Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: In Grandpa's prediction in church, what was the meaning of the "thousand eyes" or something like that? We didn't see whether Marge figured it out.

Answer: It refers to the multi-eyed mutant squirrel that was created by all the pollution in Lake Springfield. Marge probably figured it out, but it was not shown on screen.


Question: I read that Bail Organa was going to have a female aide/assistant in this movie, but George Lucas wanted her removed because the actress who played her posed for Playboy magazine. Was her name still in the credits, or are there any scenes where they forgot to or couldn't remove her image?

Answer: The character that you're thinking of wasn't an assistant to Bail Organa, but was a Senator named Bana Breemu, who was working covertly with Organa, Padme and several other Senators to persuade Palpatine to attempt a diplomatic solution to the war. While Bai Ling, the actress who played Breemu, did pose naked for Playboy, Lucas has always denied that this was the reason for the cuts, stating that the subplot involving the group of concerned Senators was cut from the film several months prior to her Playboy appearance. The deleted scenes in question were included on the DVD release - if Lucas was really that concerned about her Playboy appearance, he could easily have left them out.


Question: When Dooku asks Obi-Wan to join him, does he really want to destroy the Sith, or does he have another plan?

Answer: Of course he doesn't want to destroy the Sith - he is a Sith. He's using disinformation to distract Obi-wan, put him off-guard and make him look elsewhere for Sith involvement. If he does persuade Obi-wan to join him, then he gets a possible mole inside the Jedi Order and somebody who he might influence into a potential apprentice. If Obi-wan doesn't, but manages to escape, then he'll have the Jedi Order off balance trying to deal with the new information. If Obi-wan doesn't escape and dies in the arena, then Dooku's lost nothing by giving him information.


He also wants to overthrow Palpatine at some point, as is the Sith way, so turning Obi-Wan would give him an ally in his own plans against Palpatine.

Question: What are the "accidents" that Jar-Jar caused and got banished for?

Answer: It's never stated in a canon source, but according to Wookipedia, the accidents were: (1) destroying a gasser oven during a party Boss Nass threw, and (2) crashing Boss Nass' heyblibber, which is essentially a more luxurious version of a Gungan Bongo.

Cubs Fan

Question: I've seen this movie a couple of times, but I still don't get the deal with the man in the car that Sam goes to at night. What was he going to do?

Answer: Male prostitution.


Question: Couldn't almost any continuity "mistake" be attributed to the Overlook's ability to "shine" or control Jack's mind and perceptions of his surroundings? Or are there only certain missing/moved/incongruous items that were deliberate examples of the hotel "shining"?

Answer: One could argue that point, but Kubrick likely had specific incidences in mind, and others are genuine oversights of the editor.


Question: Has JK Rowling ever stated what would have happened if Harry had joined Slytherin and/or become a Dark Wizard? Would Voldemort have sought to slay or recruit him? The scene where he's provoking Harry into using the Unforgiveable Curse on Bellatrix got me thinking.

Answer: She's never said, but I should think Voldemort would see Harry as an even larger threat if he'd joined Slytherin/become a Dark Wizard. Voldemort would assume that Harry would still be trying to kill him, but to take over his rule instead of ridding the world of it.


The Son Also Draws - S1-E6

Question: When Peter is lost in the woods and one of the trees is fallen over, another tree says "I'm playing the world's smallest violin." What does that mean?

Answer: It's one of those kid comebacks for someone complaining. Make the OK sign and rub your thumb and finger together. Then you say you are playing the world's smallest violin and it's playing My Heart Cries For You.


Question: Several times in the movie one character is able to ascertain in which hotel room another character is staying simply by asking the front desk for the room number. Was this realistic at the time the movie was made? Today, a hotel would never divulge a guest's room number to a stranger, since such information could potentially be used by burglars and/or predators to gain access to hotel rooms. Was security really that lax in the 1950s?

Answer: Not really. You could (and at some hotels are still able to) keep your room number private or you could not - i.e. you could ask the hotel staff to keep your number secret from strangers, or you could ask them to tell anyone who might ask. Not having seen this movie, I don't know how likely it would be in the situations you speak of that the hotel guest would choose the latter option- it might be a mistake.


