Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: As I always understood Ant-Man, he always retained the same mass, regardless of his physical size. When he reduces his size, he still retains about 160 lbs of mass, which makes him more formidable, like a 160 lb grain of sand. When he enlarges, even to gigantic size, he is still only 160 lbs. So, how can he kick vehicles around in the airport scene?

Charles Austin Miller

Chosen answer: We never get a specific explanation to what happens to him when he enlarges. Hank Pym explains to him that when he shrinks, it's the result of reducing the distance between atoms which is why he retains his original mass. However, being a giant with a mass and strength of only 160lbs would not be very advantageous in a fight, so they must have found a way for him to grow in size and strength in this situation. Ultimately, we just don't know - the movies and comics differ in a great many respects, so there's just not enough information to work with. Might technically qualify as a mistake, but it's something which could easy be solved with an in-universe answer, however scientifically dubious.


Answer: The White Hats are the social elite and the cheese they enjoy is a status symbol. Snatcher is emulating the social group he desperately wants to join, even though he is severely lactose intolerant.


Question: Why didn't Lotso just press the button to turn off the incinerator? Also can someone explain why he said where is Andy now?


Chosen answer: Lotso did not turn off the incinerator because Woody and the other toys were a threat to his rule at the daycare. Even though he was kicked out by Baby with the other toys gone he could manipulate and gain his leadership back. He says "where is Andy now" as a taunt to the toys. Woody and the others spend the movie trying to get back to Andy but when they are in trouble Andy is not there for them.

Question: What breed of horses are used for Arthur and his knights? It looks like Galahad is using a different breed of horse than everyone else.

Answer: Most of them are Friesian or Friesian crosses but but some are Andalusian.

Question: Did Ricky have a mental disability? He is pretty strange, and it was mentioned that he was in a mental hospital, I thought maybe he had aspergers or autism.

Answer: There's no mention that he had a mental disorder. He likely suffers from the emotional abuse his father inflicted on him throughout his entire childhood, which included sending Ricky to a military academy and forcibly committing him to a psychiatric facility (for unknown reasons). This probably contributed to Ricky's later eccentric behavior and drug use.


Question: Priscilla tells Rango that Rattlesnake Jake never comes to Dirt due to his fear of the hawk, and much later after Rango kills the bird, Jake shows up. Shouldn't Jake have known that the shadow of the hawk wasn't the real thing since it was dead?

Answer: There's more than one hawk in the world.


Answer: He also may not have known. He doesn't seem to fear or respect Rango at first so if he had known that Rango had killed the hawk he might have acted differently.

Answer: Apparently, the producers wanted a specific look for the face that would be unveiled by the removal of the surgical bandages. Actress Donna Douglas was that face chosen to portray the "ugly" woman, outcast from a State Dictatorship of pig-faced humanoids which values conformity over all else. The voice of actress Maxine Stuart was chosen to portray the desperation and urgency of a patient whose only goal is to fit the "norm." It may seem unusual that they couldn't find one actress with both the looks and the voice required by the role. In this case, it added a certain level of surprise at the reveal, as the face we see isn't the one most of us imagined by the voice alone. But it isn't the only time in Hollywood history when voice and actor haven't matched. Singing voices in musicals were often dubbed over by an alternative performer, rather than finding one actor/actress who could both act and sing the role. And dubbing of a different voice actor has also been used for dramatic effect in other instances, as well. Chalk it up to a dramatic decision.

Michael Albert

Pretense - S3-E15

Question: Either it was explained in this episode and I missed it or maybe it was explained in a later episode and I haven't seen it yet, but I have always been curious. If the Asgard were able to remove the Goa'uld from Skaara, then why couldn't they do the same with Teal'c?


Chosen answer: Skaara has a Goa'uld in his head controlling him. Removing it returns him to a normal human being. Teal'c has a Goa'uld in a sac in his stomach. The Goa'uld in Teal'c acts as his immune system and helps him to have a very long life span. Removing it would kill him.

