Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Chosen answer: Because during this scene, Piper was only freezing the Innocents in order to draw out who the demons were. She has the ability to control her power to freeze only what/who she wants at a given time so when she was using her power here, all the demons would remain unfrozen as she intended. Cole knew she and her sisters were witches and what powers they had so he knew Piper could freeze. Since Piper was only focused on freezing the innocents, Cole was just pretending to be frozen in order to pass off being one. Remember, at this point, they do not know Cole is a demon.

But how did Cole know exactly when to freeze? He froze as soon as she froze the innocents.

Because he saw Piper trying to freeze the innocents in the courtroom and when they froze he most likely pretended to freeze because he assumed they had a plan that could most likely sabotage his cover. He also probably wanted to flush the demon judge out, which is why he killed him at the end because it interfered with his plans.

Chosen answer: Because they used the spell Prue developed so the others could use the astral projection power. It was their astral selves and those can't die.

Question: I just saw this movie for the first time and I have three questions for it. First, is Freddy supposed to be a ghost or something or did he not really die? Second, how was Nancy able to bring his hat back after her dream? Third, what was with the ending and Nancy's mom? Was it a dream or real?

Answer: 1. Freddy is the ghost of a child killer, he is very difficult to be rid of. He did not die at the end of this film. 2. It is possible to bring items and even people in and out of the dream world. Although it is never explained in detail how. 3. It was a dream, but as seen in the film, that's not a good thing.


Chosen answer: The character is Beorn and it is played by Mikael Persbrandt.

Greg Dwyer

Question: When they are preparing to attack the machine gun emplacement guarding the radar, Captain Miller asks 'Who's going left?' There's a long silence and finally Jackson responds that he'll do it - he'll go left. What is the significance of going left? I'm assuming that it is more dangerous, but if this is the case, why? Also, why does Captain Miller ask for volunteers for someone to go left? (As he picks himself and Mellish to go middle and right, respectively).


Chosen answer: There's no tree cover to the left. Whoever goes that way will likely be spotted and targeted before the others and get gunned down, but it's their best chance that one of them will make it into grenade range of the nest before they're all killed. It's not a job anyone sane would volunteer for, and the Captain is trying to get someone to volunteer so he doesn't have to potentially order TWO men to their deaths on a mission that all of them, including him, think isn't worthwhile.

Captain Defenestrator

Answer: Most people are not ambidextrous so running left means you'll have shoot left or use the right shoulder to shoot as you're running left which is much harder to do, try this out.

Answer: As I seem to remember, the squad a viewing the gun position from the side and the gun is viewed pointing from their right to left, correct. So if someone is going to the left and is by the MG crew they, as said MG crew turn the gun to bring them under fire, would more than likely be the first target in line.

Question: Why did Louis kill Church at the end? He only planned on killing Gage if he came back like Timmy Baterman did, and he could have just walked in after distracting Church with the meat.


Chosen answer: Church's behavior had changed after being buried. He was now violent (and working with Gage) and needed to be put down before killing anyone.


Question: Why would Ra be afraid of an uprising? He's got alien technology that he can fire at the people to keep them in line. Even if the people knew the truth, he could still use what he had to make sure everyone never opposed him, considering they had no technology to defend themselves.

Answer: A human uprising forced Ra to leave Earth thousands of years ago. He likely fears a second one could actually destroy him.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: When McClane is crawling up into the elevator shaft and the news reporter mentions Colonel Stewart, McClane looks at her and says "Stewart, that's who it was." Did he mean "That's who it was on the speaker." Or "That's the guy I bumped into today"?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: That's the guy he bumped into earlier, and didn't remember where he'd seen him from until she said his name.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: I don't get what happens at the end. Does Sean Connery come back to life? Someone please explain.

Answer: After Quartermain is buried, we see a witch doctor performing magic above his grave and the clouds darken indicating something is about to take place. The witch doctor is chanting "Return" and the grave begins to shake. Although we do not see Quartermain come back to life it is most definitely hinted that he did and left room for a sequel which never came to pass.

Question: I know Mr. B left the girls 1 million much did he leave Manly? Or did he leave Manly the mansion? And did the lawyer say he left the nephew nothing or zero?

Answer: Mr. B left the girls 100 million dollars. Manly was left with everything at the mansion including the mansion itself. The nephew got nothing.

Nephew got 2 cents.

I've always wondered what she said, because nothing, and zip, never matched up. 2 cents totally does.