Answer: Yes, security was that lax in the 1950s and beyond. People could acquire all kinds of information about individuals from various types of businesses. Not all were so careless, but many were or they naively didn't see a concern. In the late 1980s, I was a student at a university where a non-university person obtained his ex-girlfriend's class schedule simply by requesting it in-person from the registrar's office. Using that information, he was able to locate and fatally shoot her on campus.


Question: I have heard many times that there is an accidental car in this movie. I have watched the scene where this reportedly occurs many many times and I still cannot see the car. I have seen the smoke/dust rising in the background which is reportedly dust being kicked up by the car but i cannot see the car itself. I have the Extended VHS version of the movie- is the car more visible in different versions? Please tell me anything you can that will make this car more visible to me.


Chosen answer: The car was erased digitally before VHS tapes or DVDs were made, so it is not visible in the film itself, in any version. However, on the DVD, in the Music Documentary feature, the car is still visible.


Question: When Legolas says "Aragorn, something's out there!" Why does he speak in Elvish? Gimli cannot speak Elvish and there is no reason for Legolas to not want Gimli to hear what he is saying.


Chosen answer: Legolas was speaking in Elvish so that the whoever or whatever was out there would not understand. It is more likely "it" would understand if Legolas were to speak in english and therefore make their surprise counter-attack void.


Question: I know that Nuke is a drug but what kind of drug and why dose everyone want the drug so bad.

Answer: We're never given specifics about it, but we do know it's the most addictive drug in history.

Question: What's the significance of PFC Louden Downey not being in his room when the "Code Red" was given?

Answer: It'll be considered hearsay.

Answer: The point is that he wasn't there when the lieutenant ordered the code red. The lance corporal told him LT Kendrick had ordered the code red, but since he didn't hear it himself he couldn't testify to that fact.


Answer: In addition to the previous answers, it was also particularly devastating to the defense because Kaffee and his team had believed that both Downey and Dawson were present when the order was given; this was what Dawson had led them to believe, since, in his mind, an order from Kendrick via Dawson was the same as an order directly from Kendrick. Therefore, Kaffee et al. were blindsided in open court by the revelation that Downey wasn't there.

Question: What footage was cut from the original but was added in the Uncut DVD?

Answer: The sex scene was toned down for the theatrical release.


Question: Obi-wan tells the Gungans that they are connected with the Naboo people, and that what happens to one will affect the other. How are the Gungans useful to the Naboo people?

Answer: Put simply, the two exist side-by-side on Naboo. Inevitably, choices made by one group will have an effect, major or minor, on the other, and if the two do not work together, this will invariably lead to friction between the races. While the details of what each group can bring to the arrangement remain unclear, what is undeniable is that the two races, and thus the planet itself, will be enhanced if the Naboo and the Gungans pool their efforts and collaborate.


Question: Is it possible that the planets in star wars exist? i know it's science fiction, but it does take place a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.

Answer: Sheer improbability aside, there's no reason we know of that they shouldn't.


Question: Is Harry the New Goblin, Hobgoblin, or Goblin Jr? I've heard all of them used while people talked about Spider-Man 3.

Answer: The "official" full-length title is "New Green Goblin" but he is often referred to on licensed products simply as "New Goblin." In comic book continuity terms, he'd be Green Goblin II.


Show generally

Question: How much do the friends make at their different jobs during the seasons? Could they afford the apartments they're living in?

Answer: Monica's apartment is rent controlled so she has no problem. Chandler has a regular job for most of the time he and Joey live together and it's clear that he pays for most of the apartment and related bills. Phoebe stays in various places where she doesn't have to pay and seems to end up in her grandmother's former apartment which may also be rent controlled (or owned by her grandmother and left to Phoebe). She is the only one whose income vs expenses doesn't really match up, although in later series she starts working at a professional massage parlour which may pay at least half decent money.


Show generally

Question: Why is there a lot of talking and off screen watching of porn in this show? It's treated like it is very common to do so.

Answer: Eh, it is common but nobody likes to admit it. Porn is a huge industry in the US and worldwide so somebody must be watching.


Answer: There is an apartment with 2 men who are mostly single, until Chandler and Monica get together in S5. When one of them spends most of their time at home as an out of work actor, it's bound to have a few jabs at the subject.

Question: When Hayley is doing her dance routine, does anyone know the name of the song that is playing?

Answer: "Our Lawyer Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued" by Fall Out Boy.


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