Question: Why couldn't Po open the gates to the ceremony but his father could when Oogway declares Po the Dragon Warrior?

Roman Curiel

Chosen answer: They were locked.


Why lock them at the beginning of the ceremony only to unlock them before it's over? I believe this is a continuity error.

Question: How come Bilbo never told the dwarves that Gandalf had lied about him being a burglar? When Bilbo found out he was shocked so why didn't he say something like, "I'm afraid Gandalf lied to you. I'm not nor have I ever been a burglar"?

Answer: Gandalf has already convinced the dwarves Bilbo is a burglar and Bilbo realised he needs a lot to convince them otherwise. Bilbo is also intimidated by Gandlaf and confused about his claims so he is not sure how to handle the situation.


Chosen answer: Wolverine was in the middle of laying waste to Stryker's facility, releasing his mutant prisoners and battling Deadpool/Weapon XI. Wolverine is a big liability to Stryker at this point and he wants to eliminate him.


Chosen answer: It is a fictional device that translates their barks into English (or, presumably, other human languages). It is impossible to say more than that because such a machine does not exist outside of the film.

Question: Who was the actress who played the servant who cleared the patio table of dirty dishes? She asked Uncle Max if he wanted more strudel. When Uncle Max asked how much strudel he had eaten, she replied he had eaten two.

Answer: There were several uncredited roles in 1965's "Sound of Music, " and the role of the maid on the terrace appears to be one of them. A search of the Internet Movie Database (IMDB), as well as a search of the original Lehman screenplay and production notes, reveals no clue as to the character's name or the identity of the actress.

Charles Austin Miller

Chosen answer: Amy said she needed to take some time away from the relationship because she feared that their relationship wasn't going anywhere. They had already been dating for five years and they haven't actually gotten intimate after all this time, and when Sheldon asks if he should start watching The Flash, she was worried that he wasn't giving her as much attention towards her as she would have thought given the years that they had been dating.

Casual Person

Question: Why is Ronan able to hold the Infinity Stone? Isn't he a mortal like Peter?

Answer: As a Kree, he has superior physical and mental strength that allows him to briefly hold the Infinity Stone, just as Peter held it briefly. But if he had held it longer he would have been destroyed, although he would be able to hold it longer than most. This is why he was trying to embed the stone into his Cosmi-Rod.


Question: What is the musical song called that's played during Otter and Mrs. Wormer's affair in Otter's bedroom?

Answer: It's Bossa Nova music that has no title. It was incidental music composed by Elmer Bernstein for the film.


It's the theme from A Summer place.

The theme from "A Summer Place" is playing when Mrs. Wormer comes into the house. But it's not what is playing when they get into the room.


Question: Vincent and Mia are shown smoking cigarettes inside Jackrabbit Slim's, but California has long been known to have some of the most restrictive anti-smoking laws in the US. While I'm aware that neither Vincent nor Mia was exactly law abiding, was smoking in restaurants in California still allowed at the time this film was made?


Chosen answer: California passed a ban on restaurant smoking in 1994, as part of labor policies meant to protect the health of employees (such as bartenders, waitresses and bellhops) from the risks of secondhand smoke. However, "Pulp Fiction" was produced in 1993 and was released in 1994. The actual law did not take effect until 1995.

Question: How did Lieutenant Dan find out about Forrest and Jenny's wedding? Forrest appears to be surprised to see him there, and Jenny had never met him before.

Answer: Presumably, Forrest called Dan and invited him. He seemed surprised to see Dan standing. The last time Forrest saw Dan he was in a wheelchair. His reaction was all about Dan's "magic legs".


Question: What did Jenny's boyfriend, Wesley, mean when he referred to Forrest as a "baby-killer"?

Answer: He is referring to Forrest having fought in the Vietnam War.


Answer: Baby-Killer was a term that anti-war protestors used to describe soldiers who fought in Vietnam. This was because a lot of innocent babies were killed by soldiers during the Vietnam War along side men, women, and children. Https://

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