It's many moons later but I'm glad you answered what Manly received. I was trying to read the lawyers lips but I didn't get Manly. I knew the nephew got zero; good.

He left the girls $100 billion. He was in the fabric industry. Worth well over $100 million. Manly the mansion and everything in it. 2 cents to the nephew.

Answer: Girls got 100 million dollars.

Did they get a million a piece.

They had 50 million a piece.

Answer: Nephew was left with zip.

Answer: Mr B told the lawyer to say, "I love you too," as a message to say he was on to him the whole time.

Question: When Professor Snape first talks to Harry about Occlumency, what is he doing with the leather belt thing on the table? He only points his wand at Harry when he casts a spell; it's unclear why anything in the belt was necessary.

Answer: These were instruments Snape probably intended to use at some point in teaching Harry Occlumency. Their contentious relationship had quickly ended their lessons before Harry learned this skill.


Answer: Shaun's last name is Riley. It can be seen on a poster ad from Shaun's DJ days.

Question: How did Rick got the tattoo on his arm in the first place and how did he know the reply for the riddle given by Ardeth?

Answer: In the movie, when Ardeth - after being given the correct answer to the riddle - claims that Rick has the "sacred mark" making him a "warrior for God", Rick says something like: "Nah, I got this slapped onto me while I was in an orphanage in Cairo." The explanation is simple: Rick was an orphaned child who was raised in Cairo, in an orphanage which belonged to the Medjai (who were very much infiltrated in the city, as evidenced further by the fact that Mr. Bey, the curator of Cairo's Museum of Antiquities, was a Medjai himself). Children in this orphanage were given the wrist tattoo which all Medjai are marked with when they come of age at sixteen, and were taught the riddle since the moment they were brought there. However, they were not told about the meaning of the riddle, nor were they made aware of the Medjai's existence as a society; the response was simply repeated to them until it was so ingrained in their memory, that upon hearing the riddle they would automatically offer the correct answer, thus allowing the Medjai asking the riddle to recognize them as part of their society. The reasons for the Medjai to own that orphanage to begin with are shrouded in mystery, but it can be speculated that they simply used it as a way to even further increase their numbers.


Question: Although I don't know for sure, I believe I read somewhere that the voice used for Joshua was John Wood (Falken) recording words backwards then reversing the tape so the words would come out forwards but in a machine-like sound. Is this correct?

Answer: Writer Walter Parkes explained they had John Wood read the dialog backwards to give it a flat tone (i.e. Game a play to like you would). Then after rearranging it they would synthesize and process it to give it an electronic quality.


Question: How exactly was Semos able to organize a rebellion against the humans, since he was just an ordinary ape who was trained for whatever assignment he would be needed for?

Answer: The dialogue recorded by one of the survivors of the Oberon tells that the apes, particularly Semos are much smarter than they had ever realized. He was not ordinary, he was the offspring of two chimps that had been genetically modified for increased intelligence. Semos had intelligence near or equal to humans.

Grumpy Scot

Question: Who was the mutant at the beginning and what did he (or she?) find? It was something like an iron X-men logo.

Pavel Soukup

Chosen answer: The character is never specifically named, but visually he is a reference to Nate Grey, a.k.a. X-Man.


Answer: As for what was found, my opinion is that it was a belt buckle from an X-Men uniform.


Question: Is it ever established why the Kaiju attack cities? Why they perceive a challenge, a threat, a resource worth taking there specifically? If they are a decent biochemical match to Earth life, and are hungry, why don't they attack schools of fish, or fishing/whaling vessels, if nothing else, they should attack the cannery row? If they are after a non-living resource, like minerals, why don't they root through the seabed or attack mines?


Chosen answer: Because they are scouts for an invasion of Earth from another dimension. They are testing our response to their arrival and military capabilities and the best way to attract military attention is to attack population centers.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: According to the Internet search I did, that last song for this episode is, "Morning After Dark," by Timbaland.


Question: Is it realistic that Mars vehicles like Mark's rover or in some scenes his handcart would use rubber tyres? No Mars rover before used them and I would think they could not stand the low Martian atmosphere and temperature differences.


Chosen answer: Whatever was used before on Mars is irrelevant as to date, only robotic vehicles have been used. As this is depicting how humans would live and function on Mars, the vehicles would be designed quite differently. Presumably, the "rubber" tires have been specially manufactured to withstand Martian conditions. Mostly likely they would be solid and not have an inner tube filled with air or some other gas that is affected by the atmosphere.


Answer: She's a collector.


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