic 1930's horror film, thus the Black and White film and the 30's style film techniques. However, Hans Delbrück (the brain Igor is suppose to steal) was a real-life person who died in 1929. Given that and the cars seen, it's a safe bet it's suppose to be set in the early 1930's.


Answer: Near the end of the film the (now improved) monster is in bed reading the Wall Street Journal. The article in the top left corner refers to the Brown Vs. Board of Education Supreme Court case after 25 years. That puts the film in 1979. (It was made in 1974.) Also, the young Dr. Frankenstein refers to his grandfather, the infamous Dr. Frankenstein. The original movie was made in 1931. That places the movie two generations later.


Answer: I would say yes they where planning on killing some of the mercs. There is one fact that shows that. if they had plan on putting all the mercs into the copter, then the guys in the engine car should have know at x time get out and move back to get into the copter, giving the fact that they are still in the engine car when it hits the other train tells me they didn't know.

Chosen answer: Dane's speech was for the benefit of the hostages, not mercs. (It could be assumed that they knew he was lying.) Near the end of the film, a helicopter appears the train and prompts the mercs to board. The pilot's announcement of the first pickup (who was actually the porter) as well as the pilot's reaction to the fight between the porter and the female merc indicates that he expected to pick all of them up.


Answer: It's unknown how the dog got into the treehouse. After the boys put their hands on top of each others, the dog puts his paw on and Rudy questions how the dog got in with none of the boys being able to give an answer.

Chosen answer: Obviously it is carried up there by one of the kids.


Question: What is Shane's quote in the last huddle? Something like pain is temporary...glory lasts forever"?

Answer: "Pain heals, chicks dig scars, glory lasts forever."

Question: When Michelle Stacy played Penny in the making of the film, did she pose for the drawings of Penny? Did Stacy even have to hang upside down in order to pose for the drawing of Penny held upside down by Brutus?

John Ohman

Chosen answer: As amusing as that would be, 99.9% chance she was not hung upside down from her undergarments.

Question: Why didn't Zod just terraform a different planet, like Jupiter? Why did he have to choose Earth?

Answer: For one, Jupiter is a gaseous planet with no rocky surface, and cannot be terraformed into a terrestrial world. To sustain life, a rocky planet must be in the habitable zone of its host star and have liquid water, an atmosphere, and so on. Zod chose Earth because he trailed Superman there, and also, because it is already habitable. He only needs to adapt it to his specific conditions.


Answer: The codex and scout ship with the genesis chamber were already on Earth as well as Zod wanted revenge on Jor-El and he doesn't care about humans so he had no interest in going off to another planet.

Question: In Godfather Part 2 Michael was convinced Fredo was the traitor in his family. Who opened the drapes in his bedroom, certainly not the nimble handed Fredo who couldn't hold a gun when his father was being gunned down. Who killed the 2 assassins after Michael told Rocco he wants them alive? If Fredo was the only traitor, as Michael said, can we really accept the premise that Fredo was capable of killing those two men? Fredo says to Michael "I got involved because Johnny Ola said you were being hard on the negotiations," letting in assassins to the compound doesn't fit with "being hard on the negotiations." It all doesn't make sense, can someone explain?

Answer: Fredo was not directly involved in the assassination attempt on Michael, nor did he know about it. He was duped by Ola and Roth into believing that they only wanted his help because Michael was being difficult during negotiations. Fredo was offered a large sum of money in exchange for some inside information that was then used to set up the assassination attempt. It's unknown who opened the drapes, how the assassins got in or who killed them, but it was not Fredo.


Answer: The assassins were probably killed by another member of Roth's crew that infiltrated the compound that night. That other member was probably instructed to kill the assassins after the deed was done to "tidy things up."

Chosen answer: He's too much of a bumbler and too cheery (for example when he tells the crew "good morning" and they wanted to know why it's so good.) They probably also see him as a fool and brown-noser since he's always trying to make Hook happy. To the crew he's just Hook's assistant and not a real pirate at heart.


Chosen answer: No specific year is given, but it's set in the early 1900's.


Question: I can't really tell who's who, but I remember one of the apes said not to tell Caesar about the gun they found. I'm certain it was Caesar who found the gun. Am I missing something?


Chosen answer: Milo found the gun, who was Caesar's son.


Question: When Nick first appears on the screen, he walks in front of a big truck driven by a ram. Is the ram driving the truck Doug (Bellwether's sniper who composes the serum)? Also, when Judy and Nick confront Bellwether at the museum, is Doug the ram who blocks the doorway (dressed as a cop) Judy and Nick try to escape through or a different ram?

John Ohman

Chosen answer: It is possible as this ram does sound very similar to Doug, but there are also many similar character models in the film that look the same but have very minor visual differences, the only true way to know would be if one of the creators reveled the identity of the ram.


Question: I never understood how, like in this movie, after they leave the lab of infectious viruses, does being sprayed down with hot water prevent them from being infected once they take the suit off. Can someone explain that to me?


Chosen answer: They would be sprayed with an antibacterial solution, and it is to prevent any contagion clinging to the outside of the suit from being transferred from one source to another while the protective gear is being handled.


Question: What evidence is there for the plausibility of hypnosis as it's portrayed in the film?

Answer: Hypnosis as seen in movies where people are put into a mindless trance and can then be controlled is impossible in real life.


Question: Smith asks Exley if he'd be wiling to shoot a criminal in the back to prevent a lawyer getting him off. Were the police really allowed to play judge, jury and executioner in the 50s?


Chosen answer: No they were not legally allowed to, but corrupt, rogue cops who brandished their own form of justice would do that type of thing.


Question: What happened at the crime scene at the start of the film when Somerset asks the other police officer if the victim had kids? (Before Somerset meets Mills).


Chosen answer: A woman shot her husband. The other detective on the scene says to Somerset, "he's dead, his wife killed him."


Answer: It doesn't have anything to do with the main plot of the movie. It's intended to show two things. That Somerset is quitting the police force, and that he values humanity and the world around him no matter how much he may want others to think.

Question: How far down was Anakin's left arm cut off? His right arm was cut down to just the elbow.

Answer: Anakin's rage drives him to make a deadly blunder, and he tries to attack Obi-Wan uphill; whereupon, Obi-Wan handily amputates both of Anakin's legs above the knee and amputates his left arm above the elbow.

Charles Austin Miller

Question: Why did Ocean's team leave the drill behind at Van der Woude's house? Was it to tip Isabel off about the Night Fox's involvement in the stealing of the document?

Answer: Isabel was going to find out they had been there anyway. There was no reason to hide their tracks by taking the drill back with them. The drill was going to be left behind anyway, it didn't have any purpose anymore.


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